Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Under The Sea

 Hello there... How are you?

I seem to be posting less and less, I just don't know where the days are going.  I'm so used to quiet stay at home days, anything other than that is 'busy' and the past week has been just that. I had a visit from my nephew which was so lovely! I hadn't seen him since January and it was such a treat. Then a trip to the optician for my eye test and a few days later my new glasses were ready to collect. I even got to see my chiropodist - Talk about an exciting time Lol!

We had some very hot days and then the rain and storms came which to be honest I was grateful for. The trouble is, when it rains here it forgets to stop and today has been a dull wet day. A day to put aside my sewing machine and get out my paints again. They took me under the sea...

I stamped and embossed the trailing vines (upside down) and drew a few rocks... It's not easy to see but there is a bit of sparkle there as I stamped a couple of vines and embossed them with a glitter powder

And another one...

I turned it a little so you can see the sparkle

I haven't really had much inspiration but I like doing this type of card.

Thanks so much for all your kind messages following the loss of our cousin... It's hard not being able to go visit the family but so many are in the same situation - Just the times we are living in.

I hope to catch up with you all soon, till then be safe, be well

~ Ros ~


  1. I am mesmerized by your ocean floor scenes! Each one is gorgeous!

  2. Hi Ros, I'm just about to "catch up" on my commenting (a week behind), when I spotted your latest cards. Had to come check them out first. :) Gorgeous underwater scenes. The colours are so spectacular and perfect with those glittery vines. Very inspiring cards, my friend!

    So sorry to hear about the passing of your cousin. It's hard when you can't be with family to give and receive support. Take care. xx

  3. These are beautiful Ros and I love the blue/green backgrounds and love the sparkly embossed vines with the black ones and your added stones with the white highlights, they both look fantastic. Glad you had a visit from your nephew and sorted your feet and eyes, and all in one Hubby and I went to the dentist this week and it wasn't too bad, but I wouldn't say they did a lot as they weren't allowed to..we couldn't even rinse our mouths, but never mind at least our teeth were fine. I have to say that all the inertia has made me find any trip out to be a major operation and I think I have slowed nearly to a full x

  4. What a lovely week you've had Ros x. Both cards are amazing, with wonderful underwater colours and I can see the beautiful sparkle too x.

  5. WOW these paintings are just gorgeous! LOVE your designs and the colors are beautiful! You are SO creative and I love seeing your designs! It appears I've missed several of your earlier posts (how did that happen???) which by the way are all so inspirational! I'm so sorry to hear of your loss ... yes a difficult time for families to draw comfort when we can't gather together due to Covid-19. Wishing you a beautiful day ahead! Thanks again for always brightening my day with your handywork.

  6. I can feel the cool waters surrounding me as I dive into your card. Beautifully done! You and Bonnie are my go to gals for inspiration!
    Sandy xx

  7. Such beautiful underwater scenes and so creative! I can see the sparkle on each and I imagine IRL they are even more so, so very gorgeous!! We need rain here it is so dry. We just came home for a few days to pay bills and do what needs to be done here then headed back for our last big 'hooray' at the lake house, the summer sure went fast but I feel blessed at least we were able to have a nice summer away though a bit lonely! Take care my friend, can't wait to see more of your lovely paintings!

  8. Two Gorgeous underwater scenes, Ros. Love your painted rocks, upside down stamped plants, colors and glitter. TFS my friend. Glad you got a break from the heat and how nice to have a visit from your nephew. You sure did have a busy week. Take care...Love and Hugs..Nancy

  9. I don't swim a stroke, Ros, but I'm so happy to observe your underwater scenes! Brilliant use of the vines as stand-ins for this aquatic seaweed! You haven't mentioned the background pieces... sorry, if I've missed it, but are these alcohol inks or watery smooshed? Either way they are just extraordinary!
    I've missed the sad news of your cousin... so very sorry for your loss, Ros. xx

  10. The blues and greens in your sea are so rich and beautiful, Ros! The black plants and rocks play off the colors beautifully and I love the sparkle! Awesome cards, my friend!

  11. How wonderful to have a visit with your nephew, Ros! It’s so special when you can get caught up with family and see them, especially during these trying times. I hope to see my sisters in a few days to celebrate birthdays. Your paintings are gorgeous! I really do love the pretty blues and greens! It makes me want to swim under the water and do some snorkeling! Lovely vines and sparkle, too! Thank you for sharing your amazing paintings! Take care, hugs!!

  12. such beautiful colours for your backgrounds. the blues and greens are perfect for underwater scenes :)

  13. Is there anything prettier than blues and greens together??!! Both of your cards are absolutely BEAUTIFUL Ros and I could stare at them all day long! Glad that you got to spend time with your nephew...sometimes something as simple as conversation can be so uplifting after being in isolation for so long!! Take care and hang in there...we WILL get through this!! :0)

  14. I really love your paintings, Ros! These are both so soothing & beautiful! Love the added sparkle! We finally got just a little rain, but it's better than nothing. At least we cooled down a bit. Fall is going to be so welcome--weather wise. Hopefully the flu shots will be very effective this year!

  15. Beautiful underwater scenes you have created Ros! Actually kind of mesmerizing, I can't stop looking at them. Love your blue/green backgrounds - distress inks?, just gorgeous! I can see the sparkle on your vines - gorgeous! I'm sure they really sparkle in real. I think we are all in the same boat as far as inspiration, at least I know I don't have much, hopefully that changes soon. A good week for you indeed, nice to get those appointments put behind you. Wishing you a wonderful week Ros, and thanks for inspiring me today! Hugs,

  16. Amazing and dreamy underwater scene, Ros! The colors, the visual texture, and the sparkle are amazing!! LOVE both cards.
    Hideko xx

  17. Your cards are absolutely magical, Ros! I do love an underwater or beach or nautical scene and here you're able to do them all on your own. We've been away for a few days... camping in the motorhome is as exciting as it gets these days... and that was rather close to home. Anything we can do without contact. Heck, Rich and I physically shopped for books for the little girls next door today and it was quite a fun event! I'll be having a picnic lunch in the park with a girlfriend on Friday. It's a new way of life, but we do what we can. Hang in there.

  18. Oh you KNOW I just LOVE these underwater colors and how CLEVER to draw the vines upside down! You are so GOOD at these cards!

  19. I would say I'm not much of an underwater person and I guess it's even more telling then that I absolutely love these cards! Mesmerized is a word I've read in the comments and I think I will say the same. And the idea of using the vine stamp up side down... it turned out really well!


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