Friday, December 31, 2010

Ring out the old ...

Here we are on the edge of 2010 ... For me personally it has been a very eventful year ... one I'm sure I could write a book about ... a journey that has taken me to every conceivable place in my soul ... And here I sit content ... a lot braver, a life fuller, and with lessons learned ... 
Today is always a day of reflection ... and yet also a day of hopeful anticipation ... On this day 8 years ago I found my Mum in a sleep she would never wake from ... I miss her - but I am no longer sad ... I celebrate her ... And I celebrate your friendships ... and want to share a couple of cards that just arrived 

This is from sweet Linda Robinson ... my fellow DT at CCCB ... Isn't that just a beautiful handmade card? "Thank You" Linda ... I love it!

And this beautiful card and precious handmade tag came from Steph ... All the way from Hawaii ... 
"Thank You" so much Steph ...
I can also tell you that the plaque in my previous post was very well received today (sigh of relief) ... both Mother and Daughter were delighted and I can see I will be requested to do a lot more of these! 

I hope you all have a wonderful New Year ... May peace and happiness be your companions throughout the coming year ... Thank you all so very much for your kindness

~ Ros ~


  1. great words, ros. 2010 has definitely been a year of ups and downs. here's to a wonderful 2011! i'm happy that my card and tag made it to you safely. happy new year, ros! *hugs* steph :)

  2. You are welcome my friend..

    Happy New Years!

    Hugs, Linda

  3. Ros, Thank you for the New Year's card. I will play it again later. My heart goes out to you, I miss my mom and my dad as well. It was wonderful meeting you through blogging, it was indeed the best part of my life this year! Wishing you the best this New Year 2011.

  4. Happy new year sweetie. And thank you for being here in blogland. I could write a comment as long as a bookpage but you know what I mean...

    Lots of love and hugs,

  5. Happy New Year Ros,
    I am thankful we found each other here in blog land. Your sweet and supportive comments keep me going! I can't wait to see what 2011 will bring.
    Thank goodness for friendships!
    Becks xx

  6. Beautiful gifts...

    Wishing you a very very Happy New Year my friend... all the best for 2011... big hugs...xoxo

  7. Have a very Happy and Creative New Year Ros!!

  8. It's so great that you can look back and reflect now to see how much you've personally achieved and how you're stronger too. I hope this New Year is one that you brave any storms (hopefully few) with hope and celebrate wholeheartedly in all of your blessings! Thanks for all of your lovely comments on my blog- I have appreciated it! xx

  9. Lovely cards from lovely friends!
    Wishing you a great new day of 2011
    Thanks for being a fantastic blog buddy!

  10. I think that anything which happens on New Years Eve will always stay in ones mind. It is nice that you can now celebrate your mum's life.

    Happy New Year
    Sue xx

  11. Happy New Year Ros! Such darling creations from your sweet friends :) TFS

  12. A happy new year to you and your family


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