Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Little Ladies

 Hello there... Happy St Patrick's day to all who celebrate!

Lately we have been experiencing high winds and it's been cold but yesterday, the sun shone and I got to spend a couple of hours in the garden. I was delighted to notice that there are robins nesting again in the garden and the trees are all in bud and the forsythia is in bloom.

Of course being indoors so much means I've done more sketching and today I'm sharing a couple of birthday cards featuring my sketched and painted ladies

Her dress also sparkles (courtesy of a wink of stella) but it's hard to capture.. I thought this would be a good card for my great niece's upcoming birthday

My second card is a little more "grown up"

Again the glitter on her dress is difficult to see... I stenciled the balloons after I painted her and added Nuvo drops then sprinkled them with glitter

Funnily enough the hardest part of this was drawing the shoes... 

I've quite a few more to share in the next few weeks including some shaker cards.

Thanks so much for your visit, enjoy your day and stay safe

~ Ros ~


  1. WOW! These are AMAZING ... you are SO TALENTED!! I wouldn't even know where to begin! The shoes are fabulous and I could see where they would be difficult! The stenciled balloons look amazing ... well done! I just love seeing what you sketch ... always breath taking! Hugs and Enjoy your sunshine! I have a few crocus blooming and the daffodils are almost ready to POP but no tree buds yet ... ALMOST but not quite yet. I am SO READY for Spring this year!!! I need the fresh air and sunshine! More HUGS ...

  2. Clever you Ros...these ladies are beautifully drawn and coloured, and I particularly love the second with her perfect stilettos and the pretty balloons with their glittery dot highlights. Glad you managed time in the garden and everything is getting more springlike. x

  3. wonderful Ros, your ladies are so well dressed in their swing dresses :) Love them ♥

  4. Beautiful created Ros, you did a fabulous job with these, I can imagine those shoes would be hard to do, clever idea to add the sparkle too! You are way earlier then we are, we don't even see buds til late April into May, I do have lots of sprouts coming up though!!

  5. Both cards are creative and beautiful Ros and the shoes on the second are particularly elegant x. Two daffodils in the garden so Spring is on the way x.

  6. are so talented, Ros. TFS your pretty young ladies. I Love your balloons, especially with the Nuvo drops. Your niece will Love her card:-) Glad you got out to do a bit of gardening too. It sure is starting to look like Spring here too:-) Love and Hugs..Nancy

  7. There is no end to your talent your ladies, especially the second one with those lovely stencilled balloons in the background...clever you! xx

  8. These are amazing, Ros! Your talent knows no bounds, my friend! Love these lovely ladies and the sweet balloons! Great job on those shoes! Wonderful detailing!

  9. Fabulous drawings, Ros! Love the updo hair & beautiful dresses & the balloons are wonderful!

  10. They are both beautiful. I do love your sketches, so clever. I expect the recipients feel honoured to receive one of your pieces of art xx

  11. You amaze me, Ros! It would all be difficult for me, not just the shoes. I'm looking at how you defined the ruffles on the first dress... you make it look so easy! What absolutely wonderful birthday cards!

  12. Ros, I don't think this is anything that you can not draw! These are incredible images, they look so real! The shoes being the hardest part, seems that would be the easiest, but then again I can't draw. Love your layouts and all the details Ros! Your amazing. Sorry for being so late getting to your blog, everything has just been hectic lately. Hope all is well. Hugs,

  13. LOVE your beautiful ladies, Ros!! These cards are so very special. You are so talented and creative!! I LOVE the flounce of the dresses ... these ladies are all dressed up to the nines! xx

  14. I really honestly love these cards, too. But somehow I yearn to hear more from Puddle Brook ;-)


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