Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Dreams can come true

Hello sweet friends ...
I am soooo excited!! Just have to share with you that I have one of my sets ... card, notebook and bookmark ... showing on Melissa Frances blog!! ... 
... I have visited Melissa's blog everyday ... enveloped myself in the beautiful things shared there ... gained inspiration and been awed by the creativity ... Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think one day something of mine would be shared here ....
To you lovely ladies at Melissa Frances blog ... Thank you!! 
... And I would be so delighted if you would pop over and take a look too ... HERE

I also have another card to share ... I had these papers and on my desk ... a flower from my previous project ... and my SIL gave me some word stamps

I love the green and purple/ lavender hues together

I hope you have a lovely day ... I just can't stop smiling right now ...

Thank you for stopping by ... keep safe

~ Ros ~


  1. Whoo Hoo! Congrats! Gorgeous soft and pretty card. Love the colors on your card.

  2. Woohoo! Congrats to you sweetie. Why wouldn't she show your fabulous work? This one is so pretty as well. Love the soft purple colors. :)

  3. Wow Ros, this card is gorgeous!! SO love this color combo, a dream!

  4. This is so `ecxiting` Ros ..Yu are so deserving..I am just going to pop over now!!!!Way to go.. TFI :):)
    Enjoy the rest of your day:) xxx

  5. How lovely that your work is featured on MF's blog Ros! No wonder, it's always exquisite as is this new card of yours, reminds me of Provence, can even smell the lavender ;-)

  6. Beautiful card, Ros! The colors are lovely. Congrats!

  7. Great, Ros! I visited the MF blog - and what can I say - I love your work - it´s gorgeous! One project is more beautiful that the other!
    This new card is stunning again! The soft purple touch and big cream-coloured bow *sigh* - so beautiful!!

  8. Beautiful and soft colors, and congrats on being showcased!!!

  9. Wowsers!! Fab news! So well deserved. A terrific trio of tantalisingly top-drawer stationery (sorry, am feeling a little wordy!!!). Todays offering is just as lovely; shame we don't smelly-blogging, as I'm sure its a lovely aroma too! Will stop now before I get any more ridiculous!!!xx

  10. wow! your colors are just dreamy together....really love the whole design. congratulations on the Melissa Francis spotlight. I am going there next!

  11. I'm not surprised your work was featured, Ros. Your work is truly beautiful.

    I love the green and lavender together, too. Such a beautiful combination.

  12. Congratulations, Ros! Your work is always AMAZING!!!
    Lots of HUGS!

  13. I'm swoon the card is gorgeous Ros... hugs..xoxo

  14. You deserve it! Your creations are just lovely and I'm glad to have found you through MF's blog. I love all the lace and flowers you use on your cards. :)

  15. Woohooo!!! Congrats Ros!!! Your FANTABULOUS work needs to be seen EVERYWHERE! So happy it was showcased!!!

  16. Such a pretty card Ros! Love the sprig of lavender! Congrats on your feature! YAHOOOO!!!! :) So well deserved!

  17. That is sooooo exciting.. I hopped over and took a look and I can see why you they showcased your creations.. They are gorgeous.. this one here is equally pretty. I just love the colors and that lavender put the perfect touch on it..

    Hugs, Linda

  18. Congrats on being showcased sweetie. If any deserves it it's you. Enjoy!
    And your card made is dripping with elegance. Love the addition of lavender. Gorgeous!

  19. Congratulations! You sooo deserve this honor! Your work is just gorgeous ... I'll hop over to the MF blog to take a peek.

    I love this combination of purple and green. Your card is soft, romantic, and the flower adds a lovely touch - that bow is marvelous!

    Thanks for sharing!

  20. that's great news Ros! Very well deserved! I am going to pop over and take a look! This card is beautiful. Your cream bow with the sprig is perfect!

  21. Parabéns por estar no blog melissa frances!! irei lá olhar!! Parabéns pelo reconhecimento, seus trabalhos são lindos e com certeza merece estar lá!!

  22. Congratulations Ros !!! the set is gorgeous :D


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