Monday, November 29, 2010


It's really cold here and the gym this morning was like a cold storage place ... I had 3 pairs of socks on and still my toes were frozen! But my lovely friend bought me some very special gloves ... for people like me who suffer from Raynauds disease ... they contain silver which is supposed to really assist with heat storage ... one pair has only half fingers so I can type or work with them on and the other pair with full fingers are to be worn on top when I am out and about ... I've worn them today and so far so good ... 
So ... nothing exciting ... just 3 little cards to share ... one stamp 3 cards ....

I did a lot of stamping for my group last week and had some pieces left over so waste not want not ... and it gives me an excuse to talk to you all ...

I really do love this Anna Griffin stamp ... got it for a song on Ebay ... the ribbon too ...

Fancy Tag dies from Spellbinders .....

Lovely buttons from The Ribbon Girl ... aren't they cute?
I'm always behind when it comes to Christmas ... so I am going to have to get cracking with more cards ... just got some lovely new papers from Websters but blowed if I can find where I put them ... I put things in such a safe place that even I can't find them!
I'll be back tomorrow for the challenge at City Crafter ... but there is still lots of time to enter this weeks challenge ... 

Till soon ... keep safe and keep warm

~ Ros ~


  1. Ros love your cards...I put some pins in the mail for you on Saturday. Hope you like them, can't wait to see what you all create with them

  2. Hola Ros !! Hahaha I'm like you sometimes I put things in "safe" places and it takes me ages to find them again. My favorite card is the one with the bow.And yes those buttons are really cute :D hope it gets a bit warmer on your part of the world :D. And thanks so much for your sweet words for Perchan.

  3. Hi Ros, It is warm here, 73F. Sorry it is so cold! I love your new cards and look forward to seeing your card tomorrow. I got some sleep last night and had time to make a card today! No little voices keeping me company!

  4. All 3 cards are so pretty Ros! Love the Fancy tag and gorgeous snowflake!

  5. Black, white, and red ... such an elegant combination. This collection is gorgeous, Ros. Stay warm and thanks for sharing!

  6. Hi Ros! These are elegant and classy cards! Love that you used scraps to create! How sweet of your friend to bring you the special gloves. I hope you can warm up soon! Hugs! Amy

  7. Lovely stamp, I love Ann Griffin's products too. The color of the ribbon is so pretty!

  8. Wow Ros... those cards are simply gorgeous... Great inspiration!! Thanks...

    you poor thing... please keep warm... thinking of you....xoxo

  9. ohmygosh, that's cold! i don't think i've ever experienced that. hope things warm up.
    i love your cards, ros. they are so elegant and beautiful. love the papers and the colors and the pop of red. thanks for sharing!
    *hugs* steph :)

  10. They are all beautiful. You are so talented. I hope you stay warm my friend..

    Hugs, Linda

  11. That background stamp is gorgeous,. ( Best buy:) )I love how it turned out; it looks so soft. Elegant and chic; perfectly used on these Christmas cards.
    Have a lovely day!


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