Friday, August 26, 2011

Winter berries Birds and Bargains

Hi there ...

There's an autumnal chill in the air today and I'm feeling like I have a cold coming on ... But I have a few photos to share with you ... I've been walking around my garden and this year there is an abundance of berries ... I know here in the UK it is said that many berries signify a harsh winter ... well we have had a lot of harsh winters but it is good to know that the birds have food a plenty at the moment ... even though the roses are still blooming ...

Dew covered this morning ... 
And here are some of the berries from the trees overhanging my garden ...

Hawthorne ... the branches bending under the weight ... but don't they look Christmassy

I don't know what these black ones are ... I thought they were sloe berries ... but they grow quite tall 

Fat juicy Elderberries ... one stem already stripped 

These are in my garden and not yet ripe ... they will be an abundance of bright orange ... "Firethorne" and aptly named

Again I don't know what these are called but they grow everywhere ... this is the first year I have noticed so many berries

And can you spot the little Hazelnut hiding here? 
And this little cutie comes a calling to my window ... asking for bread ...

Not fazed by the kitty ...

And grateful for his daily bread

And one final thing to share with you today ... I went to the Art shop where I get some bargains ... I guess many people start to craft and then for one reason or another either off load their stash or the things they no longer want ... to my benefit ... as this shop sells them at very reduced prices ... so here are just 2 of my bargains yesterday ...
Sizzix Movers and shapers 

I love my Sizzix Big shot ... And would you believe this cost me £8... ($13)? Yep pretty please with that!

One other thing I was toying with buying was a Xyron machine ... I'd seen it there each time I went and yesterday decided I would take it ... it may be useful when I do things for Thursday Club ... The sweet young man who runs the shop knows me quite well by now and he said he would reduced this if I wanted it because it had been there a while

Perfect ... all boxed and pristine ... the only thing it didn't have was the adhesive cartridge ... the laminating one was inside (I've ordered the adhesive cartridge on the web) ... Well I couldn't leave this behind ... not when he offered to let me have if for £5...($8)!! I know .... can you believe it?

So I would be interested to know if you have one of these and what you think about it ... there is a DVD with it but I am a novice where this is concerned ...

Well that's all for now ... I hope I didn't bore you ...

Have a lovely day

~ Ros ~


  1. It seems that you have a really beautiful garden!! TFS the pics!
    And congratulation on your bargains! You´ll have plenty of fun with these!
    Have a great weekend!

  2. Good Morning Ros~
    loved this post!
    the birds are going to have a buffet in your yard :D your roses are lovely too!
    great deals you latched on to there. I know what you're saying about people crafting and then change their mind. i go to a local thrift shop on Fridays and each time i can find anything from bags full of paints for $1 to tiny thread spools and rusty bells...
    it's a great place to shop.
    We're waiting for Hurricane Irene to show up (predicted Saturday evening for our area)...i'm going to be in my CALM place crafting by then...

  3. Such a lovely post Ros! TFS!

  4. Thank so much for sharing your photos. I am so jealous. We hit a record heat here the last two days, My plants are barely keeping up. I can't wait for fall weather. Looks like you picked up some pretty cool toys to play with.. Have fun!!!

    Hugs, Linda

  5. Oh Ros, I wish we had some of your berries and definitely the roses. My rose tree has one little rose on it and the tree is in a pot, the other roses are just suffering. Beautiful photo's. Lucky finds, too. I have that xyron and two more different sizes. I like all three, haven't used them in awhile. The magnet cartridge and laminating cartridge are my favorites. Have fun playing. Have a great evening.

  6. Love, Love, Love the photos... please do more!!! I hope that's not true about the berries because I see the bush in our front year is loaded.
    What bargains... you did well, my friend!

  7. Lindas flores... Bom..o gato deve ter ficado com muita vontade de sair...ainda mais com apetitosos passarinhos por ali...

  8. Lovely pictures of your yard. Gorgeous roses. Great deals! Love finding a good deal on my crafty supplies.

  9. Loved the stroll through your yard. Wonderful finds and great prices too for those items. I have a Xyron that I have just opened after sitting in the box for too many years. It did not have a DVD with it. But I will use this to add glitter to my cards at Christmas time. I love seeing cards with the winter scenes all glistening with glitter. Very pretty. Have fun!

  10. I wish my garden would look half as pretty as yours, so tough to keep a garden in the desert!
    new toy, oh yay!!!

  11. Lovely pictures, don't you think there's always something new to be discovered in the garden? And oh my, such good finds at bargain prices, enjoy your new purchases Ros!

  12. Your roses are gorgeous! Mine didn't do as well this year ... due to my neglect I'm sure. Do you get cedar waxwings to eat your berries?

    Congratulations on your terrific finds! I have a Xyron machine and have use it many times to make stickers for the kids and to laminate. They love to turn their own art into stickers ... I'm sure your friends will love it!

  13. Lovely photos....and YAY... you got a new toy to play...and me cant wait to see..what you up to... hugs...xoxo

  14. Yuo are never boring and I love to read your posts! The photos of your garden are gorgeous.One day I will join you on your garden tour :)
    It looks like a lovely space and I can see myself sitting and have a drink!
    The bird but above that that cute kitty...that picture made me smile... And your bargains? Isn't it wonderful to have a shop like that nearby! XXX


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