Sunday, November 15, 2020

Computer Blues...

Good morning... 

I had hoped to post yesterday but my computer got the blues, it happens. It's always a mystery why something works fine one day and the next day it doesn't... I wonder what goes on in the night?

 Hubby and I have exhausted Netflix and Amazon since this whole pandemic started. We tend to snuggle down these dark evenings and love to watch either a Scandi or French thriller series but alas, we have done them all so last night we watched a 2013 film with Brad Pitt about a pandemic would you believe, only this one caused people to become zombies... I guess there's always something to be grateful for even in the midst of Covid.

 I have been quite busy making cards this past week, inspiration paid me a visit. They're mostly Christmas cards but today I am sharing the birthday card I made for my brother Rick and just one Christmas card I made ages ago but didn't share

Here's Rick's card

You can probably guess that he too loves drone flying so I found a free image on the internet to add to my scene

If you look at the first image you'll see a little shiny texture to the drone... Well here's a tip that may (or may not work) for you... When I printed the drone off my computer the ink was still wet so I sprinkled clear E/P on it and heat set it and voila! Who knew?
Actually I had a Canon printer that I really loved but last year it died on me so I had to replace it... I couldn't get the same one so opted for a newer version but I hate this one and it hates me too I think.. Why do companies do updated models that are nowhere near as good as the originals?? 

My Christmas card

I've done more ink blending this week and even some watercolour cards that I'll share later this week

Before I go, and you probably need a cup of coffee right now - I do, I'm adding a link to another one of Ron's videos  "Red Rocks" a place on the opposite side of the river Mersey to me.  The background to this is that when we were little children and still a family, our Dad took us here to play on the beach and the rocks, a special memory. The rocks stood high then but over time they have virtually eroded unlike our memories...

Take care my friends

~ Ros ~



  1. This is the most perfect card for your brother Ros! I love everything about this, the mountains, the birds, the tall grasses, and then to top if off the drone with the balloons. I'm sure he loved this! For your Christmas card, once again, another beauty. I just love the simplicity of this, as the falling snow has clung to the berry branches, and the stag walking closer and the mountains fade into the distance. Love how you did the sentiment too! Thank you to Ron for sharing another wonderful video, such special memories. Looking forward to seeing your Christmas cards you have created Ros, have a good week, take care.

  2. What a great drone card Ros! I bet he loved it.
    Beautiful Christmas card too.
    A day trip to Hoylake was a treat when I was a child, bus, ferry and train! Took an age to get there but loved it. Thanks for the memories. x

  3. What a fantastic personalised birthday card, Ros and I love how atmospheric it is with the tonal hills and pop of blue in the balloons (which are shaded beautifully if I may say so!)
    As I loved the first one, I'm glad to see those gorgeous mountains reprised on the second card and I love you wintry branches too.
    Hope you are keeping well my friend.
    Carol x

  4. Great card for your BIL, great idea printing the drone and Embossing it.
    love that Christmas card, the stag looks so majestic among the trees.

    I have never been up to Liverpool and had no idea the coastline was so beautiful there :)

  5. Sorry you've had the computer blues - but when it's working you do find the most interesting free images, Ros! How perfect is this for your drone-flying brother? I hope you'll share his reaction?
    I had heard about the embossing while wet trick. But it's years since I've tried it.
    LOVE your Christmas card with its snowy blue mountains, and branches - seems the perfect spot to spot a stag!

  6. Oh my friend ... only you would be able to find a drone image and turn it into such an amazing birthday card for your brother! Before reading and just seeing the card I thought ... What is that? A drone? with balloons? Then I read and it all made beautiful sense! LOL I'm sure he was thrilled with it! AND, I LOVE your Christmas card ... your artwork is always top notch and I LOVE the angle design ... genius!

    We too have exhausted many Netflix & Amazon series and our winter is now just beginning ... ugh ... now what direction do we go. I enjoy all the cooking shows like The Great British Baking Show ... Love that one but hubby not so much so time will tell what our wintertime covid lock down entertainment might be. Might have to pull out the kids old board games ... but not much fun with just 2 people! Stay safe & healthy my friend and thanks for ALWAYS inspiring me!!

  7. A perfect card for your brother, my friend! Thanks for again sharing his video! Love the Christmas card with the sponged hills, berry branches and stag enjoying the scene! Great layout too! LOL, at least turning into a zombie isn't one of the side effects of Covid. Something to be thankful for!

  8. Great cards Ros. Love the drone idea, and that stag card is fabulous.
    I know what you mean about watching TV during restrictions - we are currently working our way through 'Bosch' - two seasons down, more to go. I do recommend it...........I also love that Brad Pitt Zombie film - I may have to watch that again - yet again, I might add! x

  9. Your brother's card couldn't be more perfect! I'll bet he got a big smile from it. I've tried immediately embossing my printed images, but it's never worked for me. Maybe my ink comes out too dry. I agree about the printers. This one is better than my last in some ways, not as good in others. Such a beautiful Christmas card, too. I love how you do your mountains. The branches, the stag, the sentiment -- all perfection! Too funny about the zombie thing. These days we'll take what we can get, right? Oregon is starting a 2 week lockdown on Wednesday. Don't know if it will go longer at this point. What can we expect when we go to the store and there's always someone walking around with their mask pulled down. The mask gets them in, but it's total disregard after that. I thoroughly enjoyed your brother's drone footage. Called my hubby over and we both watched. It's almost eerie to see that much erosion in your own lifetime. You live in such a beautiful place!

  10. Hi Ros, I just wanted to pop by and say hi. I loved your post today... I had to smile. I guess being a zoombie would be worse lol. Loved your cart too. Have a great day and hopefully a better movie to watch.

  11. What a perfect birthday card for your brother, Rick!! It is amazing!! Thank you for sharing his video...fabulous scenery, so pretty!! And, your Christmas card is lovely with the beautiful mountains and branches!! Coming to your blog always puts a smile on my face! Thanks so much for sharing your cards and your brother’s video, Ros!!

  12. Neat to make a personalized card for your brother, Ros! And the Christmas card is beautiful & unique! Fun to see where you played as a kid & thank goodness for happy memories! It's so true--upgraded products aren't as good as what they replace!

  13. Your brother is going to love his very special one-of-a-kind drone birthday card, Ros. So cool to be able to heat emboss the drone too:-)
    Loved your Christmas card too. Keep posting my friend...Love and Hugs..Nancy

  14. I'm loving your mountain cards Ros. Your brother is going to love his drone birthday card! The Christmas card is gorgeous. I really enjoyed your brother's video. The music he picks is just perfect. Red Rocks is a beautiful place. xx

  15. How did I miss this one! Fabulous drone card and I loved the video too.There are some beautiful places in this country. Love the stag too! xx

  16. Stunning birthday card for your brother, Rick! The drone is flying to bring birthday balloons to him, isn't it?
    Your Christmas card is so beautiful! Love the light blue mountains, the pretty snow, and the unique sentiment strip.
    Thank you so much for sharing another Ron's video! I really enjoyed "flying" over the gorgeous coastline! The color of the sand is amazing!
    Hideko xx


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