Thursday, December 31, 2020

Goodbye 2020

Hello friends...

This is a really quick post just to wish you all a

Here's hoping 2021 will be a better one for all of us. Those we have loved and lost will not be forgotten and hopefully in the not too distant future we can hug those we have missed for so long.

Thank you all for your continued friendship throughout this year, your support and encouragement despite your own struggles, and for all the creative talent you have shared brightening what has been a very dark time. 

I may not be blogging for a little while yet... Had a nasty fall and torn some leg muscles but it could have been a whole lot worse... and yes I was sober at the time haha!

Hugs to each and every one of you

~ Ros ~ 



  1. Ohhh Ros I am so sorry to hear about your nasty fall.....sending hugs for a speedy recovery x.
    Sending all your beautiful words right back to you and thinking of you Ros x.

  2. Have a Happy New Year Ros and sorry to hear about your fall.
    Take care XX

  3. Oh Ros, what a nasty way to finish the year and hope that you will soon be on the mend! It has been a pleasure to visit you this year and see all your wonderful creations and send you all my best wishes for 2021. x

  4. Oh no--so sorry to hear of your accident! Hope you feel much better soon, my friend. Sending love & hugs, Greta

  5. Hugs Ros, for an inspiring and creative 2021.. and for a speedy recovery.. Robyn

  6. Oh no ... please take care of yourself! Hope the leg heals quickly for you! Happy New Year my friend .. I too am praying for a MUCH better year then last! HUGS from OHIO USA

  7. OH, no! I'm so sorry you had a fall! Let's hope and pray for a much better year! Take card, my friend. xoxo

  8. Hope your husband is spoiling you rotten, Ros! NOT a good way to begin the New Year, but you have the right attitude!
    Happy New Year, my friend! Take care!

  9. 2020 is a good year to see in your rearview mirror. Hoping for much better times in 2021. I'm so sorry you've hurt your leg. Take your time and heal, Ros.

  10. Oh sorry about your fall, my friend. So glad it was not any worse, but still will take time to heal. Take care and sending you healing thoughts. Much Love and a Big Hug...Nancy

  11. Oh, my! Sorry to hear about your fall and torn leg muscles, Ros! I hope you heal up very soon! Thank you for the lovely message and I'm hoping that 2021 is kinder and gentler for all! Take care, hugs!!


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