Friday, February 24, 2023

This & That

Good morning - I hope you are well

I have quite a few things to share with you, I'm still doing what I love.

First is a card I made for my friends' wedding anniversary today with a little stenceling and some painted flowers

I had to use the scissors to hold the card flat so you could see the painted flowers down the side and I did some flowers on the envelope too

I'm grateful that being right handed the nerve problem is not as severe in my right hand so it allows me to paint and I love doing these simple flowers. So much so that I made two little cards to send.
Not having done many cards these past few months, I'd forgotten how much I have to get up for things and the effort it is to use the bigshot Lol! When I paint I can just sit with everything on the table, it's so much easier so I painted directly onto the card on these two.

I have also been painting with watercolour card and learning as I go watching videos and a lot of trial and error. I thought you would like to see some I've done

I won't tell you how many goes I had at trying to get that atmospheric sky

...Learning to hone my skills with tree painting

I was quite pleased with the fox until hubby thought it was my cat!

More trees and yes a cat

Ok, another gnome... And finally

I only have sensation in the little finger on my left hand and both hands are always frozen cold which adds to the pain but painting takes me to another place. Talking of which, DH has booked us a little break in Majorca for next month. It will be our first get away in 4 years, it won't be beach weather but it's a break right? And I can take my travel paints with me.

Sending hugs to you all 

~ Ros ~


  1. Fabulous cards Ros, so glad you are still at your painting, of course the ones with the cats are my favorite and the fox too! It will be good to get away and just relax for a bit. I too have nerve damage in my left hand/arm, had it operated on in two places but it didn't work and then next was either to operate on the nerve in my neck or live with it, so as I wasn't letting them touch my neck nerves I chose to live with it. It is painful at times but mostly it is asleep, tingling 24/7, some days all the commenting I have to do sets it off and it cramps so bad I can hardly stand it, yep, it sure is hard getting old and who invented those 'golden years' anyhow!!

  2. Oh Ros, these are ALL so wonderful and it makes my heart happy to see you creating with your paints!! Your anniversary card is absolutely BEAUTIFUL and I totally had to chuckle about your fox comment and how hubby thought it was your cat...I recognized it as a fox right away! I'm sorry to hear you're dealing with the left hand issue still, but can totally relate as I am now dealing with issues like that too (arthritis in my C5-6 & C6-7) where it's causing a lot of pain in my upper back/neck and left arm, and weakness in my left hand (can't grip much anymore with it). You don't realize how much you use your other hand until you don't have that ability anymore! Oh the joys of aging...grrrrr! Take care of yourself and have a wonderful time on your time away trip!! Hugs. :0)

  3. I had no question about that darling Fox! Love each and every card and painting, Ros! So happy you have shared these today.
    You'll need a few frames, I think - wink!

  4. Hello Ros!
    Lovely to see your gorgeous watercolours again. A beautiful set of cards as always.
    The weather will be just right when you are away - not too hot (can't stand searing heat) and it will be a perfect relax for you.
    Sending love. x

  5. I'm so pleased that you are managing to keep painting Ros, and these are all absolutely beautiful, and I think you just get better and better...your brushstrokes on the flowers are incredible and they look so realistic and at first before I read your piece underneath I thought it was a stamp, and the softer blue ones down the side of the card and on the envelope have such a light and pretty touch. It's great that you are having a break in Majorca which will do you and your husband the world of good and the weather should be OK I think as it will be warming up there. x

  6. I'm always dumbstruck by your painting, Ros. I've enjoyed your progress over the years and it does my heart good to know you're still at it. Thank goodness you have this creative outlet. Beautiful work on each and so much to love. I guess a fox does look a bit like a cat from the back, but the shape of the tail is a giveaway. The hooded child with the kitten watching from the fence is full of sweetness and mood. Your flowers in the varying depths of color -- oh my! The fences in the snow strike me as quite beautiful, too. Every painting has something to draw in the viewer. I can imagine how you're looking forward to your getaway. It should be a bit warmer there. I hope so. Whatever the weather, let your spirit be renewed. We all need that from time to time. Hugs!

