Saturday, October 31, 2020

Just for Fun

Hello friends... Happy Halloween!

I tell 'ya... If you read the news everything is so depressing, heck you would go crazy! Sadly I just heard that Sean Connery passed away, one of my all time favourite actors. He was 90 but in my head he will always be that handsome James Bond...

So how about something amusing just to lighten everything... I was watching Ceecee's video, the one of her painting her little characters and as you know, I like to paint flowers and mushrooms so I thought I'd bring them to life - Just for fun

This mushroom guy looks like he has plenty of female company swooning over him

I didn't draw the caterpillar by the way, he was a stamp that I added a few stripes to

Of course there had to be a lady mushroom... 
...along with her kiddies who are quite shocked by that spotty caterpillar
Not sure if you can see her glittery eyeliner to match her glittery earrings

Drawing faces is not my forte but I really had fun doing these and it took me away from all that stuff that makes me miserable...
I hope they make you smile too

Have a good day whatever you plan to do and stay well...
Till soon...

~ Ros ~



  1. Made me smile Ros! (And Lord knows there's not a lot to smile about at the mo is there?!)
    Oh and where to put the craft stuff? Well you pile it into the middle and work your way round the room in the 10" of space that's left..LOL!!

  2. Oh yes--these DID make me smile, Ros! Honestly, you are so talented! Love the personality you gave to the images! I hadn't seen the news about Sean Connery. We're loosing so many people these days. We're turning into the elder generation! Sending hugs across the miles--think of you often, my friend!

  3. Adorable Ros! These little characters sure started my day off with a big smile. I LOVE your drawings, and adding the faces is the cutest. Thank you! xx

  4. Your faces are the cutest, Ros! I clicked up close so I could get to know them better. I love how you added the caterpillar in each. Quite a handsome rake in your first card with his entourage of lovely ladies. You even added legs to some! So cute! And the second with the kiddies, their little top knot curls, and Mom's earrings -- I'm smiling all over. Thanks for that! I did hear this morning about Sean Connery. I, too, have always seen him as the handsome James Bond. He was the best of the bunch.

  5. These are great fun and so pleasing to the eye, you are very clever to be able to give them such personality, and love the bright light colours. I particularly love that caterpillar and the daisies and sunflower with cute faces, and also both male and female mushrooms, but that saying I love all these sweet characters. x

  6. Sean Connery was one of the most handsome men even in his latter years and yes also one of my favourite actors so sad to hear he's gone but not forgotten :)
    Love your adorable little caricatures with the flowers and mushrooms.

  7. You have brought those fabulous flowers and mushrooms to life and brought a huge smile to my face Ros x. Even the cute caterpillar has been given the Ros special touch. Such fun, unique and super cute x.
    Thinking of you and the further restrictions/lockdown announced today Ros x.

  8. Thank you for making me smile on what has turned out to be rather a bleak day..again! You really are so very talented and you have a wonderful necessary right now for a bit of escapism. Keep em coming! xx

  9. These are really great fun! Beautifully drawn too.

  10. Glad you stepped away from all the sadness, Ros! Just for fun, and fun they are! Too, too adorable!
    I'm so sad about Sean Connery - he was dashing, and my personal favorite OO7 of all!

  11. These are so whimsical and fun, Ros! I love the expressions on the little mushrooms! That's how I look when I see a hairy bug! Thanks for the smiles!

  12. OMG... such cute faces and beautifully watercolored mushrooms and flowers, Ros. I chuckled out loud as I looked carefully at all the different faces:-) TFS the very cheerful cards, my friend. Take care..Love and Hugs..Nancy

    Will be saving this post to refer to when I need another smile!
    Thanks Ros for sharing!
    Paper Hugs,

  14. Yes, we heard the unfortunate news about Sean Connery! He definitely was one of our favorites with the James Bond movies! How awesome that our crafting takes us away from the doom and gloom of the news. Your mushroom cards are a great delight! Love the faces that you gave them and all the wonderful color! Great talent, Ros! Thanks for putting a big smile on my face today! Take good care, hugs!!

  15. Love these, so whimsical and sweet. Those faces just make your drawings come to life. Love the facial expressions and the caterpillar is so cute! Yes, so sad about Sean Connery, he was the best James Bond ever! Thanks for sharing these Ros, they certainly put a smile on my face!

  16. One can tell you had fun doing these, they make me smile! I was sad to hear of Sean Connery's passing, too, and remembered him by watching The Untouchables that night. Great movie.


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