Thursday, December 30, 2021

Good Luck

 Hello there friends...

I hope you all enjoyed Christmas... 

It's not the same as it used to be, not just because of the pandemic but most of us can remember the old fashioned Christmases we enjoyed with loved ones and then times with our children when they were little, sharing in their excitement. It's not the same now but each year is a bonus...

Our Christmas was quiet and thankfully DH had improved enough to enjoy the day. His PCR test was negative so it was a chest infection that knocked him out for almost a week...

I have a card to share with you, though not a lot of crafting has been done here other than some sewing, but DH needed a card for a friend who moved house just before Christmas.


I actually drew and painted this months ago and it seemed to me to be perfect for the occasion.  This same friend moved house a few years back and I sent him a card then... It seems he liked it so much that he kept it and took it with him to this new house, How nice is that!


I happen to be a lover of windchimes which is why I drew these blowing in the wind, I can just imagine being in that place.

Well I have a new toy to play with and it's not a papercraft toy.. It's an overlocker for my sewing. I hope I can get to grips with it, I tell you this hobby is far more expensive than my papercrafting one haha! I saw a You Tube video of how to make a patternless top with just one metre of fabric and gave it a go... Here's the result

It worked and it fits fine too

Well my friends, I'm wishing you all not just a lovely day but a very happy and healthy New Year.
Thank you for your friendships that have not only brought fun, beauty and inspiration into my life but many times kept me sane and comforted me...


~ Ros ~


  1. Hello Ros, Glad to hear you had a good Christmas, and good news that hubby was feeling somewhat better to enjoy the day. Beautiful card Ros, your little scenes always amaze me. It's so nice when someone appreciates the cards we make that they decide to keep them, and I'm sure this one will be kept right along with the other. OH Ros, your top is beautiful! I agree sewing is a more expensive hobby than stamping. I use to do tons of sewing years ago, I too have an overlocker, maybe someday I'll get back at it. Thanks for sharing today Ros, and sorry if I have not been commenting lately, I hope this will all change in the new year, I need to get back at blogging again. Take care, sending hugs, Oh by the way, I received your beautiful card yesterday, love it!

  2. How thoughtful and sweet of you to make your husband’s friend a card to celebrate his move into a new home! Your card is lovely and so creative! I love those pretty wind chimes blowing in the wind! Beautiful soft mountains in the background, too! And, I must say I’m so amazed at your sewing skills! What a lovely top with a wonderful print! Wishing you a happy healthy new year!!

  3. Such a lovely card Ros which no doubt will also be kept! Who could bear to throw these lovely works of art from you away?!
    Great with the sewing too - can just about manage to sew on a button!
    Wishing you a wonderful 2022. x

  4. So glad DH tested negative and hope he is recovering from that nasty chest infection ? We so enjoyed Christmas, just the two of us and just the way we like it x. What a unique, thoughtful and crafty card and yes what a beautiful place to be x. Yay to your new overlocker and what a fabulous top you've made out of one metre of fabric x. Thank you for your friendship too Ros x.

  5. Glad that your DH was feeling well enough to enjoy Christmas and hope that he has continued to improve Ros. I love your beautiful shaker card which has a slightly eastern feel and love the hills in the background and the pretty wind chimes hanging from the tree, and the sequins and beads are perfect for the shaker element. I'm sure you will make great use of the overlocker and I love the top and made from just a metre of looks brilliant! Wishing you also a happy and healthy new year. x

  6. Hi Ros....lovely card...wonder if you will become famous for your little watercolours and they could end up on Antiques roadshow in s good few years time! Certainly I am sure they would be well sought after. Great top you have made too. I have decided you don't sleep and just beaver away you accomplish so much. Happy 2022 to you. lets hope we see some improvement this time round! xx

  7. Happy (almost!) New Year Ros! Hope it's a good and healthy one for both you and hubby! I know exactly what you mean about Christmas's being different now that were adults with grown children who have families of their own's not bad, but just very different! And quiet! We got together with our 3 daughters and the grandkids the Sunday before Christmas and that was a lot of fun and very noisy, and then actual Christmas day was VERY quiet! Oh well, it is what it is!! Your card is so pretty and your hubby's friend will now have 2 lovely cards to take with him if he moves again! I think it's pretty cool when a guy appreciates the work that went into a homemade card and saves it...I don't think that happens too often! And I love your top too! I bought a serger machine years and years ago, and still love using it...the seams always look so nice all finished off! Hope you get lots and lots of years use from it!! Take care, and again, Happy New Year!!

