Sunday, September 26, 2010

Be yourself ...

Hello ....
I hope you are well ... I have had a busy weekend ... last night I was at an auction at the Bridge Chapel ... it was to raise funds for the "Bungalow Appeal" ..... Briefly ... the bungalow is a place the church were able to mortgage as a home for 4 ladies who are mentally and/or physically challenged ( along with support workers).The aim is to buy this home and then mortgage another ... and so on ... Not only will these homes provide a safe environment ... but we have to remember that some of these people have never known a home life ... many are fortunate and have loving caring families ... but what happens to their children when they are no longer around?.. I think you get the picture ...
So we had an auction and it was such fun! Before, my husband retired we were fortunate to attend a few "black tie" charity auctions ... one of which had quite a few ''Wags" ... and it was so funny because my husband would say "I'll bid on that for you" (it could be anything) and when the bidding started the Wags would bid in thousands of pounds!! money no object ... so needless to say I never got anything! ... but I got a few things last night including the use of a cottage in Wales for a few days ...

I managed to make a card this evening for the Waltzingmouse challenge ... I apologise for the photo but it is night time in the UK right now and so I have no naturally light .. This is the sketch ..

.. and this is my card ...

Just some scrap papers, ribbon, lace and a pearl brad ...

Till soon my friends - keep safe



  1. Very pretty,I love the blue and black colour combo. I've just finished my card for this sketch,I've also used blue but with brown.
    I hope the auction went well and made lots of money for a such a wonderful cause. How nice you that you will get a few days away in Wales.

  2. You wrote:
    "Just some scrap papers, ribbon, lace and a pearl brad ..."
    I think that's an understatement...

    This is a beauty. Such a feminine and elegant card. And so your style! Such a lovely color scheme of black and soft colors; I love love love that blue/green scrunched seam binding and pearl brad!

    Yes I say it again; I'm smitten :)

    Love and hugs,

  3. What a beautiful card.. And there is no better way to be, than to be yourself.... Hugs, Linda

  4. This is so pretty. The paper pattern is so feminine and delicate, and the black lace gives such impact. Lovely.

  5. A lovely card Ros! that lace is wonderful as well as your ribbon and pretty colors! thanks for playing with WMS this week!

  6. Congrats on your auction "goodies"!

    Beautiful card! Love that lace and the brad and ribbon are so romantic!

  7. It is good to know that you had fun over the weekends, and how lucky, you get to stay at a cottage in Wales, can you put me in your suitcase please?
    This a beautiful card, I always love soft blue like this, and that crinkled ribbon with jewel, black lace, everything is just so beautiful!!!

  8. Very pretty card Ros! Love the color combo & that velvety ribbon is divine! Thanks for playing along with the WMSC :)

  9. How lovely to stay in Wales for a couple of days, it's sooooo beautiful out there! Put some logs on the fire, have a nice glass of wine, read a good book... Sorry, I'm drifting... I just wanted to say what a wonderful card you made Ros, the black lace is gorgeous and the soft blue goes perfectly with the black, well done!

  10. Stunning Ros. I love the black lacy bit at the bottom.
    I am glad to hear you finally got some goodies. That is for a wonderful cause. :)

  11. This is sooooooo perfectly lovely Ros!

  12. So pretty Ros, and what a fabby idea, that Bungalow appeal, that's a genius idea, so hope it does well! Thank you for playing along with our WMS sketch!

  13. lovely take on the sketch. very pretty card! thanks for joining us at WMSC this week!

  14. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL card!!! So glad you joined us for the WMS Challenge!


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