Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Flowers and Frills ...

Good morning ...
I am hosting the challenge at City Crafter Challenge Blog this week and the theme is Flower and Frills ... make a card or project using flower(s) and either some lace or a doily ...

Our current swap on City Crafter Party Blog is for lace and doilies ... so I thought it would be good to go with this theme ... 
Our Guest Designer this week is Karli ... please pop over and say hello and check out her lovely card too... along with the rest of the DT ... they have done some lovely cards to give you inspiration ...

I used some Basic Grey paper that I have had for ages ... I love this range (Scarlet's Letter) and bought lots of it at the time .... The flower is actually from a necklace and the rest is from my stash ... the little bird is made from wood and covered in material (from the Hobby Shop) which matches my ribbon ...
I hope you will join our challenge this week and look forward to seeing you ...
Have a lovely day



  1. I recognized the paper you used Ros, I still have a piece lying around :-) Love how you used the doily as a lacey background for your flower, very pretty card! Love the red, too!

  2. Your card is `beautiful` Ros..
    love the doily and flower TFI:)x

  3. Ros beautiful card, it is so deicate and frilly, Love the flower

  4. This is so beautiful.. I love your flower... Thanks for the great challenge, I had so much fun with this one.... Hugs, Linda

  5. Hola Ros ! Is so cute the way the bird matches the ribbon :D

  6. Absolutely stunning!! LOVE that flower and your pops of red!

  7. So pretty! I love how the ribbon match the little birdie, lovely!

  8. Very pretty card Ros! That fabric flower is precious & I love the pop of red!

  9. Beautiful card, Ros! I love your colors as well. Your photograph was so inspiring!

  10. wonderful.. i love this challenge and hope i get the chance to play along this week!

  11. As always; fabulous. I would never have thought to combine green and red in this way but I love it. I love the soft colors of your card and that beautiful flower. The red ribbon and birdie are perfect!

  12. From the fabric flower to the doily and sweet litlte bird this card is just the sweetest Ros. :)

  13. Hi Ros
    Love how look your card, so pretty, so lovely!!
    How you did the flower?



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