Sunday, November 29, 2020

More Christmas Cards


Well we are nearly into December.. I hope those of you who celebrated Thanksgiving had a lovely day even if it was completely different from the norm. Let's all hope that next year will be better.

The rules here will be relaxed for a few days over Christmas, there are still restrictions, but some family members will be allowed a get together. As for us, we have no plans to meet up with anyone and Christmas day will be as it always is except that this year friends and family all agreed not to buy each other presents, rather donate to charities. The Grandchildren have online wish lists so they will still get gifts.

I haven't done any crafting this week at all but I do have a couple of Christmas cards to share

This is the same deer I used in a previous card, stamped twice and watercoloured. I just used the head of one (minus the antlers) to make a mama deer and baby deer. I drew a string of fairy lights using liquid pearls for the lights to hang around mama deer's antlers

The little bird is from an old Lawn Fawn set

This next card was done pretty quick - I'd ordered the Versafine Clair ink in Twilight and couldn't wait to try it - It's such a lovely colour - and the little bunny stamps (£1.50) also arrived from Inklicious

This is quite sparkly...

...As I used a similar colour glitter to the ink
Unfortunately the days have been very dull here and not good for photos... In fact it was like night time all day yesterday and it's cold!

Stay safe and well my friends... Thanks so much for your visit

~ Ros ~


  1. Oh Ros...two such sweet, sweet cards! The first one with the deer looking down at the little birdie totally made me smile...too CUTE!! And your 2nd card is just GORGEOUS...I love the silhouetted look against the blue & white!! Lovely cards my friend!! Hugs. :0)

  2. Oh my goodness Ros, these are both wonderful cards! The first being such a sweet card with the deer and little bird - really like that you added the liquid pearls for the red berries. Your second card is Stunning! wow, love how you created this, just gorgeous! I'm always in 'awe' of your cards. What a fantastic idea to donate to charities rather than presents, as I'm sure a lot of the charities are struggling during these times! Stay safe and well Ros! Have a great week.

  3. Christmas will be quiet with us this year, no getting together with friends :( but it will all be worth it next year, we must stay strong.

    Wonderful cards Ros, I do admire you CAS watercoloured cards, those bunnies and deer are adorable :)

  4. How sweet and pretty, and I love both, the sweet deer and cute robin and foliage, but my heart lies with the second as I do love the monochrome blue with the silver sentiment and the cute bunnies and sleigh crossing the slightly shrouded moon. It has lots of atmosphere and you very cleverly place and create the scenes which look so realistic Ros. x

  5. These dark Winter days are tough, Ros... but your cards always warm our hearts!
    Love them both - and your charitable heart!

  6. Oh my friend I'm just loving these sweet, sweet creations! I love looking closely at all the fine details you add in your scenes. LOVE that new ink ... what a beautiful scene with those cute little bunnies! Wishing you some sunshine today! We are expecting 4-6" of snow overnight here in OHIO, USA so if that happens, then I'll be making my way outside to snap a few photos of my outside holiday decorations. Always looks better with snow on the ground when you've decorated for Christmas I think! lol
    Stay safe & healthy! Happy thoughts coming your way from the USA!

  7. Those deer are so sweet next to the darling bird with Santa hat! Your second card is very dreamy! Love the sky and the darling rabbits in the snow! A wonderful idea to donate to charity! We always did that with my husband's family when we did Christmas get-togethers. Stay safe and take care, hugs!!

  8. I adore these sweet deer, Ros! What a delightful scene with the fairy lights and icy bits! Love the scene with the bunnies! What a beautiful background with Santa flying by!

  9. Your cards shine out in the winter darkness, Ros. No problem there! How adorable and precious your woodland critters are. Your second scenic card is breathtaking and leaves my mouth agape. I like your idea for Christmas gifts. Our gifts to ourselves are the Wally and LuLu calendar and our yearly Shutterfly photo book.

  10. Yes a quiet Christmas our end too Ros x. Both of your cards are adorable and the first one is extra cute x.

  11. WOW, these are fabulous cards, such beautiful scenes! Adorable cute fawns on the first card and the 2nd card with it's snowy scene is just as lovely! We are having a small Christmas here, just the two of us again, maybe my brother stopping by for a meal!!

  12. The first card is adorable, Ros! Love the beautiful scene with the bunnies!

  13. How can anyone NOT believe in the magic of Christmas, looking at these exquisite two cards! Love the fairy lights in the antlers and the blue calm of the second card.

  14. I am always so happy to visit your blog Ros. These cards are amazing, my friend! I LOVE the sweet deer. And how cute to have her baby near by. The lights in the antlers is fun! Your snow sky and hills night scene is AMAZING! LOVE your lovely new blue ink ... so pretty for the sky with the moon in the background and Santa on his sleigh. Sweet! xx


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