Wednesday, September 02, 2020

The Doodle Bug

 Well, Hello and welcome to September!

I hope you are all well? It's wet and miserable outside but we've enjoyed a few sunny days so I'm not complaining.

Today's card was a sort of self challenge. I wanted to randomly apply watercolours and see if I could doodle on or around every part....And I did

Here's a secret for you... Eleven years ago when I was on the DT for City Crafter's, my team mate Linda set a doodle challenge. I was totally thrown... I had no idea what to do and ended up drawing some rather childlike flowers on patterned paper...Not good

It was only at the beginning of lockdown that I came across Ceecee's paintings and her amazing doodles that pulled me in and made me want to have a go. Now I am hooked! Okay, so my flowers are... unusual? I could/would never have just sketched them in this random way but by following the flow of the paint, a little different shading here and there, the blobs come to life in an non uniformed way that makes me happy. It's so relaxing to do, especially when inspiration is lacking. 

It's not everyone's cup of tea but each one is unique and fun to do and you get to invent your own flowers lol! It does get to be addictive though.

Thanks to my friend Diane for alerting me that this Monday's challenge at Simon Says

is doodling... So I'll add mine to the list 

I hope you have a wonderful day - Thanks so much for your comments and your visit

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. From where I'm sitting it looks like a great addiction Ros, and I'd say you aced your own personal challenge! Your card is absolutely lovely and who would have ever known you just started with water colored "blobs"?!! You are so talented my friend and I look forward to seeing many, many more cards like these Hugs. :0)

  2. Absolutely beautiful, love the colors too!! Did you see Simon Says Monday has a doodle challenge out? There is a link on my blog under my 'challenges' page/tab if interested! Cooler day here, summer has fastly wound down!!

  3. Well those blobs of colour certainly blossomed into wonderful art and I think the flowers all look beautiful. Funnily enough Heather Telford mentioned Ceecee's work a short while ago, and so I have been to look and it is interesting. I haven't tried the doodling over laid down random areas of ink but you have done a great job with it Ros and such pretty colours. x

  4. Ha! I would hardly call these blobs of paint, but maybe I can imagine how they looked less defined before you doodled around them. They are very crisp and beautiful like a wildflower meadow. Now I'm going to check the link you provided. I'm so glad you got started on this because you love it so much and I love that you love it. Plus, you make such pretty things that are an absolute delight for the rest of us to see!

  5. Simply brilliant... Ros I love ypu doodle flowers ...Looks very complex to me your flowers are so detailed. Stay safe hugs Robyn

  6. CeeCee!!! That's the artist I mentioned in my comment the other day!
    You are learning well, my friend! If there is a good bug to be bitten by, the doodling one doesn't need a repellant!
    Absolutely darling card! Bravo!

  7. It looks like detailed planning to me with those gorgeous flowers, Ros!! Such a talent you have! It does look like fun and I can see how it would be addicting! The color is so pretty, too! What I am amazed at are the shape and detail of the flowers! Another stunner from you! Thanks so much for sharing this beauty!!

  8. Oh have Mastered Doodling on pretty blobs of watercolors!!! I now have several new paint brushes and sketch pens because of you and will try more doodling watercoloring in my slower late Fall and Winter months. You gave me CeeCee's video link in April and I have watched many times. She is amazing, but so are you!!! I Love your beautiful free flowing wildflower bouquet. It reminds me of when I pick flowers at home and how the flowers look in my hand before arranging in a container:-) Thank you for all the inspiration, my very talented friend. Love and Hugs...Nancy

  9. Your watercoloring and doodling are amazing, Ros! What a wonderful card, my friend!

  10. Simply Amazing!! Ros, I'm so glad you decided to 'doodle' as I look forward to each and every post, as I know I will be amazed at your creativity! Blobs you say, I would of never thought that this card started out with blobs of paint, I would of thought you drew first then colour. I have seen Ceecee's work, I have her booked marked on You tube, she is amazing but so are you! It's nice to find something that you are good at, enjoy doing and relaxing! Looking forward to seeing more as time permits. Keep well Ros, hugs,

  11. OMG I can't imagine creating doodles out of blobs of paint. these look intentional. Love them all :)

  12. Oh my word, Ros! I love this work of art! Even if you had penned them first it would be extraordinary, but knowing that the color came first is amazing! I love this idea and hope to try it sometime! Thanks for the inspiration!

  13. Sorry to be late in commenting Ros but this didn't appear in my reading list...x. What a unique and creative card. it looks like it has been stamped and coloured and looks so precise and so very beaufiul x.

  14. I still can't believe you started with blobs of watercolor and turned them into all these beautiful flowers, Ros! Amazing skills and talent!
    Hideko xx

  15. I find your doodling AMAZING! LOVE this, Ros!

  16. Loving your doodled flowers Ros. And the colours you've used are so peaceful. I can see this being a relaxing card to make ... and that's something we all need. Thanks for sharing this beauty. I follow Ceecee too and have for a while. I've tried doodling and it's not something that comes natural, so I need to practice ... just need more time to do that! :) xx

  17. Absolutely stunning card Ros!! I would frame this!! so beautifully done!!

    Congratulations you are in the spotlight AND you have won the $25 voucher on the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. Woot Woot!!!
    Please email us.

    Lols x x x

  18. Relaxing for you--completely terrifying to me! You never cease to amaze me, Ros--LOVE this work of art! If only the places who don't need more rain could send it here where it's so desperately needed! Thankfully, the winds aren't spreading the fires this way now, so we just have very unhealthy air. The house we built & lived in before we moved down here is in an evacuation zone. So very grateful we weren't still living there!

  19. Lovely! I particularly like the mix of blue, red and brownish hues - it all comes together really well. On another note: I do wonder what I do with my time, realizing that I am on the last day of a 10-day vacation (planned to be spent on the Isle of Man...) and make it to your blog today only. I do hope fall and winter afford more time for these wonderful pastimes.


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