Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Hello ... Good Morning to you all ....
I am just popping in to wish all my lovely friends in the USA a Very 
Happy Thanksgiving ....
I am celebrating the friendships I have formed ... the joy and happiness these have brought me ... the incredible talents of you wonderful people from all corners of the United States .... The sweet comments and kind words ....
Have a wonderful time with your families and loved ones ... 

~ Ros ~


  1. This is a wonderful basket of fruit and wishes. Thanks Ros, I am sure everyone else that sees it feels as I do that we are lucky to have you as well! Hope you are having a beautiful day!

  2. Thank you so much Ros. Happy Thanksgiving to oyu as well. I am thankful to have you as my bloggy friend. :)

  3. Ros that is so nice of you, I am thankful that you are one of my many friends

  4. Thanks for the Thanksgiving wishes. Have a wonderful day.

  5. thanks ros! thanks for being a great blogging friend! wishing you a happy thanksgiving too :)! *hugs* steph :)

  6. Thanks for your well wishes Ros, I am thankful for your friendship as well, you have been a great help at CCCB, and a great blog buddy, I am thankful that I found you! Happy Thursday and a great weekend ahead!
    p.s - hope your toes feel better soon!

  7. Thank you Ros for the sweet Thanksgiving Day well wishes! So grateful to have become blogging buddies :) Hope you enjoyed your day!


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