Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Baby frame ...

Hello and good morning ... 
The 1st of September already!
I'm not too well today ... nothing serious just one of those colds that that makes you feel like you just want to curl up and snooze ... I enjoyed my day in Wales yesterday ... It rained all the way there but miraculously stopped once we arrived at our destination ... 
The countryside was lush with greenery and there are some spectacular sights to be seen on the mountains ... this is walking country and so many dogs were out accompanying their owners .... from the tiniest of pups to the biggest of Pyrenean mountain dogs ... I was in seventh heaven ... it took me ages to walk a small row of shops because I had to stop and stroke each one ... I stopped in at my brother's house on the way home as Ross had arrived for a 12 day stay and I came home exhausted!
I only picked up a couple of things ... these pretty doilies 

Just look how much they cost

For someone like me who is not good at crocheting ... I was delighted!
And how could I not get this ...

Guess you know who this is going to ... 

I have a little project to share ... I saw a beautiful frame in one of our famous stores here in the UK and sort of 'borrowed' the idea ... thought I could make it for much less than they were charging and hey you know me ... I love to try different things ...

The glass makes it a little difficult to photograph but you get the idea ...
The aqua post card was made by me using both photo shop and print shop because I wanted it to match my BG paper and the other one was from the Graphics Fairy  ... I also added the stamps from the Graphic Fairy ... the digital bear stamp is from Meljen Designs which I half 'painted' and then reprinted onto CS ... fussy cut and mounted on the original one printed on the post cards ...
I added some embellishments and the little pegs so that photos can be clipped on ...

I have to say that I am pleased with how this turned out and will be making more of these ... I did buy the frames from the store I saw these in so I don't feel too bad about pinching their idea ...
Now I have some catching up to do visiting you all ... 

Have a lovely day and thanks for stopping by 

Till soon

~ Ros ~

EDIT >>> Why did I think it was September already ??? ... Told you I wasn't feeling well ... Just ignore me ... 


  1. Que voce se sinta melhor...Ótimo passeio então!!! Que bom sair e ver lugares diferentes, mesmo que cansativo... Ontem Mel foi ao ballet usando...o vestido de Sininho, claro!! Adorei seu quadro também... suave e amável!

  2. I nearly had a heart attack when you said it was September,my SA blog post should have been up,lol.
    I'm sorry you don't feel to good,hope you feel better soon. I love those doilys,what a bargain and I think a certain liitle lady will be happy with her charm.
    I love your shadow box,so sweet,makes a wonderful gift.xxxx

  3. Btw,can you tell me where you got the frame from,

  4. Oh my gosh, Ros, this is totally adorable!!! I LOVE your creation!!

  5. Sorry to hear that you are not well, hugs....
    Glad you had a outing and get to do some shopping as well. I was scrolling down admiring your great buy, doilies, and then oops, now I secretly hoping that you do not have another friend named kirsty (<---- not shy, tsk tsk...) LOL!
    Hmm... that frame is so adorable, I have a shadow box waiting to be altered, now I know what to do, thanks for the inspiration!

  6. Your project is another beautiful one, Ros! I have been enjoying making some framed things. The frames are always on sale and they make such nice gifts! Glad you had a wonderful trip. I hope your cold is gone soon. Take card and enjoy your evening!

  7. I was really convinced it WAS September and I lost a day! And i don't even have a cold! LOL! LOVE your purchases and that baby frame is LOVELY! I like how you can clip photos to it! Feel better soon!

  8. Hope you get over your illness quickly... drink lots of lovely hot tea.
    Love the doilies... they seem to have a thick texture... wonderful! And your frame is adorable... great idea... I'm sure yours is far superior to the one at the store. Lovely!!!

  9. feel better soon Ros. it's a darling little frame

  10. I am so sorry to hear your not feeling well my friend.. I will send some good vibes your way ASAP!!! Your frame here is gorgeous.. And that charm for Kirsty is too cute..

    Hugs, Linda

  11. So cute Ros! Love the baby collage of darling items! Happy September :)

  12. Super sweet...!!I love your shadow box....makes a wonderful gift...hugs...xoxo

  13. Hope you are feeling better Ros!! Lovely post - I love those crochet mats - nice price too!

  14. Great doilies at a bargain price! Love how you altered the frame, it's so sweet!

  15. This is a beautiful project, Ros. Hope you're feeling better.

  16. Poor you; I hope you are feling a bit better by now. These doilies are beautiful. And your baby frame is FABULOUS! I love the idea; you really inspired me!
    And Kirsty will be thrilled to get that gorgeous charm! XXX


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