Friday, July 17, 2020

Some Oldies

Hello there... 

I can't say that I have been inspired to craft or paint lately... I'm fine, I'm just taking a little break from things.
I've still a few paintings that I haven't shared with you before

 These were done way back in April when I was first experimenting

It took a lot of trial and error to find what brushes work for me and of course shapes and colours

I'm a little more confident now but I still like these 

Teaching myself to paint became my haven when Covid first started... I'm curious as to whether you tried anything new whilst being isolated?

We're still very cautious and I don't go out unless I have to... I went for my blood tests yesterday and it was all done by appointment. Of course you are required to wear a mask which I always do but it was so alarming to see that the only other person wearing a mask at the medical centre was the nurse who took the blood! I had to walk past other workers with no covering at all... Crazy!

Stay safe and happy my friends

~ Ros ~


  1. More beautiful watercolours Ros.x

  2. All lovely, your paintings have been wonderful from the start, but the lines become a bit freer perhaps with practice. I have had a go at painting my own flowers, and am about to put a second one up which is different to the first, not sure about it but will show it. I have sent it off to somebody so hope they liked it anyway. Take care. x

  3. So beautiful, so unique and so you Ros x. I am so glad you shared these beauties with us and that you have enjoyed learning a new skill through lockdown x. Stay safe and happy too Ros x.

  4. I love oldies, especially when this lovely! You've done a fine job of teaching yourself to create these little darlings, Ros!
    We [and when I say we I mean Tom] has jumped onto the bread baking bandwagon! But, honestly? Life hasn't changed all that much - except me cooking WAY TOO MUCH from necessity!

  5. I would never guess that these were some of your beginner work, Ros! They are beautiful and professional looking! What wonderful varieties of flower, colors and containers! I'm still not going out and wear a mask when I do. There are way too many people out there who won't wear a mask. More and more are getting sick too.

  6. Your paintings are amazing and I can see why you like them, absolutely beautiful! The only things I have started since the virus is ordering all kinds of new stamps~dies~stencils and a few new powders which I brought with me here to play with. I have done a few fun backgrounds I will put to use once we are home for a bit whenever that will be. We are required to wear a mask in any public place here in Michigan and limited amount of people in stores at a time, these are crazy and NOT fun times now for sure, I pray for it all to be over, but it seems to just be getting worse! Anyhow, weather here nice on lake but we are to have storms here today and tomorrow...take care my friend!

  7. I commend you my friend for teaching yourself to paint during this trying time! You obviously have a natural nack for it! These works are beautiful!! The only thing I can 'paint' are my livingroom walls! LOL
    Yes, it's a crazy world we live in today! But I must say all of our medical offices require a mask before you are even allowed to walk in the door then you have your temperature taken before even going back to see the doctor or technician! Of course, numbers have spiked here in our county so our governor has put a mandatory mask order in place. BUT there are still those people who will NOT wear a mask! I don't understand it! If EVERYONE would just do those THREE things for a month I feel sure we could get this virus under control. WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE??? Ugh
    Ok getting off my soap box LOL ... thanks for sharing your beautiful creations and I understand the lack of crafting mojo right now ... I felt that way all week but I attributed it to that milestone (70) birthday I just had ... I didn't realize it would hit me so hard but it sure did! I'm over it now (thankfully) so onward & upward! Hope you days get better too! BIG CYBER HUGS my friend!

  8. GORGEOUS as always Ros! Your self teaching has really paid off...they just keep getting better and better, and as I said before...I'll never get tired of looking!! I've been watching a lot of Gina K's live videos and learning (or re-learning) lots of techniques that has kept me from going too stir crazy! Reading lots too. And now just trying to stay cool as well as holding on to my sanity! Glad to hear you are hanging in there too! Take care and continue to stay safe! Hugs. :0)

  9. Oldies but GOODIES for sure!!
    Sandy xx

  10. Two beautiful pots of painted flowers, Ros. I am amazed at how even your 1st paintings were so perfect. You definitely have a talent for painting, my friend.

