Monday, July 12, 2021

And it's raining

Yep, it's still raining and the temperatures is around 63F... The great British summer. But I'm not stressed about it, there's always something to do. Yesterday I decided to do a little sketching and painting and discovered quite a lot of paintings I have done over the year that I never did anything with... Maybe I will turn them into cards.
The two I did yesterday I did turn into cards...

 Because I did these on watercolour CS which is not as white as I'd like, I printed the background cardstock and believe it or not, it is actually a green ombre but it looks more gold on my photos...

...Which is okay as I used gold paint anyway

I really enjoyed doing these, it's been awhile

Thank you so much for all your lovely comments on my garden! I was hesitant to share the photos but as always you guys lift my spirits
My pretty Lilies are flowering in the garden right now..Actually I don't know what they are called but I'm sure they are from the Lily family and no doubt someone out there will know the correct name

And there are plenty more in the mini jungle I call a garden

Finally before I go I have to tell you that I got to go back to my exercise class last week, the first in almost a year. How I survived I have no idea... I ached in every part of my body Lol!
I'm not a fitness fanatic - more like a clock watcher when I have to exercise, hoping the time goes quickly but I have to try and keep this stenosis at bay and oil the joints.

Okay... Have yourselves a beautiful day

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Your cards and your flowers are very lovely!! Such dreamy and peaceful looking cards, love them! It has been raining here most of the week and to continue the rest of the week too, we are hoping to get out of here to lake house as weather finally seems better there! I have those same lilies in my garden though they might be done blooming, I missed the blooming of lots of my flowers by being at lake house most of summer so far!

  2. Beautiful cards with the pained flowers, Ros!! Wonderful photo of the lilies, so pretty! We continue nuke with rain here, too! My husband is frustrated with mowing the lawn. He got part of it mowed yesterday before it started raining again. It just seems crazy with part of the country with so much rain and out west where it is with severe drought doesn’t have the rain. It, we are hoping for some sunshine by the weekend. Anyways, thanks for sharing your card beauties with us! And, good for you with the exercise. I certainly need to get into a routine with some exercise. I do some walking and biking, but not regularly. Can I blame it on the rain? Lol! Take care, hugs!!

  3. I'm not sure why you ever bought any stamps when you can sketch like you do! Just Gorgeous cards and your garden flowers are FAB. PS I feel the same way about exercising that you do!

  4. Beautiful cards Ros. I love your handdrawn flowers and leaves. So delicate and beautiful. Sorry to hear it's raining so much. That used to be us, but this year, nothing but sunshine and hot, hot temps. It's so dry here. We stay inside with the air conditioner on full time. It would be nice to have a mix of our weather. :) Good for you getting back to your exercises. I need to do the same after all this time of sitting around. xx

  5. I just love your flower paintings, Ros! Wonderful style & made great cards! Good for you doing the exercise class! I need new joints! Probably will talk myself into the hip replacement after the holidays.

  6. You haven't lost your magic touch, Ros! Your watercolor flowers are gorgeous and so are the cards you created with them! I call these flowers day lilies and I have some just like these blooming outside my bedroom window. What a treat to open the blinds each morning and see that wonderful pop of color! I think they're my favorite anyway!

  7. What beautiful cards Ros, so unique and creative x. What a pleasant way to spend some time and I really love them x. Well done on returning to exercise Ros, not easy and I bet you did ache...I know I would x.

  8. Amazing Ros, those are two gorgeous hand drawn flowers and make perfect cards.
    Vancouver is on the other end of the weather spectrum, we are having one of our hottest dry summers, we could do with a little of your rain :)

  9. Ah, the beauty of a rainy day... just look what you did -- gorgeous! Love your daylilies, too. I have some in bloom, but I've barely had a chance to enjoy them.

  10. More parallels across the Channel: no summer here either, It's been more than once that I was tempted to start the woodburning stove.. in J U L Y! Anyhow, your cards are stunning, so glad you used these paintings!


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