Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Vintage Garden challenge at City Crafter

Good Morning to you ...
today I am hosting the challenge at City Crafter Challenge Blog and I have chosen a Photo Inspiration challenge ... 

You are welcome to make any card or project you like based on the colours or design in the photos ... and there are lots to choose from don't you think?
I took the opportunity to make a card and notebook for my sweet friend Stella who celebrated her birthday yesterday ... Happy Birthday Stella!

... my interpretation of a Vintage Garden ...

Papers and letters here are mostly from PaperMania Rose Garden and some from Pink Petticoat's Vintage collection which I won from sweet blog friend  Terrie Bailey .... just perfect for this challenge

I'd love it if  YOU would come and join us this week ...  we have the amazingly talented Charlene Cundy  as our guest designer so please leave her some love ...
Leaving you with the links ... have a wonderful day ... thanks for stopping by and keep safe

Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Oh wow, Stella will be over the moon with your gorgeous gift set Ros! Love that gorgeous heart banner and the big roses are a fab embellishment!

  2. SO Pretty!!! love it Ros... hugs...xoxo

  3. Beautiful inspiration photo and lovely card and note set!

  4. LOVED this challenge Ros! The inspiration photo was just that...inspiring! Your work is ALWAYS GORGEOUS and this is no exception! Stella is going to LOVE them!!

  5. Such pretty projects Ros! Love the strand of little hearts and the sweet butterfly! I'm sure Stella will treasure this

  6. Both of these are beautiful! I love the pretty papers and embellishments. :)

  7. These are sooooo beautiful. I had a lot of fun with these colors. Such a wonderful inspiration photo..

    Hope you are having a nice day my friend.

    Hugs, Linda

  8. What a beautiful inspiration photo, Ros! and your creations for Stella are fabulous. I know she loved them! Have a wonderful day.

  9. Such a lovely set, Stella is going to LOVE it and so do I, thanks for a beautiful challenge theme this week!

  10. Stella is ging to LOVe her card and notebook! I love the sprinkle of hearts across the card WOW so darling!!

  11. Hola Rose !!!! Thanks so much for taking the time to visit my abandoned blog. I'm fine thanks I just don´t have time to post any more. Too much work and a long long commute don't leave me much time for blogging. But I'm still scrapping :D I just can't live with out it. These cards are so beautiful. The colors are so sweet and subtle. I really miss blog hoping. I'll try to fit it into my schedule. Take care. Big hug from Mexico.

  12. Beautiful projects, love these fresh colors on the white cardstock!
    I have been enjoying your latest blog entries Ros.

  13. Well, I'm going to have to find time to join the challenge this week. I love your choice for the theme.

    Absolutely gorgeous card and notebook. I love your heart banner and all the lace.

  14. Finally a comment of the birthday girl who is having the privilege to receive these beauties :) IRL they are even more gorgeous and yes; I'll cherish them and it will be lovely to use that notebook. The colors and theme are right up my alley :)
    Thank you so much sweetie; you spoilt me rotten. You;re a very special friend...

  15. Your friend Stella is one lucky person! The cards are beautiful and soft. Love them.


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