Saturday, February 19, 2011

One of those weeks

Hello my friends ... I haven't been ignoring you ... honestly ... it's just been a funny old week ... The work I am having done here is taking much longer than anticipated and is really getting me down ... the guy doing it is nice enough but takes more cigarette breaks than anyone I've ever known ... I don't want to complain to his boss in case the work suffers even more ... what's a girl to do?
After my posting to you on Wednesday I heard that a friend from Thursday Club had died suddenly ... It upset me so much ... This wonderful lady (and her husband) had for many years, volunteered their love and time to the running of the club and to the caring of the group ... Kind people who gave from their hearts ... Loss is something one never gets accustom to ...
I threw myself into creating ... not really knowing what to do ... but knowing I needed to put my hands to work and turn my thoughts towards beauty ... to ease my heavy heart ... I made one of my book boxes ... added a few little things to finish it off today with some beautiful gifts from my friend Stella ... Yep, I got Happy mail this morning ... a belated birthday gift of treasures ... so prettily wrapped and so heartwarming ...

Beautiful ribbons, the most adorable handmade pins, clear cut frames and a cute little album ... and of course a handmade card filled with love ... I just had to put some of that ribbon on my box and one of those little pins ...

 ... I was thinking that maybe I will enclose a matching handmade album ...

Somewhere for the group, the friends and helpers to put down their memories ... their unspoken words
to this 'Special' lady

A piece of comfort for the family to hold onto ... something to let them know just what a much loved
 lady Vi was ...

Till soon my friends ... keep safe

~ Ros ~


  1. Ros, your gift is beautiful! Sadness kind of takes us all by surprise. Sorry for your loss. Hope making these things helped give you peace.

  2. What a doll Stella is :) Hope you enjoy your goodies and weekend!

  3. A beautiful box to hold some equally lovely treasures and memories. I love memory boxes- have one here too. So lovely that you've taken the time and trouble to invest into a box that I'm sure will be treasured over the years. Sending you a hug xx

  4. Hope that happy mail from a sweet friend make you feel a little better today!

  5. Your friend's family will cherish this precious and personal gift. It's always hard to have to say goodbye to someone you appreciate and cherish so much. Your day must have been one filled with grief and happiness at the same time, what with the lovely goodies Stella sent you. Have a good weekend, Ira

  6. It has been a tough week....take good care of yourself. The box you created is gorgeous...and priceless.
    And... enjoy your presents! XXXX

  7. i'm so sorry to hear about your friend, ros. what a sweet box you made to hold memories of your dear friend.
    what sweet goodies from stella! she's such a sweetheart.
    take care, ros. big *hugs* steph

  8. Hope the happy mail cheered you up a little Stella..
    Your box is `priceless`what atreasure......and a beautiful thoughtful keepsake...
    Keep Smiling xxxxxxxxxxx


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