Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Birthday Blues

 Hello friends... I hope this finds you well.

Birthday blues... Let me explain or rather rant a little (does me good). See today is a friends' birthday... Earlier in the week I made this card for her

Yes it took awhile - Lining up the cut out balloon shape behind the shaker part (which you can't really see), cutting sticky foam to place around the small shapes etc.,

 I'd queued up to buy a gift card and flowers and made a lovely decorated envelope for the cards with ribbons and sparkles and her name cut out in gold glitter as she loves bling (sorry, I didn't photograph that)

This morning we went out in the pouring rain to deliver them... Actually I placed them in clear plastic covers and laid them on the step, rang the bell and stepped back. There was a brief exchange of words and I guess I expected a smile and a thank you for the effort, sorry we can't get together... Whatever. But I came away wondering why I bother. In fact the last few cards I've sent to family and friends have not even been acknowledged.
Sometimes it just makes me sad or maybe I'm just turning into a crotchety old lady Lol!
Anyway I hope you liked it...
Take care and thanks for stopping by
~ Ros ~



  1. Your card is really sensational, Ros! It's clear it took time and effort and love to put it together. I would say it sounds like your friend is the crotchety old lady, not you! I've noticed the same thing, sometimes even from other card makers, which is really surprising to me, because they know the effort involved. Well, your friends who live inside your computer LOVE your cards! Thank goodness we have this online community to share and keep us feeling validated and supported! I think back to the beginning of my card making before I discovered Blogland ... what a difference! Huge hugs, Darnell

  2. Well I sure would have been giving you a SMILE and going on about how you came out in the rain just to make my day special!! Darnell is right...you aren't the crochety one, but your friend sure could have shown a bit more appreciation! I try not to judge as we are all going through something, and sometimes we just don't know what's going on in someone else's life, but it sure doesn't cost a person much to smile and offer thanks!! But anyway, your card is BEAUTIFUL and I would have been smiling ear to ear! In fact I still smile every day when I look at the card you painted for me that I have in an easel stand in my craft room...I love, LOVE it!! Hang in there my friend!! We'll get through this...together!! Hugs. :0)

  3. I feel your disappointment Ros. It does take time and effort and I think sometimes if people are not into crafting they have no sense of the effort involved, and you were kind enough to get her flowers and a gift card too. I love the three balloons made into shakers, and your background scene is fabulous! I sent a card to a friend that lives nearby and because of the virus have not seen for a long time, but I did hope she might ring up and say a thank you but have heard nothing...true I haven't rung her either, so I suppose I'm just as bad...lol, but you do feel sometimes that the effort is wasted. I doesn't stop me from wanting to keep the hobby going though, and like Darnell says, this community is the best! x

  4. How can anyone not be jumping for joy at receiving one of your works of art Ros?
    And this one is like all the others - BEAUTIFUL!
    Dolly is right - us here in blogland adore your creations, so take no notice of Mrs Grumpy Pants whoever she is, next year buy her a 49p one - or even better don't send her one at all.
    People who are ungrateful don't deserve good friends.

  5. Super stunning Ros...if I had received this I would have been jumping up and down for joy! Send a bought one next year...bet you would get a reaction then. I know just what you mean and I agree with Darnell...she is the grumpy old lady. your cards are gifts in themselves. Beautiful! This is just breathtaking...no words to describe it. Hugs xx

  6. your card is wonderful Ros, now if you didn't send one of your beautiful cards you would really hear it from all family and friends. As card makers we sometimes get taken for granted. I agree with Darnell, we all appreciate all the hard work and how amazing they are.
    Hugs Christine

  7. This is such an amazing and unique card Ros. I have to say that hubby and I find that we are taking a long time to react to things these days. Could be the 10 months of being home all the time. Maybe your friend is experiencing some of that too. Know that you are an amazing artist and we all appreciate your wonderful cards. xx

  8. A beautifully created card Ros, OMGoodness how can someone not be appreciative of your beautiful art! I have the last gorgeous card (I have everyone you have ever sent) sitting right here beside me just waiting to go into a frame and on my crafty wall! I pulled out a perfect frame for it but for the life of me don't know where I set it! Anyhow this card is gorgeous and I know how 'picky' it can be to make a shaker, let alone having three different openings, and I love how the little bird is sitting on the branches...perfection!! Hugs to you my friend!

  9. First of all, Ros, I think your card is gorgeous - the mountains beautifully stenciled [I assume?] and this sweet little balloon-bearer who has lost his grip on the strings!
    We all are so excited to share our little A2 wonders, aren't we? I'm sorry you didn't get the reaction you had hoped for from your friend. Perhaps there is underlying reasons for her lack of enthusiasm - maybe it was the saddest thing she could think of, to celebrate herself, when so many haven't a thing to celebrate these days.
    Take care, Ros... it was very thoughtful of you to remember your friend.

  10. This is an awesome card and it must have taken a LONG time to make it! I shudder to think of adding the sticky foam around those balloons and the watercoloring is amazing! I think Covid is making us all a bit (or a lot) crotchety! I'll bet she's enjoying it a lot more than you imagine.

