Wednesday, April 15, 2020

CAS Mix Up Reminder and a Farewell

Hello and welcome

I'm here with my reminder card for this months' challenge at

You still have time to submit your entry and it's lovely to see how many of you have already done so.

To make this card, I partially stamped and clear embossed the Echinacea using distress oxide ink onto a square piece of card... It stays wet long enough to add embossing powder. I then used various shades of D/O's to blend over the entire piece.

Using the same method as my first card,  I took a little bleach and a paintbrush to remove the colour from the petals and leaves and added a little splattering too.

A couple of die cuts and an embossed sentiment finished the card.

Once again the team have created an array of beauties to inspire you... Go on over to the blog and take a peak.

Sadly this will be my last card as a team member, I have decided it's time for me to step down. 
I've been so privileged to have been part of an amazing team and want to say
A huge THANK YOU to Loll and Bonnie for the opportunity.
I will certainly continue to follow the challenges and play along when I can.

Enjoy your day my friends and stay safe

~ Ros ~



  1. What a beautiful card Ros and the effect of the bleaching is stunning x. Wonderful tones of blue against the crisp white card. You will be missed Ros and thank you for the wonderful inspiration x.

  2. I love the pure pastel aura to this beauty. No fussing, a beautiful image with a little bleaching, perfection!
    So sad to see you go, but will look forward to you entries, you are amazing!
    ...until next time xx

  3. The blue tones looks wonderful against the white card Ros, and the bleaching has work well to make the flowers really stand out. I love the circle die cut you have placed under the edge of the topper. It is sad that you have decided to step down from the team but I know we will still see lots of your creations which is always a joy. x

  4. I'm so sad you are leaving the team, Ros, but cherish the time we've had together and you as a friend. You are so inspiring and this card is a perfect example! Love the sweet flowers and the white die cut tucked behind the main image. A technique that I'm sure to borrow from time to time. Thanks so much for all you've added to the CAS team. xoxo

  5. Wow Ros, beautiful colour. Love your monochromatic card and I really need to pull out my bleach.
    Sorry you're leaving CAS Mix up, you are so talented :) but I'm looking forward to seeing your designs when you play along.

  6. Leave it to you, Ros, to say goodbye so beautifully! You do have a style all your own, my friend!
    Take care, and keep those cards coming, please!

  7. Your card is beautiful, as always Ros! Love the blue heat embossed cone flowers. The bleaching really looks amazing with this image. Fantastic design with your die-cut circles.

    So sorry that you are leaving the team, I will miss you! Thank you so much for sharing your amazing artistic talents with us. You are an inspiration! Take care and hope to see you in the gallery. Love, Loll

  8. So beautiful and I'm so happy YOU introduced me to this technique! I'm sure you saw that ALL the Double D ladies joined in this one! YOU were our inspiration! I have to remember this technique as I truly enjoyed and love the outcome. They will be great cards for my craft shows.
    Thanks my friend ... stay well!

  9. Ooops ... I miss spoke, it was Diane & I that joined you on this challenge. But YOU were still our inspiration!! And you always are!!

  10. Your lovely circles die cut accent your image wonderfully Ros - so pretty in the blue with the partial bleaching of the petals! xx

  11. So simple, yet so beautiful! Someone once told me you could emboss DOX, but I forgot, and now I'll probably forget again. I love the look of this. They'll miss your talents on the team, Ros.

  12. They will certainly miss your creative takes on the challenges, Ros! I really love the look you achieved here--beautiful!

  13. Beautiful shades of Distress Oxide Inked background, Ros! Your Echinacea are so pretty!
    The circle die-cuts are a wonderful addition.
    Sad to see you go but I know I'll be able to see your wonderful creations in the blogland.
    It's been a great pleasure to be on the same DT. Thank you so much for your inspiration!
    Hideko xx

  14. A beautiful CAS card Ros. I never knew you could emboss using d/o's, I must give that a try sometime. The bleaching displays very well on your Echinacea, and such a beautiful blue. Your die cuts in behind just add that bit of extra, which is why I love your cards so much. You have a great eye for detail. You will certainly be missed Ros. Take care,

  15. This card is simply fabulous Ros, your signature clean and simple with one colour really blows me away... love it, hugs Robyn stay safe

  16. You certainly are an expert on this technique as your beautiful card shows. I think I need a lot of practice lol!! I am truly sure the team will miss you..a lot!!

  17. Sorry to see you go from the team Ros you will be missed. Lovely card!

  18. That's a truly stunning creation - all the different shades of blue are... mesmerizing!

  19. This looks gorgeous. Great colour and fab results from the bleaching.
    So sorry that you are leaving the team .... you'll be missed. Thank you for all your inspiration and I hope to see more of your lovely designs in the gallery, Best wishes hun xx


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