Sunday, March 07, 2021

Puddle Brook Wedding

 Hello friends...
I hope this finds you well

Today I am sharing some wedding photos from Puddle Brook, I know you wanted to see the bride and here she is

She's wearing her Grandmother's gold and pearl necklace handed down by her mother Amelia together with the gold sequined veil Amelia wore at her wedding

There's a tradition that the bride wears only leaves in her headdress until she is officially married after that she walks through the arch of flowers and the women folk add flowers to the headdress and a glittered veil

Here she is with her little cousin Briony

For Briony this is her first attendance at a wedding and she was so excited and completely bewitched by the glitter veil

 Amelia sobbed through the whole service, she was so proud of her daughter and wished that her father were still here to see his beautiful daughter. Sadly, he was lost at sea some years ago.. He was part of the search and rescue team and during a terrible storm one night he was called out to help with some stranded fishermen. Eleven lives were lost that night.

But this is a happy occasion and Amelia's tears were that of joy

And of course I had to share a photo of Eugene who wore his uniform for the wedding and looked so handsome

His eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw his beautiful bride

I hope you've enjoy the tales of Puddle Brook, I'm giving them a break at least for awhile.

Have a wonderful day and thanks so much for all your lovely comments

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. What a wonderful ending to the big day at Puddlebrook Ros...the wedding was just beautiful!! The bride was simply STUNNING in her glittered veil and beautiful gold and pearl necklace that her mom wore at her own wedding! And I can totally see why Eugene's eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw his bride all dressed in her finery! Feel like I really was there celebrating with them!! Thanks for inviting us all along...truly a delight Ros!! Hugs. :0)

  2. Ros, what a wonderful series of water colour drawings telling the story of their marriage. I adore them :)

  3. I shall echo what Marcia said Ros and thank you for including us with the build and and then the marriage .....such fun and so adorable. I have loved it x.

  4. Oh what fun your cards AND your imagination are, such cute cute paintings and story!! I am sure at some point we will be blessed with their honeymoon let alone when they have 'little ones'!! Can't wait!! Take care my friend and lets hope this year things will improve for us all!

  5. A fairytale story, with a wonderful cast of darling characters, Ros! Looks like a very happy ending, indeed!!

  6. What a super wedding in Puddle Brook and love the beautiful bride and her little cousin Briony so cute in her pretty hat with a flower on the side and you can see how happy Amelia is to see her daughter married, and then of coure the dapper bridegroom in his smart uniform. What I love is the way you manage to keep the look of the characters the same for each card so they become recognisable. I hope you will keep us informed of future events and when there is the patter of tiny webbed feet we would love to know. x

  7. Thanks for the update on the wedding! What a beautiful bride and her sparkly veil is beautiful! Eugene is so handsome and I love Amelia's red hat! This would make such a lovely children's book, Ros! You should check into having it published.

  8. Oh, what a fabulous fun sweet story, Ros! Thank you for inviting us along to view the wonderful wedding!! A gorgeous wedding dress! And, the groom’s eyes popping out, lol, too cute! So happy to see the wonderful mother at the wedding, too! I just loved all the amazing details about the Puddle Brook Wedding!! Thank you so much, Ros!!

  9. Oh dear I am so smiling again, no Ros you shouldn't give Puddle Brook tales a rest - it's just fabulous, the tales along with your wonderful paintings....brighten my day. Love the traditions and sad fishermen's tale --- keep it up, hugs Robyn

  10. Honestly--you've written & illustrated a wonderful story, my friend! You should be published! Totally enjoyed the story & all your wonderful paintings!

  11. Thank you Ros for sharing beautiful paintings of the gorgeous bride in her shimmering veil and pearl necklace and the handsome groom in his uniform. Loved the paintings of her adoring niece and emotional mother and of course your sweet stories. I look forward to more chapters of their life together. Geese do mate for life:-) Love and Hugs...Nancy

  12. I'm so happy I got to see the wedding photos Ros! Thank you for sharing with us. I've also enjoyed getting to know everyone through your stories Ros. You've done amazing work, my friend. xx

  13. WOW what a fairy tale wedding! The bride & groom looked so beautiful & handsome on their special day! I've had so much fun following this wedding adventure ... thanks! Beautiful drawing my friend ... you are so talented! Have a wonderful day! Hugs

  14. Your beautiful wedding party had the best photographer! I do adore each card and the story that goes with it. Absolutely enchanting, and beautiful watercoloring! I'm so glad you shared these with us, Ros!

  15. Delightful - absolutely delightful. I love originality and people who are as creative as you - not to mention talented!
    Sandy xx

  16. Thanks so much for sharing the wedding photo's! Your artwork is amazing as is your story telling. You really could have this published, such a wonderful story. The way you describe the characters just makes you feel you are right there with them. Again, amazing Ros, keep well.

  17. What a beautiful wedding at Puddle Brook, Ros! The bride, Esmeralda, is absolutely gorgeous, and Eugene is handsome!
    I did enjoy the lovely tales of Puddle Brook with your beautiful illustrations! Thanks so much!!
    Hideko xx

  18. Sandy said it: delightful! Such an amusing read, I can't wait to hear more about Puddle Brook. Love the bride, though was very sorry to hear her Dad had passed away. It sounds like he was a hero, though...


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