Saturday, February 19, 2011

Jingle Belles Rock week 8

Hi! I'm back with a happy card for week 8 of the Jingle Belles Rock challenge and this week not only is it a sketch challenge ... but the sketch comes from Diana at Sketchy Thursdays ... which means that you can link up your card to both blog challenges ... one card 2 challenges ... and there is a prize on offer ... hop over and take a look ...
Here's the sketch ...

... and here is my card ...

It's dark here now so I apologies for the poor quality of my photos ... yes, I could have waited till tomorrow ... but the weather forecast is not that great again anyway... but at least my little penguins are having fun ...

They are actually rub ons ... the guy on the skis I put onto card first then fussy cut around him ... and I used flower soft for the 'snow' ... some glitter for the edging and everything else is from my stash ... So I've done 8 cards now for Christmas ... what about you?
Have a wonderful evening and thanks again for taking the trouble to leave your lovely comments ... I really do appreciate each and every one ...
Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. This is just adorable. Too cute..

    Hugs, Linda

  2. So Cute! Love the scene you have created.

  3. I love your card!! That snow is awesome! And those penguins are so cute! Congrats on having 8 cards done so far! I have 13...and will be working on #14 (this challenge) soon! I can't believe that I have that many done and it is only February! That is a first for me!

  4. So cute !!! I love the sweet little penguins and your snow looks fab, what a great idea. Enjoy the weekend.xoxox

    Deb x

  5. Oh-my-Word ... this is soooo stinkin' cute ... that snowball mountain is so perfect for the sketch and those penguins are just too fun ... thanks so much for joining our Jingle Belles Journey.

  6. Love all of the fun textures you created on this!

  7. I have created zero Christmas cards :). I really have to start :) I promised myself to make a christmas card each week and what have I done? Well...a lot but not one single christmas card.
    Yours is beautiful; these penguins look so darn cute. And I love that snow made from flower soft; gorgeous! Hope you had great day after a difficult week. Take care XXXXX

  8. soo cute...way too cute Ros.... hugs..xoxo

  9. great card - love the snow and those penguins are adorable

  10. your card is just too cute, ros! love the mound of snow and those adorable penguins! so creative!!! love it. thanks for sharing and have a lovely Sunday! *hugs* steph :)

  11. This is really cool, love the frosty and cute penguin!

  12. oh this is SO cute, those little penguins, the fluffy snow!!! love it!! : )

  13. I LOVE penguins, they're so darn cute!! And so is your card!

  14. Thanks for dropping by..
    so cute penguins! I love the flower soft that you put as snow with lovely effect of 3D!

  15. Ohhh myyyyy goodness!!! How cute is this?!! I couldn't LOVE it more!!

  16. Ros, This is such a cute card. Thanks for the link to your beautiful flowers. I am not sure I ever saw that post. I am not so good at them, but will keep trying!

  17. Super cute card Ros! Love all the texture!

  18. Love the 'flowery' snow.
    Thanks for taking the time to comment about my hand!
    Sue xx

  19. HOLY MACARONI! you clever, clevvvvvvvvvvvvver little missus, you! i think that's the most BRILLIANT and amazing use of flower soft i have ever seen in my life and i'm ♥IN AWE♥ that you thought of it! plus, just every single thing about this card is fabulous too...those penquins...they're totally makin' me smile! THANK YOU for sharing this you lovely jingle belle!!!

  20. Gorgeous card. I love pinguins

  21. Awww I love your card those penquins are snow!!!cute ,love the flower soft!!!:) x

  22. Loving the happy card - I couldn't believe the penguins were rubons, I thought they were chipboard. Your card just makes me smile - the textures, the image, perfect.

  23. It's so darling.... I love this card!!!

  24. Toooooooo stinkin' cute! I love love love love that snow pile! Thanks sooooooooooooooo much for playing along with Sketchy Thursdays and Jingle Belles! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  25. Cutest penguins ever!! Love this card!


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