Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Back to Whimsy

 Hello and a belated Happy New Year!

I hope this finds you well.. It's a wet and cold day here in Liverpool.

Thank you so much for all the lovely Christmas cards and I'm glad to hear that some of my cards made it to you too. 
I've been painting a lot with a little sewing in between - Even made it back to my exercise class yesterday!
Lets talk little guys...
 The gnome variety that is. Seems they have taken me over and I just love painting them. I've noticed that they are attracted to snowdrops (well in my world). They come out at night  just to see them, or maybe they collect some secret potion from them, who knows, I haven't figured that out yet.

They are often alone, but sometimes if you look hard enough you can see another little guy in the background

...And once your eyes focus in the dark and the moon moves a little, you can even spot a little gnome house

They don't seem to mind me watching, in fact two of them even posed for a photo in broad daylight Lol!

It hasn't been all gnomes though,  in fact DH spent time putting some of my artwork on my newly decorated craftroom wall. I should have photographed them before to avoid the glare from the glass I know, but here's a peek. They also have a sparkle to them.

Well I hope I made you smile today...
Stay warm my friends
~ Ros ~


  1. Happy New Year Ros and hope 2023 is a good one.
    Love love love these gnomes! Cheered me up on such a wet and miserable day - if anyone tells me there's a shortage of water this year I shall just point them to pics of my flooded garden!
    Beautiful artwork too and deserved of being beautifully framed. x

  2. Happy New Year Ros! I just adore your sweet gnomes, and then these three beautifully framed painted leaves and berries..these look so elegant and could grace any room, and love the classic black frames and white mats which go perfectly. So pleased that you are managing to create and such brilliant work too, and also going to your exercise class. x

  3. I LOVE your sweet gnomes. They make me smile, Ros! :) I love the winter scenes, and thoughts of if they are making potions with the snowdrops. So fun, my friend. LOVING your framed botanicals. They are all so amazing. You are amazing! Happy New Year to you and hubby! Love, Loll

  4. Yes, you definitely made me smile with all those adorable little paintings and the ones you have on your wall are very special too. I hope you have finished all your diy projects now and can get on and enjoy your craft room. Can't wait to see more of your amazing art work xx

  5. Happy New Year, Ros! Your gnomes are adorable and your framed artwork is beautiful! I hope we'll be seeing lots more of it this year!

  6. Wow Ros, ALL your 'paintings' are fabulously beautiful and what can be any cuter then gnomes!! So glad to see you back in your creative spirit, we have all missed seeing it!! Take care of yourself my friend!!

  7. Ros, I had the most enjoyable time reading your post and scrolling through your paintings! Your little gnomes are darling, and the ones that posed for their portraits show such amazing detail. I marvel at how you do this so expertly. The wall art is so very beautiful and surely lends a peaceful air to your room. Incredible. I'm so glad to know you're doing more of the things you love. I know the exercise class is important to how you feel.

  8. Hello, Ros! Happy New Year to you my friend! I've just had the most wonderful stroll through all your posts that I've missed! I am missing so much since Blogger decided to stop delivering my subscribed blogs!
    Your paintings [especially these darling gnomes] are so delightful!
    I love that your husband framed a few of them for you - but PLEASE always sign your paintings! At least your initials and the year painted - you've earned that.

  9. You definitely made me smile big time Ros...I didn't want this post to end! Your little gnomes are delightful, and I especially like the close up ones! And so glad to see that hubby framed some of your work as they are definitely frame worthy!! Lovely, lovely work my friend and thank you so much for the lovely card you sent...that little bunny gazing up at the star totally melts my heart every time I look at it! Hugs. :0)

  10. Oh yay! So glad you've enjoyed painting & sewing, Ros! Very fun post that did make me smile! That's wonderful you could go to your exercise class--picking up regular life as you can. Good for hubby putting up the paintings for you! As you know, I adore your foliage paintings & wish I could come visit your craft room! But even without that, our friendship continues & your positive thoughts are much appreciated, my friend. I'll keep in touch.

  11. Happy new year, Ros! It sounds like you made a great start to 2023. Sorry that I missed your blog posts for a long time! I don't receive a notification from Blogger any more, so it's a little difficult to track new posts.
    Your gnomes are so cute and your cards will make a story book. Love the beautiful snow scenes too.
    And how sweet of your DH to put your artwork on your newly decorated craft room wall! Having those beautiful paintings must be so inspiring!
    Hideko xx

  12. Happy New Year Ros, so great to see all your pieces of art work. Your gnomes are adorable and the framed pieces are amazing ♥

  13. And very late Happy New Year to your Ros and family... and a big thanks for my Christmas card...my homemade ones are all so special. AND wow, loving your framed artworks they are fantastic... the little gnomes too, hugs Robyn

  14. Belated Happy New Year, Ros and I hope you are well and happy. Your gnomes make me happy - they are adorable and you are lucky to find them in Liverpool because I think they are endangered in Manchester lol! Tou artwork deserves to be framed and how lovely to have them on your craft room walls. Well, January is on the way out and we are one month closer to spring!
    Take care of yourself.
    Carol x
    PS Do you rent your hubby out?? He sounds like a keeper :-)

  15. Your cards never fail to make me smile! The gnomes are adorable and I love their attraction to snowdrops... they (the latter!) have started appearing here, along with some crocusses. Spring may be around the corner after all. The paintings you made for the craftroom walls are also stunning!

  16. OMG...such beautiful, adorable, whimsical painted work of art, Ros:-) I am now the proud owner of your sweet, cute whimsical waving Gnome painting, my friend. I received your thoughtful thank you gnome card 3 days ago:-) We are enjoying your card on our dining table along with the orchid plant Denny gave me for Valentine's Day and a birdhouse with a sweet birdy card you painted and sent me several years ago (you signed, but no date). I display your card whenever I need a breath of Springtime or Summer:-) All your paintings of leaves, gnomes, etc on this post are so beautiful and inspiring. How sweet of your hubby to frame several of your paintings for your craft room:-) Thank you again and now I need to comment on some missed posts. I do not seem to be getting notifications of your postings..hmmm...Take care, dear friend. I think of you often. Love and Hugs..Nancy


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