Wednesday, December 15, 2010

More gifts ....

Hello there ... I am rushing about and just have time to post 2 of my bookmarks ... I've been for my blood tests this morning ... I've done a lots more cards ... 6 bookmarks in total and put up my tree (Yay!) ... My hubby is doing fine from having his eye done but still can't bend down or lift anything or really do anything other than go to the golf club to take coffee with his friends ... so I am doing everything around here even picking up when he drops anything and of course have to be here every 4 hours to scrub up and administer eye drops ... Phew! I am exhausted ... and my calendar is full 

Anyway here are 2 of my bookmarks ...

First up ...

The light isn't great here and it is turning very cold again 
( had to scrape the ice of the car again this morning) ... 

This gorgeous image is from Cassis Creations on Etsy ... she has the most fabulous things ... if you like digital you must take a look

 These bookmarks are double thickness and the flower is attached by a brad to a wooden heart ... which I covered with paper

Another one of the collage images ...

The flower is just punched from book paper and then sprayed
 with glimmer mist
The idea is that the bookmark goes in the book and the heart hangs outside 
 that way the flower doesn't get crushed 

This is the reverse side ... the papers are Prima .. Jack and Jill and 
can be purchased at Pixie Dust Paperie Here

Must dash now but will be back soon with more to share ... Have a wonderful day

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. OMG Ros.....These bookmarks just blew me away... Stunning! I bought the same papers last week and I'm smitten. We have a lot in common...:) I love the idea of attaching that "flower-heart".It wil be fun to lay down a book and look at that gorgeous flower.

    Take care with your busy schedule. Good to hear that your husband is recovering but you know when a man is ill... ( MY DH is in bed; he catched a cold and is having fever. I'm busy serving juice and so on.....)

  2. Absolutely gorgeous work Ros! I hope life slows down for you a little! Big Hugs!

  3. This is beautiful and brilliant all in one, I love the soft, feminine colors, and I love how practical these project are, my favorite part is the misted flowers, so pretty! Thanks for the shout out for Pixie!

  4. Oh Ros these are beautiful :D I love the idea of the hanging flower. I must try those punched flowers they look GREAT !

  5. What a clever idea, Ros. I am going to have to try some of these for presents! Yours are gorgeous! Hope you days get better, but I know they will only get busier! So Have something warm to drink and breathe deep!

  6. Such stunning bookmarks these are Ros! With bookmarks like these, I would forget to read, LOL! Hope your husband is recovering soon! Ira

  7. Oh Ros piękne są Twoje zakładki, a te gniecione kwiaty cudne.

    Ps dużo zdrowia:)

  8. these are beautiful and such a nice gifet....

  9. Your bookmarks are gorgeous,I love the way the heart and flower hangs over.
    You do sound busy,hope you get to slow down a bit soon and your husband makes a speedy recovery.

  10. OMGoodness... Ros... those bookmarks are just gorgeous... love the flowers and pp used... great colors too... it'd be interesting to know how to do that blooms?.... I'm not surprise coming from you... you are so talented...xoxo

  11. i'm totally in LOOOOVE with your bookmarks! these are soooooo pretty and AMAZING, ros!!!! awesome job. i could stare at them all day. hehe. have a wonderful nite! *hugs* steph :)

  12. These are beautiful Ros! I love the colors and pretty paper flowers you made. Great gift idea.
    Hope your poor hubby is feeling better now. :)


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