Thursday, June 02, 2011

WaltzingMouse and bye bye Cat ....

Hi there ...
finally the mystery of the cat is solved ... seems she ... "Minnie" ( the minx!) belongs to the Policeman a few houses away ... well actually his teenage daughter ... and they also have another female cat ... who does not appreciate Minnie being part of the household ... fights ensue and Minnie decides to leave home and search for a new family to adopt ... 
Well she was collected yesterday evening and 2 hours later they were searching for her again ... they knocked at my door and as soon as Minnie heard my voice ... she came from her hiding place in the garden ran in my house and up my stairs! But I desperately needed a nights sleep so sorry to say I handed her back. No doubt it not the last I will see of her ...

 I have a card that I made for a sweet blog friend Becks ... and I used the sketch over at WaltzingMouse ... such a lovely sketch ...

I decided to flip this and here is my card ... 

This Thank you card is way overdue because I know Becks love MF papers and I just couldn't get these so my lovely friend Stella got them for me
 (Thank you Stella) ...
I used the "Text It" stamps from WM on the paper ...

I'm hoping you can see that ... and I also used the lovely "Victorian Frippery" set again too ... this is probably my most used set of stamps ... love them!

I used distress ink to stamp with and then added some twine to my card ... flowers and some delicate tulle with a bow ... 
Becks this will be on it's way to you soon ... sorry it's late

And finally ... I have this souvenir magazine from the Royal Wedding ...

... If anyone would like it ... just let me know ...

Have a lovely day


  1. How funny! Poor Minnie. I bet she isn't happy at her home and just wants you to be her new momma. Don't you feel loved? LOL

    This card is darling. I know your friend will love it. I have some MF paper and haven't put it to use yet. :)

  2. Lovely card, Ros, again I love the soft colors.

    The picture of the Royal couple is spectacular, what a great moment in history.

    Sorry about the cat, but I understand about the sleep thing! My daughter took in a cat many years ago, and after contacting the owner and giving him back, Bailey came back and has been with her about 14 years.

  3. Lovely and elegant card Ros, as usual! And you will see that cat again, no doubt!

  4. Ros, voce terá esse gato sempre em sua casa...pelo jeito ele queria ficar com voce! No lado direito do cartão é uma fita de flores maravilhosa? Deve ter vindo do seu esconderijo especial... Adorei a forma como voce passou o fio, por traz das molduras!

  5. This paper is gorgeous... and I love your stamps... beautiful trim... I just love the whole effect. It's a beautiful card, Ros.

  6. OH MY GOSH!
    I love it. I was so surprised you meant me when I started reading.. how very sweet of you my friend:) Im beaming with delight. I can't wait to see it in real life. You are so thoughtful!
    Good to see you solved the mystery of the roaming cat..have a good nights sleep:)

  7. That is a funny story of Minnie the cat!
    Lovely card Ros, beautifully embellished!

  8. Gorgeous card Ros! The layered WM label looks fabulous and love the pretty trim! Thanks so much for playing along with the WMSC :)

    Here I thought that was your cat! :) LOL

  9. Beautiful, Ros! I love the little white bouquet with that label, and the lovely braided ribbon down the side. The colors are so sleek and elegant. Princess Kate would definitely approve :)! Fabulous WMSC card!

  10. Poor cat!!!... and I can understand about the sleep!!!...

    Anyway Ros... I love your card...the whole combo is simply beautiful... hugs...xoxo

  11. Gorgeous card!

    So glad that you can get a night's sleep and Minnie is back (if only temporarily) with her owners!

  12. This is so beautiful.. I just love everything about it.. I bet you're glad that cat mystery is solved.. But I do bet he will be back soon..

    Hugs, Linda

  13. Glad to hear you found Minnie's owner although it sounds like she'll be back. lol

    Love the colour tones of your card and the trim you've used.

  14. It's such a delicate and elegant card, Ros! Simply stunning ;) And that stamp looks sooo cool! Hugs, Joanna xx

  15. Beautiful card, love the flowers and trim! Thanks for joining us this week at the Waltzingmouse Sketch Challenge.

    I'm sure the cat will be back! : ) You could just let her hang out in your garden.

  16. What a beautiful card Ros, love the blues!

  17. I wrote already in my previous comment that I hope you already got some sleep. But let me tell you this sweetie......this cutie will be back :)
    Your take on the WM challenge is fabulous. I never get tired of these stamps too and I love the classic and elegant look of your card. Wow!

  18. Glad kitty's owners claimed her and that you can get your much needed rest.


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