Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Kirsty ....

Dear Kirsty ....
A few minutes ago I received your package ... all the way from Las Vegas ... 

The most beautiful embellishments ... brads, amazing trimmings, alphabets, crochet flowers and chipboard crowns ... ribbons in pink and brown ... Maya Road journal tags ...

Scrapbook papers ... All my favourites .. Melissa Frances ... 
and beautiful Websters pages image and phrase stickers ...

... And the most beautiful handmade tag ...
with handwritten words that mean so much ...

How do I thank you? Not just for the most beautiful, delightful gifts that I absolutely adore ... 
but for being a friend? 
 In my wildest dreams I could never have imagined that a little lady I have never met and lives thousands of miles away ... would be the catalyst that changed my life ... 
Today as I sit here I am a totally different person from the one I was this time last year ... 
I have confidence ... I have purpose ... I have the most amazing blog friends all over the world.
Joining the DT of City Crafters was the best thing I ever did and I am so grateful to you and the DT past and present for believing in me and making me believe in myself
"Thank You" ...
... the words somehow seem inadequate ... but they comes from my heart ...

~ Ros ~


  1. Ros, These are some beautiful gifts. Kirsty is a wonderful friend! I look forward to seeing all the things you create!

  2. wonderfully sweet goodies from kirsty!! i agree, ros, blogging and meeting all you wonderful and talented gals has been a blessing. enjoy your goodies. have a fabulous evening! *hugs* steph :)

  3. Congrats on your package Ros! Enjoy all of those gorgeous goodies, they're a perfect Christmas gift! Ira

  4. Dear Ros, thanks for the kind and sweet words, you are too a sweet friend to me. Thanks for being such a great help at CCCB, not just that, you have been kind and generous, a great inspiration to me and all others in our little crafting circle.... I am sure everyone would agree with me, that you are a sweet loving person, and I am glad that I found you online, maybe someday, we will meet in real life! : ) and I am really looking forward to that! : )

  5. AHHH.... lovely posting ... Yes Kirsty is one sweet friend... enjoy your happy mail Ros... xoxo

  6. So sweet of Kirsty. This is a big lot of goodies girly.
    You are a wonderful card designer. Don't ever doubt yourself.
    Merry Christmas!

  7. How lovely from Kirsty to send you all these goodies. Enjoy them; I have no doubt that you will turn them into a few handmade jewels. I am thankful too; getting to know you is one of the best things of 2010 and I am grateful for your friendship.
    Not only Kirsty but you too....you're sweethearts!


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