Sunday, January 02, 2011

Happy New Year... thoughts

Hello ... How are you all? did you have a good New Years' Eve? We went out with some friends to a dinner dance at my husbands' golf club ... it was fun and we had fireworks and let loose some chinese lanterns ... thankfully the weather was kind to us ... no snow or rain. Yesterday I made a lovely dinner for us and then just took things easy for the rest of the day ... exhausted from all the festivities. Here in England we don't take down our tree or decorations until after 12th night ... I am so glad when that comes and I can finally put my home back in order. 
Anyway, New Years Eve is also when friends of our celebrate their anniversary ... I almost forgot so had to make a quick card for them ....

I opened my new pack of Tim Holtz papers ... oh how I love these ...
and it matched my CS perfectly ... not sure where I got this CS from though 

A sparkly heart from MF topped with a rose and some bling ... 
My sentiment was computer generated ... sometimes the quick cards are the best ... no over thinking!

A Thought ...
One last thing before I go to do some housework ... when I visit blogs for all of you who kindly enter our competition at CCCB to leave my comments, I try to always read everything you write ... I came across Patty's blog yesterday ... her opening lines captured me (so true) and led me to THIS wonderful blog ... Having read about the tragedy ... watched the video and seen the photos ... my heart ached and tears streamed my face ... As we sit here comfortable in our homes and often complaining about this or that ... spare a thought and share a prayer for this remarkable lady ... I know she will be in my thoughts for a long long time ...

Keep safe

~ Ros ~


  1. Beautiful those papers, too! You are so right....we all need to rethink our complaints...they could always be alot worse....I too feel for this family.......I am glad they are all safe!!

  2. First of all I'd like to wish you and yours a truly healthy, creative and happy new year that is filled with love and laughter. Your anniversary card is so elegant, love the big bow on top! Ira

  3. This is a beautiful card Ros, glad you had fun on New Year's Eve!

  4. wow what a stunningly beautiful card Ros...I love the papers
    Mina xxx

  5. Happy New Year to you :0 ..What a elegant card..Love the scalloped border with a touch of stitching and great papers :)...

  6. beautiful card. Love the pretty rose on the glittery heart.

  7. A quick card and just as gorgeous as all the others :). I love that glittered heart and the final result is soft, romantic and elegant!
    It's good to hear you had a wonderful time. Just relax have a few days left before cleaning up the Christmas tree and other decorations :). I am in the middle of cleaning up and sorting out closets and so on....

    Have a wonderful evening dearie...


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