Friday, August 20, 2010

All sorts of everything...

Hi there ...
I've been beavering away lately (we still have rain here) ... and I have a few things to show you ... a few things still to finish ... and a whole heap of things going around in my head! 
Yesterday I showed you the card I made for Joanne's birthday ... well I made a box to match and filled it with bath cream, hand lotion, body mousse and shower cream ... I should have photographed it before I sealed it but anyway I thought you'd like to see ...

So that's me ready for her party tomorrow ... she's invited a lot of her special needs friends and her tutors so I just hope they all come ...
I 've also got a little card I did for another friend ... told you I had a lot of birthdays and anniversaries this month ... lost count myself at how many now ...

This is an opening card but I made it into a tag shape ... printed some papers and stitched them on ...

I also adhered a butterfly charm to a felt butterfly for added effect.

And lastly ... I saw a brilliant tutorial for a 'suitcase' posted by the very clever Clare Buswell which you can find Here ..
Well, I just had to try this (I don't have any foam board so I used thick card from some packaging I had) now ... I did this late last night so maybe it isn't that perfect ... I keep telling myself not to craft when I am tired but hey ho ... 

I made mine with the handle on the top ... digital papers used again...

I really can't believe how much I can fit in this ... which has given me so many ideas ... so I'm off to create some more .... 
Till soon



  1. What a brilliant and fantastic projects.... Awesome Ros... you're really creative ....

    P/S: I hope you'll received the package the least next week.... can you please email me just what wanna make sure I've got the right address.... my email:

    Thanks Ros...xx

  2. wow Ros what stunning beautifully made
    Mina xxx

  3. *squeal of excitement* that luggage case is too much!! absolutely sweet. love love love it!
    sometimes the best creations come from being tired or under time restraints...or at least thats how i feel..
    great job on all your projects!

  4. Oh my that beautiful and elegant. And the same goes for the card.And the same goes for the suitcae... Bit of a boring comment :)Joanne will be thrilled about your box.
    Who wouldn't receive something so gorgeous made by you? Ros I love your style and every creation is pure beauty!
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Hugs and XXX

  5. Oh my, there's a lot to see here, all lovely, I super love that tag shape card!
    Got your package today, thanks a lot Ros, they are lovely, the card and the handmade flowers, thanks for thinking of me, I will see Linda tomorrow, and will pass it to her.
    Hey, there's an award for you beautiful blogger, come see it at my blog!

  6. Hey! Glad I'm keeping someone amused! I guess my life is quite funny at times!. That suitcase is adorable and I love your tag card. I love crafting late at night- but then its the only time I get any peace!!xx

  7. Wow Ros! All this eye candy is gorgeous! I am sure your friend is going to love the lil' gift ensemble & that suitcase is wonderful!

  8. The suitcase is darling! Such pretty creations!

  9. oh my goodness, I soooo love that tag card! I saw some of your beautiful flowers on someone else's blog and thought I better start following yours. Great stuff!


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