Thursday, March 17, 2022

Thank You

 Hello lovely friends... How are you?

I'm happy to be able to tell you that my husband is home and doing okay. He had a minor heart attack and after a week was transferred to a specialist heart hospital. It was a very stressful and exhausting time but he's on the mend and coping with lots of medication.
As for me, I still haven't heard from the neuro centre regarding an appointment but I do have an appointment for the eye hospital. During the time my DH was in hospital the pressure in my eye continued to increase and the earliest date I can get to see a consultant is mid May. The pains in my arm and hand is still relentless but I am continuing to keep busy, though not much in the way of card making.

However... I do have a card dedicated to all of you who have kept my spirits up with your messages, beautiful cards and well wishes. I don't know where I would be without the strength you have given me...

Still using up my painted bits - The seniment says it perfectly

I can't thank you enough and my wonderful friends here who have continued to support me

Sending hugs to each and every one of you

~ Ros ~


  1. Hello sweet friend! This card is AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL! You are so very talented!! Glad to hear hubby is on the mend but sad to hear it was a heart attack. Of course they have come along so far in heart health that I'm sure he'll be back to normal before you know it! NOW as for you ... I'm so sorry to hear it's going to take that long to see a consultant ... good grief! I'm sure the stress of hubby's heart attack didn't help your condition so please try to stay as calm as you can so it doesn't increase even more before you can get some help. That's just wrong to have to wait that long ... I will say extra prayers that things turn around for you and you can find some relief from your pain. Hang in there sweet friend and know I'm praying for you and think of you often!! You've made my day by sharing this beautiful creation ... God Love Ya!!

  2. Ros so glad to hear your husband is home that must be such a relief but how difficult that you are both having health issues at the same time. My thoughts are with you both. Blog friends are the best and can always be guaranteed to cheer us up when the going gets tough. Your card is so pretty as is everything you create and I hope you are back to full strength sooner than later.

    take care


  3. Dearest Ros that is good news about your husband being back at home but you are so going through it health wise my friend x. Such a stressful and exhausting time for you both and I am sending lots of love and gentle hugs x. Your card is gentle, beautiful and thoughtful and I thank you for our blog friendship too x.❤

  4. So glad to hear that hubby is home now...I will continue to pray that he grows stronger each day, and that you my friend will hear from the dr. soon about an appointment for your back! And also your eye dr. appointment!! Boy when it rains it pours sometimes, doesn't it??!! Hang in there my friend! And of course your card is absolutely BEAUTIFUL as always!! Your painting skills always blow me away Ros...lovely, lovely card!! Hugs. :0)

  5. Ros, it's good to have this update - though not the 'all's well' news I'd hoped for, it is good to know that your husband is home and coping with his condition with medication alone!
    I'll keep you in my prayers, Ros - this is such a beautiful thank you!

  6. GORGEOUS card and good news about hubby and disconcerting news about you. Hopefully May will come soon and the doctors will provide you with answers and relief! Take care my Fabulous friend and thanks for the update! xoxoxo

  7. So pleased that your husband is now home and progressing well Ros, but sorry to hear that you have to wait a couple of months to see the consultant about your eye and that your arm and hand are still so painful but glad that you are fighting it all the way! This is a gorgeous card and love the pretty colours you have used in the background of your beautiful hand drawn flowers and leaves and the embossed leaves behind the frame and lovely sentiment finish it perfectly. Take care. x

  8. Firstly hope both you and your hubby are well, it sounds like you have had a very rough time lately and yet you still managed to produce such a beautiful card. The whole thing is beautiful but what stands out for me are the leaves, they are simply exquisite. Sending healing wishes to you and your hubby


  9. I am so glad to hear that your hubby is on the mend, that's a relief, but it will be a while before he is recovered fully I expect, but what is upsetting is to hear that you are still so unwell, what a worry for you. Your card is beautiful, I am so glad you were able top take time to make it and it is always good to use up bits you already have. Your painting is always beautiful and you have combined the elements beautifully on this card xx

  10. Happy to hear that your husband is home and doing ok with medication. I hope you can possibly get your appointment moved up? Maybe there will be a cancellation? Prayers for you to have strength to hang in there until your time for the doctor. You created a gorgeous card as always! So beautiful with the embossed leaves and wonderful design! Sending warm hugs and prayers your way, Ros!!

  11. It's a beautiful card Ros and we all thank you, and my thoughts are with you in this stressful time... glad to hear hubby is home and coming along, do take care, big hugs Robyn

  12. It's good to know that things are improving for you and your husband is home and doing better. Hopefully you can get some relief soon. Love, love, love this card! The golden leaves and Pretty panel of flowers are in such a pleasing layout! Take care, my friend!

  13. So happy your hubby is home and on the mend, Ros. What relief. I hope all continues well as he makes his recovery. Now to get you sorted. I hope the specialist appt. helps with the eye pressure and you'll soon get that off your list. I'm sad to hear that you are in constant pain. Sending you hugs and healing vibes! ~~~~ Love, Loll

  14. Gosh, forgot to mention how amazing your thanks card is. It's so beautiful. Love the colours ... very calm. xx

  15. Thank you Ros for sharing your beautiful card filled with Love:-) TFS your hubby's update. So happy he is home and doing much better. Now sending you wishes that your health issues get resolved soon. Waiting for appts can try your patience for sure! TFS your updates...we all care, my dear very creative friend. Love and Big Hugs..Nancy

  16. Anther stunner of a card ros, love the gold embossing. Glad to hear hubby is home and I wish you both some brighter days. I hope you get your health issues resolved soon Ros. xx

  17. Thank you for your update and this beautiful card, Ros! I'm so glad to hear that your hubby is back home and on the mends. I hope you'll be released from your health issues soon too. Until then, I'll be sending you positive and healing vibes!
    Hideko xx

  18. Thank you for the good news - so glad to hear he's on the mend and now hopefully your "issues" can be dealt with soonish as well... though May seems a long time to go when you are in constant pain.
    Your card is absolutely stunning - I hope you feel (body and mind) like creating at your former pace soon!

  19. Times like this make it so hard to be a world apart! Glad you got the card & know you are in my heart, dear friend. Very scary & so glad your hubby is home & on the mend. Wish you could get the care you need more timely--must be frustrating. I really love the painted piece you framed here--beautiful card! Love & hugs, Greta

  20. What a beautifully created card Ros! Happy to hear your hubby is home and doing well, that had to be quite a scary moment! I surely hope you get to feeling better and get the treatment you need to feel better yourself! This has been quite a year so far hasn't it! My best to you all!!


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