  8. I'm glad you had a good Christmas and hope you have a very crafty 2022♥
    Love your whimsical wind chime image, perfect for a new home card.

    And that patternless top is amazing. now you have me googling patternless outfits :)

  9. Oh Thank God hubby is on the mend and was not afflicted with covid! Though I'm sure he was just as miserable with the chest infection. Prayers he's back to 100% soon!
    Your card is LOVELY and I can feel the warm breezes blowing and the sweet sound of this delicate chime. I too love wind chimes and have one on the front porch and another in the tree off the side of our back deck. Some I find are too high pitched for me but I love the tone of the two I have and the deeper toned ones that sound like church bells are my next investment lol. I can understand your friend keeping your card ... I know I'm keeping mine! I told hubby when yours arrived at Christmas ... OMG I now have a Ros Original! Your work is truly beautiful and so heart felt.
    OMG how do you make your own clothes too? You are SO talented. I might(and I say might) be able to sew something using a pattern but would never attempt anything without a pattern. My brain just isn't geared that way I guess. LOVE the material you chose for this garment ... just beautiful!
    Here's wishing you a wonderful 2022! Yes the past couple of years have been far removed from 'normal' but having my crafty friends and my little family have helped me through it all. Blessings to you my friend!

  10. Your talent knows no end, Ros! I always love seeing your darling little scenes - you're so right about the wind chimes being perfect for a move. The winds of change, right? Add 'shaking things up' with your shaker design! It's such a feather in your cap that hubby's friend saves your cards!
    Your new toy is bound to have you sewing more and playing cards less - darling top!

  11. Beautiful painting, Ros & perfect for a new home card! How special that your hubby's friend saved the last card you made for him! So happy to hear your hubby is feeling better. Gotta wonder how a bug like that gets you when you're not going anywhere! I can't really sew even WITH a pattern! Your top is beautiful! Glad my card made it to you & I do wish you a healthy 2022 with moments of joy in spite of the world situation. Sending warm hugs, Greta

  12. Beautiful hand drawn wind chimes...perfect for friends enjoying their new home:-) TFS Ros and the photo of your beautiful handmade top...your talents always amaze me and Love when you share, dear friend. Happy Healthy Creative New Year. Love and Hugs...Nancy

  13. I predict that your friend will keep this card too, Ros! It's fantastic and so is your top!

  14. Oh, and Happy New Year, my friend!

  15. I love your wind chimes card and your tunic is fab. Years ago my Mum got an overlocker and absolutely loved it, in fact she did most of her seeing with it and hardly used her main sewing machine. Looking forward to seeing your next creation! I wish you and your family a very happy and healthy New Year. Take care xx

  16. Always inspired by your amazing talent, Ros. These windchimes are so beautiful ... I can hear them ringing! :) And I love your new top. You are so multi-talented!

    Happy New Year to you and your family, sweet friend. Looking forward to more of your amazing hand-drawn cards this year!! Love, Loll

  17. Happy New Year to you too. Your sewing is obviously very serious now if you own an overlocker, very impressive as is your top. Love the fabric. What a delight your new home card is too and being a shaker makes it that little bit more special. I don't think you should be surprised that people keep your cards. They are very special. I am so glad that DH is better xx

  18. Hello, Ros. Sorry I'm so late, but things haven't been all well here. I'm trying to catch up after a long break and today I read all your posts that I've missed in the last 30 days. You know I'm a fan and love everything you create. Can't help but be especially fond of the dog that looks so much like my Wally. I really love your wind chimes here and how perfect for a new home card! I've given wind chimes as a new home gift before so I guess it sounds especially perfect to me. I'm sorry to read about your back and your hubby's illness. Good to know there is no COVID in your house at least. True, Christmas is not what it used to be. We have no grandkids and only one son, and have been staying away from unvaccinated gatherings. Must choose carefully. I do not know how Christmas in the future will be. One day at a time. Happy new year!


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