Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Christmas cards

 Good morning friends...

Through the hustle and bustle of things going on I have found some joy in making Christmas cards. Something I can lose myself in...
In the past week alone both my cats have had to visit the vet... The cost is phenomenal and you all know how worrying it is, and we are not out of the woods yet.
As for me, I've struggled a lot with my spine and legs lately and need to have more scans but following my visit last week with the neuro consultant, he is also referring me to a hand specialist in the hope that maybe they can release some of the trapped nerves and give me some sense of feeling back and maybe a bit more dexterity. Writing, typing and texting is such a nightmare and I can't even pick up a needle never mind thread one. However, there are things I can still do, albeit not as perfectly as I would like so I'm sharing some of my not so perfect cards with you today. 

I love making these, they are just done with DI's and water with a little stamping. Easy for me to do and the blending doesn't have to be perfect

I wish you could see the sparkle ...

I haven't put all the sentiments on yet but I'll get around to it

You know how much I love to do snowmen cards so I drew my snowman, traced it so I could just make a bunch of cards and though they are all the same drawing, each snowman seemed to take on their own personality- These are just some of them

And I drew and painted some foliage ones

Finally for those of you who asked, a little peek at my new kitchen, which still hasn't been finished

Ok that's it for now... It's taken ages to type this

Thanks to all of you who have stuck by me, stay well and enjoy your day

~ Ros ~


  1. Well, hello there, so glad to see you back with all your gorgeous cards! Each card is so beautifully created, like a wisp of clean air, so peacefully delicate! I certainly hope you can find some health relief soon, especially with your hands and spine! Take care my friend, oh and your kitchen looks beautiful too!!

  2. Hi Ros...despite your problems these cards are all stunning. I love them all. I hope that you get some respite from your issues very soon. Sending hugs xx

  3. Hi Ros, lovely to see you posting again. I am so glad you have been able to make some cards despite your ongoing issues. Your little snowmen are just adorable and thanks for sharing some pics of your new kitchen. It looks fabulous and what a stunning colour. By the way, I am sure I visited and left you a comment on your last post, but it is not showing. I hope you received it. Just take each day as it comes, sometimes that's the only way xx

  4. I am in awe of how you battle on and still produce such beautiful work Ros and the soft and pretty water lifting with the white trees and embossed snowflakes and cute silhouette rabbit look fabulous , and I love the different expressions you have given your snowmen, and really wonderful leaves and berries. I think the strong blue for the kitchen with the white and the pretty paper is just gorgeous...I am very envious. I hope your cats go on well too. x

  5. When is a handmade card ever perfect? I can't see any flaws in these, not that I'm looking for them. I think they're all beautiful. You're so right about how each snowman looks like a different character with very few changes. Love that cocky little smile on the third one. It's so good to see you today, Ros. I know you're having a time of it with the neurological problems, yet you continue to amaze me with what you do. I think about you every day as your hand painted cards are on display in my stamp room. The kitchen is looking good! A beautiful, rich shade of blue on those cabinets. I hope your cats will be okay. I do know how it is as Wally and LuLu are aging (13 & 11) and my heart breaks to see it. It would be wonderful if the hand specialist could give you some relief.

  6. AMAZING cards as always Ros. I love your woodland background with the pretty trees. So sparkly! Your snowman is so sweet and as you said, they all have their own peronalities. As always, your Christmas greenery is lovely. I'm so happy you found joy while making these beauties. Sending you love, hugs, and healing thoughts as you deal with more medical tests and procedures. Your kitchen is fantastic. LOVE the deep blue of your cabinets. Renovations are always a fresh start and this is a beautiful one. Merry Christmas! Love, Loll

  7. Oh Ros...even on your worst stamping days your cards come out absolutely GORGEOUS!! There's just too much artist in you to not be able to create and ALL of your cards are just BEAUTIFUL! I absolutely LOVE the one with the little bunny!! Your kitchen pics look amazing too...must be fun to cook somewhere so pretty! Maybe that's what I should tell hubby...that if we get a new kitchen, I'll spend more time there! Haha! Take care my friend and hang in there!! Hugs. :0)

  8. Love these backgrounds, Ros! The colors are so serene and pleasing and I love the feeling of movement in these backgrounds! Your snowmen are adorable and as you say, each has a different personality! Your greenery is so bright and festive. Hopefully you will get some good news on your health issues and your kitties will be well soon! Pretty kitchen too!

  9. Sorry for the late visit, Ros. My cards are finished so I'm finally making up my own blog list of dear friends so I can keep in better contact. I'm so sorry for all your physical woes and your pain. I hope you can have a successful surgery of the trapped nerves, at least, and that next year is an easier one for you.

    I'm glad you can still lose yourself in your art and I love every one of the designs you've made and shared in this post! They are all so different, but equally moving and wonderful!

    And lastly, oh my God, I LOVE your kitchen! I have blue and white in my kitchen also, so those deep blue cabinets really rock my world! Holiday Hugs, Darnell (p.s. I hope your beloved cats recover soon.)

  10. What lovely cards - the snowmen are a cute bunch! It's great to see that you can be creative, even if sewing is not an option.
    I hope you got some positive medical news for yourself by now and also that the cats are out of the woods. Larry is sending her best!
    I love your kitchen! The color is amazing - I'm gathering ideas for having my own remodeled not too far off but I have so far not considered such a strong color in general... much less blue. But that's quite something.

  11. Sorry I'm so late getting to your blog, Ros. Hopefully eventually cards I've sent will reach you. Just know you've been on my mind. Good thing you said this weren't perfect because I'd have thought they were--haha! Seriously, they're absolutely wonderful--every single one!


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