Thursday, April 28, 2022

A Few more...

 Hello friends... Hope you are doing well

I'm keeping busy, and have a few more cards to share

A while ago I bought some wrapping paper for a friend's birthday gift... I just loved the marble effect and kept a piece back to use up hence thes cards

The flowers are my own painted ones on both cards

This one is the negative leftover from cutting those leaves (couldn't bear to waste it)

I haven't added sentiments yet, I'll wait until they are needed

Short and sweet today... Stay well
~ Ros ~


  1. Yes, Ros, too pretty to throw away - sometimes we just have to accentuate the negatives! lol
    Both so very lovely - you know I love the greys! The debossing, and score lines are fabulous.

  2. WOW...what a great use of your wrapping paper! The designs are wonderful!!!! TFS!
    Paper Hugs,

  3. The gorgeous wrapping paper makes a perfect backdrop and leafy companion for your lovely flowers, Ros. Exquisite designs. You truly are an inspiration in many ways.

  4. That is gorgeous wrapping paper Ros, and I love your added flowers with pearls on the first and then that wonderful butterfly on the second and the scored lines and the the embossed die rectangular frame finish these beautiful designs perfectly. x

  5. Two gorgeous cards with your leftover flowers, wrapping paper and more. Love your CAS designs mf. I am so pleased to see you making cards with your leftovers:-) Take care..Love and Hugs..

  6. Oh never cease to amaze me...I am sure you could make a scrap of newspaper look like an expensive card in an exclusive shop (now there's a challenge) these cards are beautiful and very boutique, classsy and expensive looking. xx

  7. Great idea to use some of that wrapping paper for your cards, Ros! Love your flowers & your cards! Always artistic, unique & beautiful!

  8. Both are absolutely BEAUTIFUL Ros!! I just love that wrapping paper you used, and smart thinking to use the negative piece on the 2nd are so right in that it's much too pretty to waste!! Your pops of color with your flowers just couldn't be a more perfect addition to both cards too! Lovely, lovely cards my friend!! Hugs. :0)

  9. Girlfriend, you are just so dang creative! LOVE both of these cards and look at you, thinking ahead and saving that gorgeous wrapping paper to use on a card or two. These cards are SO STRIKING ... I simply LOVE them and once again am inspired by your overall designs! WOWZA! Happy Day to you and hope the sun is shining brightly and you find time to soak in some Vitamin D. HUGS from USA

  10. Glad you could repurpose that lovely paper, Ros! It worked perfectly for showing off your beautiful painted flowers and butterfly!

  11. Oh, such lovely cards, Ros! What a great way to use wrapping paper, so pretty! The flowers are so beautiful, too! I love the leaves and how you used the negative space for another card! And, great touch with the pearls! I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Take care, hugs!!

  12. Beautiful cards Ros, I love how your used the wrapping paper (it is gorgeous) in the design ♥

  13. These are gorgeous, I hope you keep them coming. You are so clever to use the left over negatives like that, such a good idea xx

  14. Fabulous cards Ros and what a great idea of using wrapping paper in card making, with such beautiful results - thank you so much for sharing xx

  15. Wonderful way to use both positive and negative pieces of your beautiful wrapping paper, Ros! Your pretty flowers and butterfly are perfect to brighten up the panels! 
    Hideko xx

  16. What fantastic wrapper paper and it really is a fantastic backdrop for your beautiful flowers.Great use of the negative space too.


  17. Loving all your beautiful floral cards with your wrapping paper and saved extra card pieces. You are so creative, my friend. TFS Love and Hugs...


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