    I have spent more time watching stamping technique videos and trying out several new to me techniques. I also have spent time recently adding Christmas cards to my stash. I am now up to 37:-) A new technique..Split 4 Stamping (I used stenciling too) has been great. You get 4 finished cards in no time at all:-) I will be posting some of these cards in the near future:-)

    Of course, doing lots of gardening, etc too with more time, since we are spending all our time at home:-) Yes, we do social distance and wear masks!!

    TFS and always inspiring me, my friend. Love and Hugs...Nancy

  11. I always enjoy seeing your paintings, Ros, so pretty!! Things are getting more strict here regarding masks due to cases rising again. Certain stores are now requiring masks and some cities, too. The governor for Ohio said he will mandate masks if cases keep rising. Anyways, I have been baking more and just made another pie yesterday...chocolate peanut butter pie. So yummy and very rich. I couldn’t finish my slice and hubby didn’t mind finishing it for me, lol! Take good care and thank you for sharing your lovely paintings!

  12. So pretty Ros, I'm always in awe of your hand painted water colour cards :)

  13. No one would ever know that this are some of your first tries with hand painting Ros. They are both so gorgeous! I love all the shading and definition that gives them so much dimension. xx

  14. I can't even imagine what is not totally perfect about these paintings. They look wonderfully beautiful and sweet to me! I didn't do anything particularly constructive while isolating. Living where we do we were able to be outside a lot without being near people. I planted more flower pots than usual this year and I worked in the back yard more. Your COVID cases will skyrocket if people aren't more careful. I feel angry when I see people in stores without masks, especially since there is a mask mandate in our state currently. Some people still think it's a hoax, grrrr.

  15. You've got to be kidding me! Your medical offices don't require masks?! You can't go into an office with someone & everyone gets their temp taken first thing. And of course everyone must have on a mask. So not all the stupidity in the world is in the USA, as I've been thinking these days! Don't think we'll be able to go where we want for a long time. Cases keep growing & the government is failing us! I love your paintings, Ros--every one of them is a treasure!

  16. The cards are beautiful Ros in every way! You would never guess these were designed at your beginning stages. You amaze me! I can't believe only one person in the medical office you were at wore a mask! I went for blood work last month, and all staff were wearing a mask as well as a face shield. More places are fully opened here in Ontario with a couple of exceptions - Toronto being one that is still at stage 2. I'm still very skeptical at going anywhere and I always wear my mask. Sounds like I'll still be working from home for quite sometime, which I'm okay with. Stay safe Ros, and sorry for the late comment on your post. Hugs,

  17. I wish I could say I found some hidden wonderful talent I have during this pandemic, but, alas, I haven't. I'm so happy for you that you did because your little paintings are mini works of art and I'm delighted to be the proud owner of one! These are so charming and so well done, Ros, it's hard to believe these are your practice pieces!

    I'm glad you are well and being cautious, but I'm with you on being alarmed to hear that everyone wasn't wearing a mask. Especially at a medical center! I do hope you get some spunk back soon and pick up your brushes again. I know I would be in a straight jacket by now if it weren't for this hobby!! Keep safe! Hugs, Darnell

  18. I am so happy that you found painting as creative expression during this awful pandemic, Ros... you're work is so nice, dainty and inspiring... painter I'm not but I love to colour with pencils and now combining with watercolours - so that could be my relaxing spot... although I have slowed a bit with card making, fitting in time to finish off and start crochet projects.. I'm thoroughly enjoying this and with the weather still coolish I can keep this up till the humidity sets in. Medical visits can an eye opener... you just wonder about people... we had a young man sprout out on TV news - he wasn't worried and nothing was stopping him going to work and out for entertainment...... so never mind his family and what that might entail if he bought home a 'bug'.. Our southern states are having a second outbreak and it's scary, so many of the aged folk, glad our state premier has closed our border to visitors. Enough said, keep safe hugs Robyn

  19. It seems you took up the right thing during the pandemic. I got a little into knitting lately... mainly (with all the visitors mentioned earlier) because it is something I can do while chatting. Or so I think. Nothing new other than that - also got into watching all 10 seasons of Friends (while knitting!!).


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