Wednesday, March 03, 2021

Puddle Brook Continued

 Hi there...

I wasn't going to post but Ellie was so insistent that I show you her pretty sparkly fairy dress that she got for her birthday and she wore for the wedding

unfortunately the sparkles don't show too well on the dress but they do on the hat, which is 2 sizes too big but her Mother's says she will grow into. Either way, Ellie loves it....

And the one thing she so desperately wanted you all to see are her new shoes, shiny black patent ankle straps with glitter in

I know the photo is a little blurred but Ellie couldn't keep still - swishing her dress this way and that and constantly admiring her shoes.
I'm kinda jealous... When I was a little girl all my friends had the new fashion of black patent ankle straps and I would have given anything for a pair too. However, my mother insisted that black was not a colour for little girls and I had to wait 30 years for them to be fashionable again, I bought them and still have them.

Now before I go, and I will be back with photos of the happy couple in due course, I wanted to tell you a funny story that happened on the night the families got together pre- wedding.
Aunt Grace and Uncle Harold came over... I think everyone has an Aunt Grace in their family though perhaps not called Grace... In my family it was Aunt Elise, "Great" Aunt Elise (on my Mother's side),  a tiny slip of a woman but one look could turn you to jelly. You never spoke or made a sound when she arrived and you NEVER made eye contact..
Anyway,  it turned out Claude and Harold had a lot in common, one of them being fishing and they got on like a house on fire consuming quite a bit of red wine throughout the evening until Grace decided it was time to leave. Well, Harold's beak was practically glowing as he staggered this way and that and giggled non stop when suddenly he was lying on his back, feet up in the air. "Harold!" screeched Grace, "what on earth are you doing? Get up this instant!"
" gazing" giggled Harold... "Come on old girl... don't you remember when we used to lie in the long grass star gazing? Come on down here and give us a kiss..."
Suddenly there was a ripple of muffled laughter from further down the path... Seems the whole party were watching and listening - Grace was mortified!

I dread to think what happened the following day... Poor Harold

So that's it for now... 

Have a great day

~ Ros ~


  1. Oh Ros...these stories just delight me so and I totally look forward to each new installment! And you so beautifully illustrate all that is going on with these wonderful characters really should be making this into a book!! And I had to chuckle about Ellie's hat being a couple sizes too big and how her mother said she's grow into mom would purposely but clothes too big so they'd last a few years and I would just hate that, but then turned around and did the same with our girls! Hahaha!! Hugs. :0)

  2. What a fun story beautifully illustrated Ros and I love Ellie's pretty dress and hat and those black patent shoes really shine! Then of course the rather inebriated Harold flat on his back and Grace is looking none to pleased with him..I love her sweet hat and handbag and of course her black cloak and some black boots to keep out the winter chills. x

  3. wonderful story Ros, and yes I really wanted those black patent shoes when I was a child :)

  4. What a wonderful story to go along with your darling illustrations, Ros! Ellie's dress and hat are delightful and I'm sure her shoes are the envy of all her friends! Uncle Harold sounds like my Uncle Harold! Thanks for the giggles, my friend!

  5. Ellie's dress is a dream ... hope Harold's dreams came true!! LOL Stargazing! What a treat!

  6. Ellie gets my vote for the best dressed duck in town. Now your second offer almost scared me - What Harold on his back with his feet straight up in the air? Has he croaked!?! No -- he is just star gazing.
    What delightful drawings to go with your wonderful imagination.
    Sandy xx

  7. Can you see my smile again Ros -- absolutely adorable.. A swishy sparkly dress and black patent shoes.. oh yes I remember, and I too had to wait a long time for them....oh yes and hats, every Sunday, a had to church - now you have me chuckling with memories... thank you and have a wonderful day, can't wait for the next adorable little artworks, hugs Robyn

  8. Ellie looks so gorgeous in her sparkly dress and shiny black patent shoes with ankle straps. Me...I always wanted a pair of cowboy boots, but it was only in my dreams. I have had the next best thing since I was 20...Hiking Boots:-) I am 75 and still wear hiking boots on my walks and hikes!!! Fun meeting Uncle Harold and Aunt Grace too. I had an Uncle Harold who was known to have 1 too many, but Aunt Bif was tough and never let much bug her! I am getting excited...the wedding will be here before we know it...I can't wait! I can imagine how excited you are, Ros:-) TFS your story and clever, creative fun illustrations, my friend. Love and Hugs..

  9. OMG what a delight today's visit has been!!!
    I just LOVE Ellie's dress, hat & new shoes ... I could visualize her twirling about as I read your story. She will be the 'bell of the ball'. And then when I scrolled down to read about the shenanigans Claude & Harold were up to ... I was ROTFL! LOL I bet Harold got an ear full when he got home! LOL
    OMG ... what fabulously fun designs & stories! Once again, you have MADE MY DAY!!! Thanks SO MUCH!
    P.S. I sure hope Harold is okay ... the look on Grace's face makes me worry about him! LOL She is NOT! happy!

  10. LOL!! Oh, my!! What a funny cute story, Ros!! Love it that Harold insisted on having a good time! Grace is very proper and I feel bad for Harold once he gets home, lol! Your first card with Ellie is adorable! Wonderful pretty dress and lovely patent leather shoes! I remember having white patent leather shoes when I was younger, too, and not black ones. Love the glitter and shine on her shoes! Two gorgeous cards and a sweet funny story, lol! Thanks so much for bringing a smile to my face today, Ross!!

  11. I am loving your story, Ros and can't wait to hear what happened to Harold! :) Your story telling through your art is amazing. I love the whole family of ducks, but especially Ellie. She is so sweet. And she looks beautiful in her sparkly dress and hat that she got for her birthday! xx

  12. Such a fun story to go with your darling paintings, my friend! Had to laugh about your mom not letting you get the black patent shoes!

  13. I so enjoyed reading the fun post. I love Ellie's swishy dress and her black patent shiny shoes x. Laughed out loud at Harold stargazing....I suspect he was in soapy bubble the next day x.

  14. So fun and entertaining, Ros, and an amazing illustration to go right along with it. Your book is coming along nicely!! Hugs, Darnell

  15. Ellie is adorable in her pretty dress and black patent leather shoes with the ankle strap. Loving the gold throughout, too. I would get just the one pair of practical school shoes plus a pair of play shoes, but always there was the Easter outfit. Then it was white patent leather shoes and ankle socks with lace and ruffles. Cute! I wonder what makes Grace such an old fuddy duddy? Harold remembers the kinder, gentler Grace. He's a character! Loving your cards and stories so much, Ros. I'm looking forward to the wedding!

  16. What a funny story with your beautiful illustrations, Ros! I love Ellie's pretty airy dress! I just couldn't help laughing when I looked at star-gazing Harold! Looking forward to many more episodes!
    Hideko xx

  17. Ellie is so adorable in her pretty dress and black patent shoes! Love your story Ros, made me laugh. Poor Harold! You are a wonderful story teller, I look forward to hearing many more as the story continues. A perfect way to end my week, sorry so late at commenting! Take care my friend.

  18. Too cute for words, both story and cards... Rather sooner than later you will be making an actual book!


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