Friday, November 26, 2010

Tags ...

Hi ... How are you all?
I'm struggling with my creative side lately ... we've been without hot water and heating for a few days and it is very cold in the UK ...  it hasn't helped my cold ... and I'm finding it difficult to create when everywhere is in disarray and people are coming and going ...  Today I thought I'd try out some Christmas tags ... hoping that would kick start my mojo ....

Reading some of my favourite blogs, I see that PTI are having a Blog Hop Tag challenge and there are some lovely entries ....  I went with things that I had around ... when I make for my group I often have lots left over ... like the glittered snowflakes that I used on these tags ...

... and I like tags that are made from bits and pieces ... the smallest bits of doilies that I can't bear to throw away ... pretty little lace from Kirsty ... chipboard stars and silver snowflakes that I have had for ages 

So at least I've made a start ... tomorrow is another day and maybe I'll get my inspiration back ... I've been asked to go into a school and hold a class for 27 pupils aged 10 and 11 ... boys and girls ... sometime in the next couple of weeks and I admit  ... I'm panicking a bit!

Till soon
Have a great weekend 

~ Ros ~



  2. these tags are gorgeous, you can't have too many Christmas tags, I keep meaning to make some!! I hope you get your heating back soon, it is freezing! Hope you can at least light the fire.

  3. wonderful tags! i love using leftovers too.. some papers are just too pretty to get rid of.
    Great job

  4. Wow ,these tags are beautiful. It doesn't look like you've lost your mojo with those gorgeous creations.

  5. These are fantastic!! I love how you put everything together!

  6. These are beautifully done, I love how you could use up bits and pieces of scraps to make wonderful tags like these!
    Hope you feel better soon, in every way!

  7. These tags are gorgeous. I love the neutral background. All your leftovers are just perfect on these tags. I love the traditional red and green and the glittered stars are so lovely. It's amazing to see what you created from little bits of everything. It's stunning and I love it. Have a wonderful evening my friend....XXX

  8. Fantastic tags. I love how they look all piled together. Kraft, red,and of my favorite color combinations!

  9. looks like you had tons of fun in creating all of your beautiful tags Ros! Don't they look great, seeing them all together? Have a great weekend, hugs, Ira

  10. i loove your tags, ros!! they are fabulous little creations! love how you used up your scraps. love the glittered pieces and the colors you've used. thanks for sharing! don't stress too much. have fun teaching :). have a wonderful weekend! *hugs* steph :)

  11. Your tags are too cute.. They would be the perfect little topper for a gift.. I love them!

  12. good luck on doing the class
    consider it an honor to be asked

    lost mojo...when???
    these tags are awesome
    and i love making them out of the tiniest scraps
    i'm like you, can't bear to throw
    a scrap of lace or twine away

    happy saturday to you and yours

  13. Love seeing this group of tags that you created, each with special details!

  14. These are gorgeous! I love the silver snowflakes!

  15. the tags are beautiful what an amazing transformation from your scraps !! Love the sparkle

  16. Wow Wow Ros... thats very productive....I love your tags...there are simply gorgeous...Fantastic.... and very inspiring too....

    UK is Brrrrrrrr....I know...stay warm please...take it easy...xoxo

  17. What a wonderful collection of tags Ros! Love them all!

  18. Cute, cute tags, Ros! I will be sitting down shortly to work on some christmas things. I will get some sleep tonight, all the kids are gone! Had a wonderful Thanksgiving though. I will miss the grandchildren for sure!

  19. Ros your tags are `Gorgeous`
    Hope you get your heating and water sorted out soon!!!!
    Feel Better :) xxx

  20. I hope you have your heat and hot water situation worked out now! As far as your mojo...oooohhh myyyyy...I would say it is definitely back! These tags are stunning!

  21. well, missus, if this is the sorta thing you make WITHOUT any mojo...good golly LOOK OUT when it comes backe!!! these are ♥FAB♥U♥LOUS♥ miss ros...i cannot tear my eyes away...each prettier than the last... ♥♥♥!

    ps: 27 ten-year-olds?!?!??!? RUN AWAY! (kidding!) (...sorta...) :) :) :)

  22. Hola Ros ! Oh these tags are so cute. I love the ones with the christmas tree and the doilies. Very smart :D It must be terrible not having heating when the weather is so cold. Hope everything gets back to normal soon.

  23. Love your creative!!! I just started making tags myself...and I need alot!!!


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