Wednesday, July 28, 2021


Hello there.... I hope you are all doing well and not too hot?
It's pleasant here at the moment and we've had a little rain too.
Last week it was far too hot and I stayed indoors and created the two cards I'm sharing today. First up

I couldn't think of anything more soothing than being on the cool water - This guy has the right idea

He's supposed to be fishing whilst his wife spends time at the beach but the rocking has sent him to sleep
No worries, she's keeping an eye on him

... And stayin' cool paddling in the water

I had fun doing these... If I can't be by the sea, I bring the sea to me and I'm sharing with 
who have a fun 'The Ocean is calling and I must go" challenge
DH is back from his travels and enjoyed catching up with his family in Devon - I'm still keeping up with my exercise classes (in spite of the heat) and I'm still sketching.

Thanks so much for your visit, stay well and have a lovely day
~ Ros ~


  1. Cool card Ros, love these both and the images are awesome.
    Thanks so much for entering our challenge, The Ocean is Calling and I Must Go! with your fabulous design at[aNNie designer for The Sisterhood of Crafters]{My Blog}

  2. I am having a lovely day now that I've seen your by the sea cards Ros...they both definitely made me smile this morning!! Hugs. :0)

  3. Wonderful storytelling Ros and such adorable cards. Both made me smile and what fabulous little scenes they are x. Well done you with your exercises and sketching x.

  4. love these little stories that go with your adorable hand drawn images ♥

  5. Beautiful cards and you captured the feeling of being at the beach really well Ros.
    Greetings Miranda

  6. If you drew these, they are just beautiful! You are so talented!!!

  7. Oh, such a fun beautiful card with the boat scene!! I would love to be rocking to sleep on the sea somewhere, too!! He’s certainly enjoying himself! And, she is having fun with her feet in the water! Lovely sweet cards, Ros...well done!!

  8. Be careful - don't fall overboard - can you swim?
    So cute - I love your drawings!
    Sandy xx

  9. What a fun way to keep cool, Ros! Adorable cards, my friend!

  10. Two beautiful watercoloured cards Ros and love the little atories you weave around them with the seafaring duck and his adorable wife paddling in the sea hoping to be presented with some lovely fish on his return...well, maybe Glad your DH enjoyed his family visit and got back safely. x

  11. Oh my friend these are awesome and I ALWAYS love hearing the story behind them!! He sure looks pretty relaxed in that boat ... good thing the Mrs. is keepin' an eye on him! LOL
    Things are good here in Ohio, USA. We've been working on a big outside project the past couple of months and happy to report it is 99.5% completed! The weather is to be PERFECT the next several days so we should be able to reach that 100% goal by early August.
    Thanks so much for joining in the fun at our Sisterhood of Crafters challenge! Good Luck and we hope you’ll come back often.

    Please stop in for a visit!


  12. I'm smiling and feeling chill thanks to your wonderful cards. Thanks for that, Ros!

  13. These are so awesomely cute, I just love these adorable little characters, they appeal to me so much, the cutest!

  14. Oh my gosh ... I love your cards and the story that goes with them! :) Ros, you must have so much fun creating these. You've started my day with a big smile, thanks for that! Love, Loll

  15. Awwww... these cards melt my heart! More from the goose series! Good to hear that you are back doing your exercises - we had been permitted since January or so (with a very limited number of participants)... on a break now because the place was flooded. By far not in the worst part of it all and I hope to continue this first week in August.

  16. I thoroughly enjoy your storing telling. Wonderful painted imagery to go along with your story. Loving these characters, they make me smile. Good for you for continuing your exercise classes. It's been much cooler mid 70's the last few days and up until Wed, then the heat comes back with temps over 100 again. As much as I don't want to rush the summer away, I look forward to the cooler sunny days of fall. Have a wonderful day & sorry for being so late to comment.

  17. Sorry to be so late visiting, but finally I'm here. Adorable paintings & I agree--best place to be with this heat is on the water! Luckily, we have AC since we no longer go to the lake. Can't wait until Fall arrives!


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