Tuesday, May 04, 2021


 Hello friends... I hope this finds you well

We've had a bit of rain these past few days and it makes everything look so fresh. I managed to do some tidying in the garden at the weekend and I just love to look out and see the trees with their leaves unfurling and the garden coming into life.

Today I'm sharing some more paintings that I did sometime ago... The first one was sent to a friend of mine

She was the one who bought me my first set of Prima paints and look where that led me

This next one is a personal favourite and one my husband loves too

I was thinking about the friend I lost, how much I miss her, the conversations we had that I don't have with anyone else... Our friendship was special 

Sometimes you just need to be alone with your thoughts and your memories and in my case, paint how I was feeling

Okay, that's it for now... I'm off to visit you all 

Have a lovely day - Till next time

~ Ros ~


  1. Both are absolutely BEAUTIFUL Ros, and I'm so glad the 1st card brought you to where you are now with your painting...you are SO talented my friend! Your 2nd card is absolutely beautiful too, and I'm glad the painting brings back good memories of the special relationship you had with your friend...treasure them all in your heart my friend! Hugs. :0)

  2. Both cards are beautiful and so creative Ros. I am so glad that your second card brings back fond memories for you x. Sending hugs x.

  3. amazing Ros, I love the girl sitting on the wall. both cards are so calming and thoughtful ♥

  4. Hello my friend! Both images are just lovely and exude feeling (amazes me how you do that!!) We too have had rain for several days now which has intensified how green the grass is and everything is really coming to life ... LOVE that about springtime!!
    I'm so sorry you lost you friend and I'm sure you miss her more than words can say. Such trying times it seems ... I have a couple of friends (well thought they were my friends) who for some reason have turned their backs on me and that really hurts since I believe it is a political move on their part (of all things).
    Anyways ... wishing you sunshine & love in the days to come! I so appreciate my visits to your blog ... keep up the awesome work ... it truly inspires me!! HUGS from AMERICA

  5. Two brilliantly creative cards using your beautifully drawn and coloured images Ros and I love both of the backgrounds you have given them...so thoughtful and reflective. x

  6. These are just so lovely and illustrate the sentiment and how you were feeling so well. I hope you keep your little paintings coming. They are a delight. I am so glad we have finally had some rain and it is just amazing how quickly the plants and trees have responded. I do love spring, I just hope we get some warmer weather soon. I think I have finally caught up now, sorry for my absence xx

  7. Ros, I have lost a friend this year - one who I never met in real life, but spoke to weekly, and felt closer to than any of my own family. All that to say, I think I know just how you might be feeling. All the love comes shining through your paintings.
    Both just so wonderful!

  8. Both cards are so fabulous, Ros! Beautiful soft images with lovely backgrounds! Love the girl images with their gorgeous hair, so pretty! I just lost a very good friend two months ago. I don't have a friendship like the one I had with this friend with anyone else. Some walk into our lives and touch us in a very special way. We certainly do miss our dear friends. What a creative ability you have to paint your feelings on paper! Thank you for sharing these lovely paintings with us, Ros, well done!!

  9. I missed these...blogger is messing me around with my reading list! very thoughtful paintings Ros and two lovely cards. I like the one of the girl sat on the log too. She portrays everything about sitting and being lost with ones thoughts. So does the first one...but there is something that just draws me to the second one. hugs xx

  10. Two sweet paintings, Ros! I especially love the second one! Your emotions are in the painting!

  11. Both cards are beautiful and speak your feelings so well, Ros. I especially love the second one and I want to give her a big hug!
    Hideko xx

  12. Oh, Ros, every time I think of your friend it breaks my heart. I have a sister-friend like that and I don't know how I would cope. Your paintings are sweet and beautiful.

  13. Both beautiful paintings, Ros! It is hard loosing someone so special.

  14. Beautiful cards and the second one in particular, with the skyline in the distance. Here, the garden in coming to life, too, but fo that one crazy summer day at nearly 30° it's way too cold for the season...


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