Thursday, September 15, 2011

Heart tags and some CAS

Good morning to you ...
I hope you are well?
It's a bright sunny morning here with a touch of crispness in the air ... I love a sunny autumn day ... when the leaves are turning to gold ... I'm hoping that it stays dry ... you may remember I went to see the QE2 last  Thursday evening ... well this evening after club ... weather permitting ... I will be off to see the Queen Mary 2 which is docking here in Liverpool today ... we have such a wonderful water front here and I'm told that the Americans in particular love it ... partly because you can walk right into the heart of the city as soon as the ship docks and the renovation to the area is spectacular ... If any of you care to try it I would love to meet you!
So ... I have a few tags and some CAS cards to share today ... my box of goodies for the church sale this Saturday is growing ... 

I know these would be perfect for the "I Heart You" challenge at CCCB this week and so simple to create ... They will be packaged in little glassine treat bags ... I did some with the hearts positive cut from book pages ...

... and then used the negatives ... with scraps of pretty papers behind

It's a great way to use up scraps and create something pretty 

And a few CAS cards using PTI dies and stamps for the Zebra and a leaves stamp I've had forever so not sure where it is from

I love my SB dies ... but often forget that they can be used in a variety of ways ... and I love the embossed look ... don't know why I don't do it more often ...

My only problem is knowing what prices to put on my goods ... I'm totally useless at that kind of thing ... 
It embarrasses me to ask for money ... So I've enlisted the help of my sweet SIL and hope that we'll get through it ...

Oh! I've just heard a young American guy (from Boston) on the radio ... he is a singer on the Queen Mary 2 and he is marrying a dancer also working on the ship (she's from Liverpool) here today when the ship docks!!! How wonderful is that ... he just sent love to his Mom and Dad in the States ... Awwww!!

Till soon sweet friends ... be safe

~ Ros ~


  1. Que lindas tags, e quantas voce fez!!!!Sorry estar tanto tempo fora sem escrever...Estou entrando muito pouco na internet... Bom dia querida amiga!

  2. Oh, I love your tags!!! They are beautiful!!! and how exciting about the wedding~how special!!


  3. Oh, how pretty this bunch of tags is!!! A perfect example for using up scraps ... fabulous! But where did you get those small glassine bags from? I´ve never seen them in such a small size.
    And I like your "wild" cards :-) ... elegant African!

  4. Beautiful tags and tags, Ros! Love how your box is growing. I look forward to hearing about your visit to see the Queen Mary 2. Take pictures! Have a wonderful day.

  5. You have outdone yourself Ros! LOVE those pretty little tags and those zebra cards are pretty much the cutest ever!!

  6. You are such a prolific crafter Ros, look at this beautiful series of tags! Very sweet... And your zebra cards, too, great matching quote! Hope you can raise a lot of money! Good luck!!

  7. Your tags are gorgeous.. I just love them. and those cards are too cute my friend.. I hope the weather stays nice for you.. That sounds like a fun evening..

    Hugs, Linda

  8. These are both wonderful! I hope you do well at your sale! The downtown visit to the Queen Mary sounds like fun!

  9. love the tags and the cards ...perfect CAS... hugs...xoxo

  10. oh I ♥ ;-) those tags you made! The little bags they are cased in are so perfect with the shabby chic look! Those zebras are too cute! Fun sentiment too!

  11. How clever... what a great way to make twice as many tags and use up your scraps at the same time. These are all so pretty.

  12. beautiful labels, love the ones with the hearts.

  13. You will be sold out before you know it. Your tags are so beautiful. I love your use of eharts and the cards with the zebra......
    I know for sure you will raise a lot of money. Have fun tomorrow and for now...a wonderful evening...

  14. Oooohhhhh!!!!! LOVE these wonderful tags so much Ros!!!

  15. Such pretty little tags Ros and lovin' the Zebra! Lovely CAS design!

  16. Hi Ros. Your little heart tags are just gorgeous, they look totally edible. I am so envious of your ease of access to the Liverpool docks. Reading this brings back so many memories. Not blogging myself, but keeping in touch.
    Best wishes
    Sue Allan xxx

  17. These are all fabulous! I love the tags!

  18. So sweet and pretty, I love those pretty tags!
    Have fun with Queen Mary 2, I once saw her at the Hudson, it was GREAT!!!!

  19. Hi Ros,
    Thanks so much for coming to visit!!!


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