  7. I am so glad to hear that you can still enjoy painting. All of these are truly stunning. I especially like those tiny flowers, just beautiful. I was trying to improve my watercolour skills, but in recent weeks, it seems to have gone by the wayside. I am just never happy with what I do. I do hope that you are very happy with these as they are extra special considering your challenges. Thank you for your visit to me today too, it was lovely to see you. I also wish you a very happy and relaxing holiday. I have never been to Majorca, but I am sure it will be beautiful in the spring xx

  8. OMG..I have been thinking of you constantly lately, Ros and then I saw your sweet comment on my "I am here for you" card that I recently posted so went straight to your blog and to my surprise and excitement you had posted MANY beautiful watercolor scene! Also an update on your hands, etc. I am pleased at least your worse hand is your left hand and that you can still paint:-) I actually have a watercolor scene that you painted and sent to me about 3 or 4 years ago of a birdhouse, birdie and sweet pretty little blue wild signed, but no date! It is sitting on our side board next to Denny's display of bird nests, feathers, etc. I will try to take a photo and send to you:-) We are only having sun off and on. Tues and Wed we had 3" of snow and then snow mixed with rain, so most of the snow is gone now:-) I prefer rain over snow! The snow is pretty for a short time and then everything outside gets wet and messy.

    I have tried WC flowers with the help of Online videos. I now have several WC sets including metallic WC's, but need more time to play. WC does take time, but I do find it relaxing even if the results aren't great. It has helped me with my WC of cards though:-)

    Sorry for being so chatty book...but I am so excited to see you and your beautiful blog WC cards. Thank you soooo much for sharing, my dear friend. Love and Hugs and Take Care. BTW..the fox's ears and tail gave it away:-) Hee, hee.....

  9. Hi Ros, well I have to agree with everyone else... lovely to see you're still painting... it seems to take your mind off everything else when you're in the zone... beautiful artwork as always, love them all, and yes I saw the little foxie, you capture atmosphere wonderfully. take care, hugs Robyn

  10. Hi Ros...what beautiful cards! I really love the flowers on your first one professional. You really are talented, all your watercolours are fantastic...mine would be in the bin!! Enjoy will be good to have a break. Take care xx

  11. Oh, I had seen your comment on someone’s blog and had to immediately come over to see if you have any creations! And, yes, I saw your amazing creations! Such lovely cards done in painting! I had to chuckle that your hubby thought the fox was your cat. I can tell by the tail that it is a fox. And, love the black cats for it reminds me of my black cat, Nicky! Your scenes with the trees and skies are so beautiful! What patience and talent you have. What fun it would be to dabble in water colors more and you have done it so well! I’m happy to see that you are able to create and seeing your wonderful creations is such a delight! Take care, hugs!!

  12. Oh Ros these are all just AMAZING! So happy to see more of your designs! I just happened to see your comment on Diane's blog so popped over to see what you've been up to ... for some reason (maybe cause new computer/Windows 11) I'm not getting notification of your postings. Ugh!
    Each and every card you have showcased today is amazing. You are so talented in your painting. Wish I had your 'artistic' talents. So good to hear from you again and sorry I've not been around to visit. 2022 was a terrible health year for me but 2023 is going to be MUCH better ... I can feel it in my old bones. lol Hope you & yours are having a good start to 2023 also. BIG OHIO HUGS!

  13. Your watercoloring is so inspiring, Ros! I love your sweet blue flowers and cats and your landscapes are so pretty! I'm glad you can still paint. I know what you mean about being taken away to another place. We all need that sometimes.

  14. I'm so happy to see you painting, Ros. These cards are all so amazing and they make me smile. I LOVE the special anniversary card you made for friends. It's gorgeous. I love the sweet flowers down the side and on the envelope too. A keepsake for them to treasure. I love all your sweet paintings ... they are joyful. Take care my sweet friend and enjoy your time away! Love, Loll

  15. Such wonderful cards! Needless to say, I love all the cat motives - how could the fox have been mistaken for a cat, though? Clearly that's a fox's tail and also the black tips on the ears? Or, seen from another angle, what a gorgeous cat that would be! Majorca sounds like a very good place to go in March and I hope you'll have a grand time. Just being out and about and seeing "other things" again will help a lot and boost morale!

  16. I think of you whenever I hear something about Majorca. So happy you're having a getaway! Your paintings are amazing, my friend! I adore how you paint the little flowers & the anniversary card is so beautiful! The landscapes look professional, ready to frame & sell! You're so talented!

  17. What beautiful work!! I saw and screen shot a lovely card of yours months ago and just discovered you had a blog so I have finally gotten into the world of Blogs! ... First time ever!


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