Monday, August 29, 2011

Jingle Belles Card 35

Hello there
I hope you are all ok ... and that all of you affected by the hurricane are doing alright ... I've been following the reports and as I have a dear friend in NJ I was happy to hear that she and her family are fine ... I hope you are too ... my thoughts are with you 
It's turning to autumn quickly here ... the weekend was a mix of chilly winds and rain with the occasional glimpse of the sun ... we have some on going work here at home and that gave me a chance to keep out of the way in my craft room so I have a few things to share this week but right now I have my 35th card for the Jingle Belles challenge... the talented Leslie aka The Crooked Stamper has set this weeks' challenge The Midas Touch ... We are to use Gold and or Silver as our main focus with a teeny bit of either cream or white ... I won't say this was an easy one for me ... far from it ... my first card ended up in the bin ... and I am still not sure I'm happy with this one ... And trying to photograph anything 'shiny' is so hard!
Anyway here we go ... my card

Not a lot to say really ... it's gold and silver ... with a touch of white and cream ... it's shiny, glittery ... hard to photograph and stashed in my Christmas card box ...

I love gold ... I love silver ... but as a main focus? Well ... I struggled ... For the sake of my sanity or what's left of it I don't think I want to look at gold and silver for a long time I can tell you! 

I'll be back tomorrow with the new challenge at City Crafter ... see you then

Thanks so much for stopping by ... Have a good day 

~ Ros ~


  1. Ros this is such an elegant card!!!
    G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S. i love it :D
    we are drying out...sun is out...
    beautiful day, back at work
    sending BIG BEAR HUGS

  2. Absolutely GORGEOUS Ros! LOVE the sparkle!!

  3. Lovely card as always Ros! Love your tree!Have a fun Monday evening!

  4. You are starting to build up quite a collection of superb Christmas cards here Ros! This one is super elegant, love your ribbon treatment, it's fab!

  5. Hi Ros,
    Your card is breathtaking! And oh, I feel so terrible for those people who went through that storm...My husband was sent there to restore power lines, so he is in the thick of it right now.


  6. Sim, ouro e prata, mas também sua bela costura, sua renda e que guizos dourados de detalhe!!! Ainda não postei as fotos da Mel... Mas de seu belo presente, sim!!!

  7. ooooh oooooooh OOOOOOOOH! miss ros i am sorry that you are not *THRILLED* with this amazingly beautiful and totally elegant card! luckily, i loveLOVElooooove it enough to both of us, what a showstopper!!! truly MAGNIFICENT and if you're stuck for someone to send this to in december... hint, hint, hint!!! :) :) :)

  8. Awww, what an ADORABLE tiny tree! And bells! And stars! In fact, this WHOLE THING is SOOPAH!

    I'm so sorry for having inflicted such distress upon you, but this IS A CHALLENGE, you know? :):):)

    Thanks for playing with the Belles again this week!

  9. Love that pretty little holiday tree ... such an elegant design ... so glad you joined our jingle belles fun.

  10. Beautiful card Ros! Love the bling and shimmery stars! The little jingle bells are a great touch :) I'm so hearing sleigh bells ringing!

  11. pretty card Ros... love the colors... great combo!... hugs...xoxo

  12. Elegant! Lovely shimmer and design.

  13. I love that teeny little tree! Your card is very pretty Ros! :)

  14. Ros, this is a beauty! I love your tree too….so artsy and cool :)

  15. this is so sweet! isn't it strange how critical we are of our own work? You should be delighted with this - it's lovely!

  16. Why on Earth wouldn't you love this?!?! It's AMAZING!! Seriously, from your beautiful little tree, to the bows, the bells, AND the sweet glittery stars. Your card is just gorgeous. I know what it's like to be critical of what we create, but trust me, this card is something you should be very proud of. :)

  17. What a special little tree. It looks so comfy there amongst the sparkling accents.

  18. I love that little christmas tree, and the bells! Gorgeous!

  19. My oh my this is one of my favorites; I already added this gem into my faovrites folder.
    I'm smitten...XXXXXXXXX


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