Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas and Happy Mail

Are you fed up of Christmas cards yet? I have couple to share ... and then need to make a start on birthday cards ... so many coming up ... my son has a birthday on the 29th ... So he's next on the list ...

I bought this whole pad of MME glitter papers last year and there is still loads left ...  I love it ... it is the kind of paper that doesn't just restrict itself to Christmas ... the patterns are subtle and it is so thick too

... And I don't think I will ever tire of these felt snowflakes either ...

I adore this red flocked paper which came with a kit from "Cupcards to Go" also last year ... but I'm not sure I can get this again ... maybe you sweet bloggers can let me know

I got more "Happy Mail" ... from the lovely Stella ... a dear friend who is not feeling too well at the moment ... maybe you can stop by and leave her some love?

A stunning card and Scandinavian wrapped presents ...

Don't they look absolutely beautiful?? 
They are tucked under my tree ready for Christmas morning ... 
I can't wait to see what is inside them ..
"Thank You" dear Stella ... get well soon

And one last thing before I go ... 2 weeks ago our Thursday club finished for the Christmas break and I was presented with a beautiful box with 4 hyacinth bulbs ... as a thank you for all I have done throughout the year ... so lovely ... and I couldn't resist photographing them this morning in all their glory ... a promise of Spring to come ... Their scent fills the house ...

Enjoy your day my friends ... Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Gorgeous cards !!!! I love those papers,I'd forgot I'd got that paper pad !!!! Beautiful card from Stella.
    Merry Xmas
    Deb x

  2. Absolutely gorgeous cards Ros! I could never get tired of any of your work!!

  3. Your snowflake cards look adorable Ros and I can imagine that you were very pleased with your Christmas gifts Stella sent you. Happy Holidays to you and your family! Ira

  4. Beautiful holiday cards, and you are one lucky girl to have received such great gift from Stella, I better pop by her blog to say hello!

  5. Ros... your cards are simply gorgeous... always enjoy myself here...wooohooo enjoy your happy mail...xoxo

  6. That is why I call her Sweet Stella. She is so thoughtful and a wonderful blog friend to many. I can't wait to see what is inside either. :)

  7. awesome cards Ros! You never cease to amaze me! you must get in so much crafty time envious!
    Have a Happy Christmas and a wonderful 2011.. its been awesome getting to know you as well! I hope to see alot more of your creations in 2011! Thanks so much for all the comments and support over the last little while!

  8. Hi Ros:)
    I love love your beautiful cards,always a pleasure to catch up,
    I wish you and yours a Very
    `Merry Christmas`
    Have a fab time lots of love :) xxx

  9. Beautiful cards - The snowflakes and bells are so festive. Love the papers on the blue card ... wow! Thanks for sharing the hyacinth blooms too ... I'm already looking forward to Spring!

  10. This is your style and I love it. The second one is stunning too but the first one ( with a bit of blue :) ) is my favorite. But to be honest; all your creations are stunning and I am a big fan of every beauty that's made by you...

    It was so much fun to send this and I hope you enjoy it. I will upload some pictures tomorrow of your stunning Christmas card and that lovely wrapped package.... It's still under my tree.....


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