Thursday, December 16, 2010

Bookmarks ...

Good morning to you my blog friends ... I have a few more little book marks to share this morning ... every time I think I am finished with cards ... bookmarks etc., ... another one crops up that I forgot about ... I need to get organised! I have a lot of birthdays this month too so I am trying to keep up with everything ... but then we are all so busy at this time of year so I know many of you can empathise with me ...

Three girlie ones and one masculine one ... 

This is for a friends husband to go with the book we got him for Christmas ... the papers are a mix of Papermania (light paper) and some paper from a pad sent to me by the lovely Stella

Felt butterfly and handmade flower all glittered and I've used Tulle instead of ribbon at the top

I love how you can mix and match bits of paper for these bookmarks ... such a nice way to use scraps don't you think ... even pieces of doilies and lace

Websters pages that I added glitter to ... and a Prima flower on top of a handmade organza flower

And last but by no means least .....

Websters with MME ... another felt butterfly and glitter

... and more tulle ...
Do you have a favourite? Maybe the ones from yesterday with the pretty hearts? 

I'll be back soon with some more cards to share ... have yourselves a wonderful day ....

~ Ros ~


  1. WOW.. Your book marks are so beautiful. All of them!

    I have been so busy as well, I am still making cards, I spent all day yesterday at the mall trying to get some shopping done. And to top it off I have a doctors appointment today.. Sooo busy! But I do love this time and I wouldn't have it any other way!

    Tis the season..

    Hugs, Linda

  2. Your bookmark from yesterday is out of this world beautiful and definitely my favorite. And the "runner up" is the last one of this post with that stunning pink butterfly...I love it to pieces....

    Glad you liked the papers :)


  3. All the bookmarks are just beautiful. My favourite is the one with the pink butterfly and stacked dishes with cakes/ food on. Love the felt and butterflies ( ok, love all of it!!).What great gifts for people! Glad your hubby is on the mend. I love ( and am amazed) by how updated you keep your blog ( not like mine- ahem!!)- it's really inspiring . Wishing you a really lovely Christmas. It would be great to grab a coffee ( maybe?) in the New Year!

  4. so incredibly lovely Ros! They are ALL my favorite!

  5. Hi Ros! I am getting an earlier start to blog visiting. I like the dress on the dress form one the best, for today. All the bookmarks are so lovely and creative! Happy card making!

  6. hi ros!! wowee, you've been busy!! i need to get going on my gifts! love your bookmarks. great masculine one and your girlie ones are super pretty!!! my fave of the four are the last two ones (webster's pages). love your handmade flower! thanks for sharing and have a great nite! *hugs* steph :)

  7. So lovely, I love them all, the felt butterfly is so pretty!

  8. Your bookmarks are all so wonderful Ros, they'll make great Christmas gifts! Ira

  9. Oh, your bookmarks are so sweet...I love each and every one!

  10. You never run out of ideas for these tags bookmarks cards etc... you are very creative and talented Ros... love em all... gorgeous...xoxo

  11. More stunning bookmarks! Your friends and family are getting some wonderful gifts. Handmade is the best. I just didnt' have time this year. :)

  12. Such pretty bookmarks Ros! Love all the pretty embellishments especially the felt butterfly!

  13. Ooohh more gorgeous bookmarks !!! As you know I loved the ones from yesterday. My favorite from today is the one with the dress form but got to say I love them all !!!!


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