Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Birthday Card

Hello there!

I hope you are all doing well...We're halfway through January and a little closer to Spring. There has been a woodpecker visiting my garden this week and they say that's a good sign.

Well I survived my first exercise class of the year thank goodness... I really needed to get back to it. I had a really nice birthday last week and thank you for my lovely cards.
Today my brother will be visiting, tomorrow I am lunching with my 2 GF's and then I will be going for some scans. I've already had my hips X-rayed and I still have to have bloods done on Thursday. So it's a busy week. 
I really haven't done any papercrafting except for the card I am sharing today... I did have a big sort out and gave away a lot of my craft stuff, keeping what I use most and making room for a sewing space.
Today's card is for one of the GF's I am meeting up with tomorrow - We both have birthdays in January so we meet 'inbetween".

 I'm sorry that the photos aren't that good but I'm sure you can make out the vellum embossed with an Altenew folder layered over a stenciled background

There is a lot of shine that you can't see, I painstakingy went over the lines on the vellum with a gold glitter pen.
My friend is a wonderful knitter and has made me an aran sweater for my husband ( it's his birthday next month) so as a thank you I made a top for her

I hope she likes it and I hope it fits.

My brother has just arrived, so I promise to catch up with you all very soon - 
Till then be safe and have a beautiful day

~ Ros ~


  1. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL card Ros...I love the stenciling underneath the embossed vellum! And the top you made for your friend is beautiful...I'm sure she'll love it! And also happy belated birthday...I hope it was a wonderful day!! Hugs. :0)

  2. What a lovely soft, pretty delicate card Ros and a beautiful top you have made for your friend. Stay safe out thee! Belated Birthday wishes. xx

  3. Hope you enjoyed the time with your brother today and I am so glad you survived your first exercise class Ros ? x.

    What a 'Special' birthday card for your girlfriend. The embossed vellum over the stencilled background looks amazing. I haven't tried that before Ros, so thank you for the fabulous inspiration x. A real stand out card my friend x.

    What a thoughtful thing to do, to make your friend a top and what a stunner it is.....You are so clever Ros x. (No luck finding the 'Bear' glue on Marcia's blog here in the UK x.)

  4. Ooh - this is so soft and pretty, Ros! Love the delicate look that makes it so elegant too. The top you made for your friend is gorgeous too and I'm sure she will love it. I'm just getting back into things after Christmas and am delighted to hear that you had a woodpecker in the garden - makes me think that spring may be here as soon as I hope. Goof luck with the blood tests and I hope you get some answers soon.
    Take care.
    Carol x

  5. That's a cracker of a card Ros, and the vellum has embossed beautifully using the floral 3D embossing folder, and the bright and pretty stencilling shows up so well in the background..I love the added pearls in the flower centres and randomly spread around the card. Your friend will adore this and hope you have a good lunch with your friends. That's a beautiful top you made to give to your friend too! x

  6. Happy Belated Birthday, dear friend:-) You have been a very busy girl..Love the top you made for your friend. I bet you can make sure it fits perfectly if it does not! Oh my, but you are talented, Ros. LOVE your stenciled background and dry embossed gorgeous flowers and die cut Special and heat eb sentiment. Your friend will Love her Special Birthday Card. TFS and sharing your techniques and photos. Enjoy all your visits, etc and stay safe. Love and Hugs..Nancy

  7. What a beautiful card this is, so soft and pretty, she will surely love it and well as the top you have made for her, what a wonderfully thoughtful gift! I hope you had a nice lunch out with your friend, it feels so good to get out once in awhile doesn't it! Have a great the rest of the week!!

  8. Oh my friend, the card & garment are both just beautiful ... she's going to LOVE them!! How nice that you're able to get out and about just a bit ... we all need some personal 1-on-1 from time to time! Good luck with your upcoming testing .. hope it all comes out good!! Hugs and Happiness to you!

  9. Ros your friend is bound to love this gorgeous top - and your card almost mimics the bouquet you've added to it!
    Happiest belated birthday wishes! Just keep celebrating!

  10. I love the dreamy look of the embossed vellum over the stenciling, Ros! A special card indeed! Love the top you made for your friend! She'll love it, I'm sure!

  11. Oh, how dreamy and lovely is your birthday card for your friend! Happy to hear that you can get out with some friends to celebrate and enjoy a nice visit from your brother! Such a gorgeous top for your friend, I’m sure she will treasure and wear it with delight! Good luck on your tests, take care, hugs!!

  12. This is such a soft, sweet feminine card Ros, I love it and how you've combined the background with the embossed vellum. Also admiring your sewing handwork.. nice to read you're making room for the sewing machine to be ready, mine sadly is still under the bed. Keep safe, hope the scans go well and enjoy time with friends, hugs Robyn

  13. Ros, your card is so beautiful! The embossed vellum layer with soft gold is a work of art! Speaking of work of art, the top you made for your friend is just that. I know she'll thoroughly enjoy wearing it. You're so good! I was sadly aware that I missed your birthday this year. I missed all my December/January birthdays and didn't even finish sending out Christmas cards. I was not happy about that. Please accept my belated birthday wishes.

  14. wonderful card Ros, love your soft background and the embossing.
    I'm sure your friend will love the top you made for her for making your husbands Aran sweater. I just bought one for my husband and my self from the sore in Ireland. You're so lucky to have someone make one :)

  15. Ros, sending happy belated birthday wishes, sorry I missed it. Your card is gorgeous, love the softness the embossed vellum adds to this. And for the top you made your friend, she is going to love this! You are so talented Ros. Glad you survived your first exercise class! Take care, keep well my friend, sending hugs!

  16. That card... so beautifully soft! Embossed vellum has just jumped high onto my priority list of things to try.
    I'm sure your friend will love the shirt - I can see it coming: next thing we know you forget about cards altogether and open an Etsy store for your wonderful creation!

  17. Happy belated birthday, Ros!
    Your birthday card for your friend is so elegant and beautiful! I love the embossed layer over the stenciled panel. The soft colors thru the vellum are just lovely and I can imagine the pretty sparkle of the glitter. Your friend is so lucky to receive the card and the gorgeous top!
    Hideko xx

  18. Stunning card Ros and the top for your friend is lovely - you are one talented lady. I hope you had a fab birthday and happy belated greetings xx

  19. Stunning card Ros and the top for your friend is lovely - you are one talented lady. I hope you had a fab birthday and happy belated greetings xx

  20. Beautiful card Ros. I love the background and the colours you’ve used to create it and the vellum overlay is just fab. The top you’ve made for your friend is lovely and I’m sure she will be thrilled with it xx

  21. This is so pretty, I love the look of the background through the vellum and how it is embossed. Your embossing is very impressive, whenever I try the vellum cracks but you obviously have the knack. Happy belated birthday and I hope you enjoyed the day with your brother and your tests all go OK. The top you made is pretty impressive too xx

  22. Glad you enjoyed your BD, my friend! The second card was just a test to see if you're still sharp--haha! Lists do only work if one looks at it! Oh well, better than no card. The embossed vellum with the gold glitter pen is amazing! Beautiful top for your friend! You are one talented lady--in case I haven't told you that!


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