Saturday, August 27, 2011

Post Box

Hello sweet blog friends ...
I hope you are all ok ... I have been keeping an eye on the news reports and see that there have been evacuations in some parts of New York and New Jersey due to the impending Hurricane  Irene 
Please know that you are in my thoughts and my prayers and I hope you will all be safe ...

This morning we had typical Bank Holiday weather ... Heavy rain Tomorrow in Liverpool  marks the start of the Matthew Street festival too ... Thousands of people flock here every year as the city plays host to many local bands and for the next few days the streets will be full and lively with music ...

(courtesy of Spycandy)

(courtesy of Liverpool Echo)
 Thankfully blue skies are now starting to appear ...

I have a little something to share ... when I saw that my sweet talented blog friend Jacira is hosting the challenge at
 So Desafios blogspot 
" make a vintage project for the home" ... It gave me an opportunity not only to support my friend ... but to create something long overdue ... I have been so fortunate in having received many beautiful handcrafted cards and tags from lots of you since I started blogging .. I keep and cherish each and every one ... 

But where to keep them? 
Well I started with this box from the kitty food 

And with the help of some pretty My Minds Eye paper ... a few graphics from The Graphics Fairy and some embellishment ... It was transformed to this

The beautiful flower and tag came from Joanne ... 
... a closer look ...

A few pictures of the reverse side

That pretty grey organza was part of a huge piece given to me by a friend ... she had a bouquet of flowers wrapped in it ... maybe I will make some flowers from the vast amount I have left ...

And now my beautiful keepsakes have somewhere pretty to live and my Post Box it fits the challenge too

Please keep safe my friends and have a good day
Till soon

~ Ros ~


  1. Uau! Ros querida!!! Adorei sua caixa... amo seus passarinhos...e seu tule! Muito útil... Obrigada pelo carinho e por participar do Blog dos Desafios!!!

  2. Hi Ros,
    I haven't watched the news yet this, I didn't know there were evacuations--this is so scary. Your work is so beautiful and I love that gorgeous!

  3. This is so LOVELY and what a FAB idea!

  4. Beautiful altered project Ros! What a perfect presentation! Hope you enjoy your weekend!

  5. That is such a beautiful box to keep all the beautiful cards you received, thumbs up for thinking green too!

  6. oh ya, we lived by the Hudson when we were in New York City, I am so glad we make that move a year ago, other wise, I will be so worry right now! However, I still have lots of ex-students who live by the river in the city, I am keeping my eyes, ears and phone all on alert today!

  7. You sure must have been glad to have a cat Ros! Otherwise you would have to start searching for another box! Really love how yours turned out, so vintage and more than lovely. A fine home decoration this would make! Have a great weekend, hugs, Ira

  8. Ros, your Post box is adorable!!!
    The papers and ornaments you used are very nice!!!
    Thanks to participate with us in 'Blog dos desafios'.
    Hugs and a good weekend!

  9. oh Ros this is
    i love it
    such a great idea
    i am accumulating
    many cards and tags
    from friends and
    this would be a
    wonderful way to
    keep them...
    thank you for thinking
    of us over here across
    the pond...we're getting
    ready here in PA
    hopefully the power
    won't go out anytime

  10. Oh, I see the card I sent you. LOL What a beautiful box to keep all your happy mail. Love the ruffle on top. :)
    Enjoy your holiday.

  11. Ros, that flower and tag look wonderful on your beautiful project! I knew you'd find the perfect place for them. The "post" frame is gorgeous! And the papers you chose with the vintage birds ... absolutely fabulous! This box is a treasure ... thanks for sharing.

    (I have a brother who lives in Morehead City North Carolina where Irene came ashore. He lives less than a mile from the ocean. Thank goodness we heard from him earlier today via text ... he's ok. Another brother is on the Chesapeake Bay so he's next. Thanks for your concern.)

  12. Wow,what a stunning project and such a fab idea. Who'd have thought that it had started out as a cat food box. I love the papers and all the pretty vintage images. I hope the weather is ok today for the festival,it looks fun. Enjoy the rest if the weekend.xxxx

  13. Boa dia querida, que ótimo deve ser morar aí na terra dos Beatles não! A sua caixa ficou maravilhosa, muito especial, parabéns! Muito obrigada por visitar meu blog. Beijocas.

  14. What a fun and beautiful project, Ros! I love your post box. Your photo's look like your going to have nice weather for the holiday. Hope it is a good one!

  15. What a wonderful idea.. Your creation is beautiful.. Perfect to store all those lovely cards.. How cool. Hope you are enjoying you weekend..

    Hugs, Linda

  16. Just stunning how beautiful a box for kitty food can be if it was in your talented hands before!

  17. what a beautiful place to keep such treasured keepsakes.. Love that you upcycled your kitty food box too! genius.
    thanks so much for your sweet comment on my blog. Im back from holidays and can't wait to see more gorgeous creations from you!

  18. Hello Ross,

    It's a beauty the box you have made! I like it.
    It's like magic when yiu can make such things.

    Greetings Jacqueline

  19. Hello Ross,

    It's a beauty the box you made. Like magic when you can make such things.

    Greetings Jacqueline

  20. What a fantastic Idea Ros... this is fabulous... TFS... hugs..xoxo

  21. What a wonderful idea and beautiful too!

  22. Well mrs Crawford you have been busy hee hee.... And as usual this is a breathtaking result, I love the idea of recycling and pretty up a box. I must confess that I took the easy way and bought a box at IKEA .....
    But your effort and eye for gorgeous details are really showing off. A handmade jewel!XXXXXXXXX


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