Friday, June 03, 2011

Sewing box ...

Hi there ... are you having a good day? 
We have had glorious sunshine today ... really hot and I spent the afternoon in my craft room ... much cooler ...
I saw a beautiful sewing box Here and was so taken with it that I thought I'd make one too ... but I confess that I really do prefer the one made by the talented Kerryanne ...

My box is a hexagonal shape and I covered it with paper rather than paint ... 

Using some MME paper 

The labels are from the Graphic Fairy 

Lace and ribbon from my stash ...
Simple .. but lots of fun to do ..

I hope you have a lovely evening ... I'll be back tomorrow

~ Ros ~


  1. Beautiful, Ros. Just stepped in from weeding my shade garden. It's a bit cooler here today. Just perfect for that type of work. Talk to you later... have a pleasant evening.

  2. Hi Ros, this is gorgeous! Love the paper and that eyelet ruffle. You could certainly tuck countless items into this lovely box.

    ps you should link this up to the Moxie Fab World "sew" contest.
    I have been having a lot of difficulty leaving comments on your blog and I am so happy that I was successful today. hopefully this ease will continue :)

  3. Beautiful box, Ros, and I must confess that I prefer yours. :o)That paper is lovely and I love the lace.

  4. This is absolutely gorgeous, I love the the paper you used,such a beautiful creation to keep all your sewing

  5. Ahhh Ros... this is so beautiful... I should call you ladybabyblue.... he he... love the image too...perfect for the pp... hugs...xoxo

  6. Красиво!!!С подходящо подбрани детайли и цветове,поздравления!!!

  7. What a lovely box!!! Have a happy weekend!

  8. Nossa...que linda, linda caixinha!! Amei de coração!!

  9. Visiting your blog makes me sigh and stare. My oh my oh my Ros...i think I;m in love with this box. In fact; I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS BOX!!!
    It's a-m-a-z-i-n-g!!!!!!XXXX

  10. I think your sewing box is lovely Roz. I'm glad you enjoyed using the adapted graphic.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne


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