Monday, August 23, 2010

Saying goodbye ....

Yesterday my Brother came with my SIL and brought their grandson ... my beautiful great nephew Ross ... a million delights all wrapped up in one bundle of energy ... It never ceases to amaze me ... his intelligence, his curiosity and the amount of love that he conjures up inside me ... 
I can't begin to imagine how very hard it has been for his Mum ... losing the love of her life .... her soul mate ... so suddenly just when their future as a family had begun ... Having to face life alone with a little boy who needed so much ... not having that special someone to lean on each time her little boy faced an operation ... not having that special someone to hug, with pride, the day Ross finally walked ... 
But I do know one thing ... His daddy would be so proud ... proud of his little boy ... proud of his beautiful wife ... of her dedication, of her strength ...
And now it is time for them to move on ... a new life beckons which means that they will be leaving soon for another part of the country ... and as a family we will be together for our farewells next week with mixed emotions ... 
I made another one of my little house albums for them ... a little piece of me, made with love ... I stuck to the same colours as a previous one I did and made a card too ...

I'll just show you one of the album as you are probably getting fed up of them by now ...

On a lighter note I want to thank two sweet blog friends ..Kirsty  and Stella ... both of them nominated me for this lovely blog award ...

"Thank you" girls ... I think that I am supposed to pass the honour on to 10 more blog friends but there are so many of you who deserve this ... so many who have taken the time and trouble to stop by and leave me a comment or just to wish me well and bless me with your prayers when things were tough, that I cannot just pick 10 ... so please feel free to take this award ... with grateful thanks ....

Till soon



  1. This is just beautiful Ros! I am sure she will love it and cherish this sweet gift. You did an amazing job. The paper, glitter, lace...pure perfection!
    Congrats on your blog award. You totally deserve it. :)

  2. Hi Ros! Gosh your story just made me tear up but it sounds like Ross and his mom have a family that loves them and is there for them no matter what. I know it's going to be hard for them to move farther away but I bet you'll still see them alot. Your little house will be with them to keep you in their hearts. All your creations are so beautiful. I want to thank you for the sweet comments you always leave me when I play at CCCB. I fixed the picture link to my grandmothers card if you'd like to see it up close better. Not sure what happened there. LOL Blessings!

  3. Such an emotional time for you and your family, Ross and his Mom will treasure such a gorgeous album forever. Will be thinking of you next week.
    Beautiful card as well,love the colour scheme.
    I'm up your neck of the woods tomorrow,myself and some friends are coming up to visit Crab Apple Crafts.

  4. yes this is just so beautiful... and Sweet too... I'm sure she will cherish and treasure with love...

    Congrats on your blog award....xx

  5. Your creations are just wonderful. I would love to more details. such as how you made your creations or the supplies you used and where you got them. You know we just have to share that stuff!LOL!
    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving the sweet comment. Have a wonderful week.

  6. Sorry to hear about the lost of a family member, bet it is tough time for Ross and his mom. Hope they are able to get back on track with lots of love from all of you.
    Congrats on the awards, you are a beautiful blogger and creative crafter, you are well deserved!


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