  11. A very lovely birthday card, Ros! The shaker card with the bird and balloons is so pretty! I would be thrilled and was when I received cards from you! I still have the latest card displayed on a shelf in my craft room! I smile every time I see it! People do not realize all that it takes to create a card. I did stop sending a niece and nephew my handmade cards because I got no acknowledgement from them. But, just know many people do enjoy and appreciate your kindness and talent...I sure do!! Take good care and have a great rest of the week! Hugs!!

  12. Oh my stars this is AMAZING and absolutely BEAUTIFUL! LOVE those shaker balloons! I'm terrible at making shaker style cards and I know how much time & effort they can be! You aren't the one with the crotchety problem ... it's the others because just the fact that you went to all this work and then went out in the RAIN to delivery it shows your good heart! SHAME ON THEM for not showing their appreciation. And BTW ... you can 'rant' to your online friends anytime you need ... we are here for you!!

  13. Well I do love this card and would love to copy it to the best of my ability and seeing I have never made a shaker card my ability is questionable.
    I understand completely - There is a lot of times I feel like I am turning into a crotchety old lady. But the things that are driving me crazy are real! For instance, it is driving me to the nut house over people who wear their masks below the nose just the mouth covered. And I wonder how in the world people can be so stupid!!! I even have the audacity to tell some people that they are wearing their mask all wrong and they are not protecting themselves mush less anyone else.
    As I said - I love this card and have admired many of your cards.
    The good news Ros? There are a lot of followers who appreciate your artwork and look forward to seeing your next post!
    My best to you Sugar,
    Sandy Claus xx

  14. OMG..Gorgeous shaker balloons birthday card, Ros. I LOVE your softly watercolored background mountains, branches with the tweety bird and pearls on the sentiment tag. I can definitely see how just the shaker balloons took a lot of time, let alone all the watercoloring and envie decorating. So sorry your friend was not more appreciative. Maybe she did not know how to react seeing you and your hubby in real life!

    Please know that all your crafty friends not only love your card, but understand your disappointment. Thank you so much for sharing your beauty, my dear friend. Love and Hugs..and stay safe. Nancy

  15. Your card is a true labor of love, Ros, and so very beautiful. If your friend is not a card maker perhaps she can't imagine the effort that went into your card. However, I surely would have expected the minimum, just as you mentioned, seeing as how you were face to face. My non-card making friends do not acknowledge the cards I send for different occasions. I know they enjoy them, but it's not customary to email a "thanks" the way is is for stampers, so I don't even think about it. When the Christmas cards start arriving I may not always email the sender. Sometimes will leave a blog comment or a mention in the card I send. I lose track because there are so many and I have lots to make and send, as well. I hope that's not wrong. Other times of the year I certainly do acknowledge. Your pretty mushroom card is on a stand in my stamp room and I enjoy it every day. Please don't be sad. Hugs.

  16. Great card Ros!!!!!!
    Paper Hugs,

  17. Ros, I do feel your disappointment but don't be sad. I often don't get a thanks from others who I send a card to, and maybe you just caught her at a bad time, but still no reason not to at least acknowledge and say thanks! Well if this was sent to me I would certainly convey my thanks and appreciation. Your card is stunning, love how you made this into a shaker card, beautiful scene with the tree branches, bird, mountains and balloons. We have a great community here online where we support each other. I'm so thankful for the card you send me, it's right in front of me, so see each day! Sending hugs,

  18. Totally gorgeous and must have been tricky doing those shakers. Try not to be too hurt; she may have been surprised and had a delayed reaction (especially if she's not been getting out much) and just assumes that you know she loves it. I totally understand how you feel though!

  19. Stunning birthday card, Ros! LOve the blue mountains and the perfectly lined up shaker balloons!
    It's so thoughtful of you that you gave your friends this beautiful card and gifts. I'm sorry that you didn't get the reaction you had hoped for, and I totally understand your disappointment...
    I appreciate each and every one of your beautiful cards!! :-)
    Hideko xx

  20. I'm completely at a loss for words, my friend. You're not being crotchety--you're being human & a friend! At a time when we all need more kindness & cheer, it's amazing she behaved like that. The card is unique, interesting & beautiful!

  21. I have read all the comments Ros and couldn't agree more. Your card is amazing, thoughtful and fabulous x. I do know what you mean about the receivers of our creations don't always appreciate all the hard work etc....A little appreciation goes a very long way x.
    Nope you are NOT a crotchety old lady Ros....you are beautiful x.

  22. It's a wonderful card Ros... everyone here is full of praise for your fabulous artistic talents, don't be deter - I think our craft has kept us sane this year, I love getting engrossed with stamps, ink and paper - even though I've had a few lull times, it's easy to pop back to our blog friends to be inspired. I used to look forward to Christmas and sharing cards with friends and family but that seems to be a huge chore some are not bothering with - we all know Christmas is coming and surely organising time to just keep in touch isn't too tricky.. sorry I'm ranting... we all understand us card makers...huge hugs Robyn

  23. Let me quote Connie Bradshaw of Tales of the City by Armistead Maupin: "Fantabulous!" This card is nothing less than stunning and I hope that maybe she got back to you later to tell you exactly that? Or maybe she had just reached that point of exhaustion caused by the whole "situation" where she couldn't even take in anymore what it was she was gifted with. As a friend has told me when I had rants like yours: "Be generous in these difficult times. You never know what people are dealing with." I try - but it doesn't always work.


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