Thursday, September 01, 2011

September ...

Yep, it definitely is September today ... 
Soooo sorry to all of you bloggers I threw into a flurry yesterday 
It was cold and very September...ish yesterday but today the sun is shining and despite the fact that I was feeling really unwell ... it turned out a good day for me ... My blog book came and I am absolutely delighted with it ... Sweet Linda Robinson passed on the link and after a few chats with my UK friend Deb I ordered my own book and seeing it really made my day ... I can't believe how big it is!

I put a 12" ruler next to it ... look 

... and inside ...

A dedication to you all

Some of the pictures

There are 329 pages (just one full year of my blog) ... and I have to say that when my husband saw it ... he was blown away ... I confess that he hasn't always been supportive of my hobby and seeing what I have done in one year really took his breath away ... yep, this book was worth every dollar!

What else have I been doing ... well lots really ... I even taught myself to crochet hearts last night ... they're not perfect (but very addictive)  ... I'll show them at a later date ... I have some more notebooks and matching cards to share which I made for the church sale using graphics from The Graphic Fairy and a little bit of work in Print shop 

a closer look

Just love those birds 
And here are the matching cards 

So that's it for today ... 
I hope you have a wonderful day ... I need to change the tax disc on my car now whilst I remember 
sheesh! ... six months just flies by!

Till soon keep safe and thanks for stopping by

~ Ros ~


  1. Que bom que está melhor!! Meu Deus...que maravilha ter um livro seu!! Deve ser adorável passar horas folheando ele!!!! sua venda na Igreja irá ser um sucesso com tantos projetos lindos...amo também seus passarinhos!!

  2. WOW! I think I might need one of those too. I think your book is beautiful. Congrats. :)

  3. I bet your crocheted hearts are fabulous Ros! How fun to convert your blog into print! What an awesome keepsake! This collection of cards is STUNNING!

  4. Yes, I saw that on Deb's blog, too, about the book! How lovely to have your own now, too! Your creations for the church sale are superb Ros, they will be sold out before you know it ;-)

  5. That book is such a treasure! It turned out beautifully! LOVE your notebook and FAB! I can't wait to see your crocheted are so talented!

  6. Your notebooks are fantastic! And I LOVE your matching cards!!! Both together are a very precious gift for sure!!
    And what a great idea to print the blog - thanks for this hint!!
    Have a great day!

  7. I sure must do that book (well, I said that after reading Deb's post and had no action yet, I MUST do it now, LOL)
    I love those birdies cards, they are cute and lovely!

  8. Hi Ros! Your book is amazing, so proud for you! and your notebooks and cards are lovely as well. glad you are going to the church sale. I hope you feel better tomorrow. Hugs to you!

  9. Your book is amazing.. How cool. I keep saying I am going to do that. I have had that site for ever. So glad I wrote it down.. All your little cards with the birds look wonderful.. Hope you are enjoying your evening..

    Hugs, Linda

  10. Awesome... Ros... love the book... this is such a great idea!!!... love those birdies card... super cute.... gorgeous bows... hugs...xoxo

  11. Wow, your book is nearly 3 times thicker than mine,lol, I'm so glad you were pleased with it, I know I was with mine.
    I love your little notebooks, great way to raise money for the church.
    Have a great weekend.xxxx

  12. thank you for reminding me...
    i started a book months ago
    and never finished it...
    yours looks amazing and i'm
    glad your hubby likes it...

    those cards are awesome
    so the image

    have a great weekend sweet friend!

  13. Wow, your own blog book. It looks fabulous, Ros.

    Your notebooks and cards are beautiful, love the bird image.

  14. Love the blog book idea! Your notebooks and matching cards are fabulous, lovely image!

  15. I'm very interested in this book... sounds amazing!
    Love your notebooks and matching cards... so cute.

  16. What a wonderful book and a treasure indeed! Love those bird images too ... beautiful.

    I can't wait to see your crocheted hearts ... I'm sure they are fabulous!

  17. Ros, you reminded me of the possibility of making a blog book - yours looks fantastic - what a great keepsake! TFS!
    Would it be possible to send me the link from Linda's blog where you found this? Thank you!
    I am also amazed at the amount of cards you can make!!

  18. Your crocheted hearts will be lovely! I can't crchete; tried it a few times but skipped ...
    Your book looks amazing; it's a heirloom and it will be lovely to go through it..reading and looking at all the ppictures of your handmade gems. And what you made for the church sale is stunning; such a lovely idea!

  19. Your crocheted hearts will be lovely! I can't crchete; tried it a few times but skipped ...
    Your book looks amazing; it's a heirloom and it will be lovely to go through it..reading and looking at all the ppictures of your handmade gems. And what you made for the church sale is stunning; such a lovely idea!

  20. Uh oh! Your blog book is the bee's knee's and I seriously want one of those! I can't believe how big it is as well! That is too cool! Love the cards and bags you made. Good luck with the church sale but I am sure you will do well! :-) Amy

  21. OH my gosh, your book is soooo beautiful!!! What a treasure, indeed! and I love your is spectacular!!!


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