Monday, September 19, 2011

Jingle Belles and Catch up news ...

Hello sweet friends ...
It's seems ages since I've posted and yet I don't seem to have stopped for breath these past few days ... First off I am posting my 38th card for Jingle Belles ... 

I can't believe how fast these 38 weeks have gone! 28 years ago I was expecting my first and only child ... I was beyond thrilled to find out I was expecting him after 7 years ... I was due for surgery 2 days later and had no idea ... it was only because of my sweet psychic friend ... who also happens to be a nurse ... that I found out ... she did a test and bingo! I was 2 weeks pregnant ... Thank God I found out before I had surgery! The next 38 weeks were the longest 38 weeks of my life!! Now if Jingle Belles were up and running then ... and I had even heard about blogging ... well I'm sure the time would have gone soooo quickly ...

So this week we are asked to use something Digital on our cards ... Their Sponsor this week is Robyn's Fetish Digital Stamps  and you can even get a free digital stamp! (of course I forgot this when I was doing my card ??!!) .. so hop over to the JB blog for all the details ...
I used a variety of digital papers and stamps to create my card ... and background paper from PaperMania

I layered a few things and glittered some parts too

... and the sentiment is also digital ...

I mentioned in my last post about the Queen Mary 2 coming to Liverpool ... So
after a busy evening at Thursday club my husband and I went into the city to see the magnificent Liner... I hardly recognise my own city now ... so many new buildings and hotels ... we stopped at a boutique hotel where Marco Pierre White has a restaurant ... sat out and had coffee and watched the people strolling down to the waterfront  ... it was a fabulous turnout ... thousands came ... and the crowd were cheering and waving ... as were the passengers ... funny when you think that no one knew each other ... Here are a couple of pictures which I have had to lighten a bit ... they aren't marvellous but you can see the enormity of this liner 

Can you see all the people on the top deck? 

... and the firework display was magnificent ...

And here I am ... tired and windswept ... but enjoying the moment 
Saturday I did my sale at the church and some of my lovely friends came along too ... I'm not sure if I would do it again ... I had no idea just how competitive some of the table holders could be ... there was another lady selling cards ... nothing at all like mine ... but she was actually trying to stop people coming to my table! No ... I'd rather stay home next time ...
Yesterday I travelled to Lincoln to see my dear Aunt ... my uncle Terry has been in hospital this past week seriously ill ... we were hoping that he may recover enough to be allowed back to the home he has been in for the past 6 months ... and spend his last days amongst friends and with my Aunt by his side ... they absolutely adore each other ... having lost my own father a long time ago, Terry has been like a father to me ... my Aunt and Uncle lost both their beautiful daughters tragically within 2 weeks of each other just after my son was born ... so you can imagine how close we are ... 

Well ... I will be back tomorrow with the CCCB challenge 
 Till then enjoy the rest of your day and thanks so much for stopping by

~ Ros ~


  1. Your Christmas card is beautiful, Ros! 38 weeks, wow, you have gotten a lot made. Your pictures of the liner are of course fabulous. So sorry you had such a bad experience at the church sale. You would think that if it was for church, people would not act that way. I used to do shows and it was so very competitive. I just ignored it most of the time, but people can be so unkind! I hope you had a lovely visit with your aunt and that your day has been a good one! Cheers for tomorrow!

  2. your card is lovely and the picture of the ship brought back memories of my cruise. Best vacation I ever had//////

  3. Nossa Ros..sinto muito pelas tristezas com familiares...a vida tem sentidos difícieis de entender as vezes... Ros querida, adorei seu cartão Natalino e seu texto comparando com suas 38 semanas de mais demoradas e esperadas... Que fotos lindas do navio!!! Beijos amiga!!

  4. This is such a wonderful post.There is a personal sotry about your son, who you are (an amazing mother and woman..) and how much your aunt and uncle mean to you. Heartwarming and I love to read it. Thank you sweetie for a little peek into your world...
    That boat is amazing; I am so glad you had a great time and enjoyed yourself.

    And your card; you always nail the Jingle Bells challenges. And I love love love to look at them!!!
    Have a lovely evening!

  5. Hi Ros,
    What a beautiful card and excursion to the magnificent vessel!

    I am very sorry to hear about your uncle and I know this must be a hard time for you and your family.

    I have a little surprise on my Girls' Club blog if you have a chance to take a look. xo Cindy

  6. What a beautiful card. I think I am going to be in big trouble this year.. I have only made 1 Christmas card.. I wished I would have been playing along with you guys. Your photos of the Queen Mary II look wonderful. How fun!!

    Hugs, Linda

  7. Gorgeous card .... Ros...lovely photos too... and sorry to hear about your Uncle Terry...hopefully he will be allowed to go home and spend with his family and love ones...


  8. holy moly that is a BIIIIG SHIP!!!! :) :) :) (& YES this year has RACED past w/unbelievable speed!!!)

    and HOLY MOLY what a gorgeous card! i love♥LOVE♥love the way you can work in any medium, using any theme, any group of products, new or vintage or DIGI... and still come out with your own amazingly lovely "ros style" that i adore so much. this is GORGEOUS, missus, a true showstopper!!! ♥

    ps: i am thinking about uncle terry and wishing him well enough to get HOME with his true love!!!!!!!! ♥

  9. Your post really touched my heart Ros... Makes us realize once again how important family is! Really hope that your uncle Terry is allowed some quality time with the ones he loves best... Your Christmas card is nicely layered and really elegant. BTW, the Queen Mary looks quite impressive, even more so standing up so close as you are (nice picture of you!).

  10. Your card spooked me at the start because I first thought that branch was a bony hand... but once that was resolved I came to appreciate it :-)

  11. Love those pretty little ornaments and lovely lacy trim ... so glad you joined our jingle belles fun.

  12. Lovely holiday card, I thought I had my christmas 2011 all planned up but today my aunt "took" almost half of my jingle belles creation, oh well, she like it so much so I feel good giving it all to her, guess I have to do double cards each week from now on....
    Lovely pictures you shared too, and sorry to hear about "that lady" next to you, whew....
    And sorry to hear about your uncle Terry....
    last but not least, I received the lovely charm today, THANK YOU so much!!!!
    ok, gotta run, getting my blog ready as I am leaving for grand canyon again early tomorrow morning!

  13. Another JB beauty! Thanks for sharing the pics of the Queen Mary. What a dream it would be to sail on her :)


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