Tuesday, August 10, 2021


 Hello there... I hope you are all well

I haven't been around for awhile, life sometimes gets in the way and the days go so fast. 
Thankfully my friend is out of hospital and is scheduled for surgery at the end of the month so all being well, the 50th celebration will be going ahead this weekend. As it happens it has rained most days and last weekend was particularly bad so here's hoping this weekend will be better.

Today I've a couple of painting to share... I do a lot but never seem to get around to making them into cards, anyways

Sometimes things can get a little stressful, DH relies on me a lot so painting something calm makes me calm

And I never tire of painting little mushrooms or flowers

... I'm always trying to improve on the last ones

I hope you like them

I will endeavour to get around to visiting you all soon... Be safe and enjoy your day

~ Ros ~


  1. Thanks for the update on your friend Ros and I hope the celebrations take place this weekend....And it's dry x. Great that painting and drawing is calming for you and what pretty and beautiful cards, both of them x.....No improvement needed Ros x.

  2. Just looking at your beautiful paintings is soothing to me. Love your tree scene with the "little things" sentiment. It's something I always keep in mind, especially these days. I do hope your friend's celebration goes on as planned. We all need a little extra happy.

  3. Hi Ros, well I'm so behind my blog visits and comments but have just enjoyed a few moments to go back over a few weeks of your posts... crazy changeable weather we are all experiencing even here with a few unusual showers today. I love your cards Ros and your paintings to - always bring a smile to my face and cheer me... you are very talented. Hope your friend is ok and up to celebrating 50 years, wow that's wonderful... Enjoy your week Ros, hugs Robyn

  4. You are very talented and these cards show that talent, they are beautiful!! Hope you are having good weather as we draw close to summer's end, we have had rain/storms everyday at the lake and today is no exception, plus we are getting all the smoke from the Canada fires and have yet to see a blue sky, but thankful WE don't have those horrendous fires!! Take care my friend!

  5. Happy to hear that your friend is doing better and that the celebration will be this weekend! Beautiful peaceful paintings with wonderful color, Ros! We are experiencing thunderstorms here right now. Today is supposed to be a pool party at my sister’s. But, it looks like the weather may have the final say. I’m hoping the storms go through soon, so that we can enjoy the pool part of the day. Take care, hugs!!

  6. Two lovely painted cards, Ros! I love the serene tree scene with the little mushrooms at the base! I totally understand how watercoloring can calm you. I always love your flowers and mushrooms! I don't think you need to improve on them at all, but do love that you keep them coming. Enjoy the festivities!

  7. Yes, I do like them. I always like your little scenes. I am very glad to hear your friend is feeling better, hope you enjoy the celebration xx

  8. There was nothing I loved more as a child than a Summer day spent swinging 'til my heart was content. The neighborhood was normally treated to a song or six. Bet they would have liked it if I wasn't so loud - it's the story of my life.
    LOve your paintings, and especially this darling swing, Ros.

  9. Two wonderful cards, your toadstools are beautiful and your summer day with the swing is delightful ♥

  10. I always LOVE your paintings, Ros. They are so joyful! LOVE the tree with swing, fence, and little mushrooms. This is definitely a peaceful and calm card. Your second card is so fun and colourful with the flowers and mushrooms. I always feel good after seeing your artwork! xx

  11. Your paintings calm me down, too, Ros, and even though I haven't stopped to comment each post, I have seen and loved them and how you turn them into delightful card designs! I always love your mushrooms and flowers, but the tree with the swing stole my heart this time! I loved swinging as high as I could go! I hope you have a rain-free beautiful weekend and I'm glad surgery is scheduled for your friend. Hugs, Darnell

  12. TFS your 2 new paintings, which include your signature mushroom, Ros:-) They are beautiful made into very special cards for your friends. So pleased to hear your friend is going to be able to celebrate her 50th Anniversary with her husband, family and friend. Love and Hugs...Nancy

  13. Both paintings are so lovely, Ros! I especially love the little mushrooms! How can mushrooms look so pretty? :-)
    Glad to hear about the good news of your friend.
    Hideko xx

  14. Glad for the good news & hope the weather cooperates! I actually can't imagine cold & rain--it's been forever since we had that! We had a huge water bill & the grass is still brown! Love the tree & your blue flowers!

  15. I love the two cards Ros and the pretty tranquil scene with the tree and swing, and of course two sweet little red toadstools, and then the bigger mushrooms and flowers..I think the exotic sweep of the stamens, and the soft edges to the leaves look wonderful. x

  16. Two beautiful paintings Ros! Love those little mushrooms at the base of the tree, and the sentiment is one of my favourites. Fabulous detail on your second card, those flowers are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing Ros, love when you do!

  17. Such lovely paintings! I fully understand how you never tire of painting mushtooms - I never tire of taking pictures of them... the most crazy ones just yesterday, a kind of coral mushroom. They looked otherworldly.


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