Saturday, October 08, 2011

Jingle Belles ... Pink Christmas

Hello there ...

Have you seen this weeks challenge at Jingle Belles Rock? This month is breast cancer awareness month so in honour of that we are asked to make a pink Christmas card ... and those lovely Belles Lauren and Stef are going to donate a dollar for each entry this week to Susan G Komen For The Cure ... how wonderful is that!! My sweet Aunt had a double mastectomy at the age of 80 ... 4 years on she is thankfully doing well ... 
So I wasted no time in coming up with my card this week ...

picked up this leaf ribbon sometime ago ... it has a thread running through it and pulled into a flower I think it looks like a poinsettia ... what do you think?

... even sugared up some bells for the occasion ...

I now have 41 cards done for Christmas ... Phew! How about you ... have you made a start yet? 

Have a wonderful weekend and thanks ever so much for stopping by 

~ Ros ~


  1. Such an elegant card Ros, love those beautiful leaves, they make such a fine embellishment. Have a great weekend, hugs, Ira

  2. Gorgeous card Ros! So pretty in pink! Love the white leaves!

  3. I have 2... I think I'm in trouble..

    This is a gorgeous card.. Your nailed it my friend..

    Hugs, Linda

  4. Beautiful Christmas card, Ros! Love that it is going for a good cause. So sorry it is rainy and cold there. it is cloudy and overcast here, but still warm. Have a wonderful weekend indoors.

  5. That is a beautiful pink christmas card, I did mine last night and will post it later this evening, how could i miss a pink christmas card and the best part is for a good cause.
    Talking about Christmas card, my aunt "took" almost half of what I've done, I don't even want to count how many I have now!

  6. What a gorgeous card for such a wonderful cause..

  7. Sugared jingle belles ... how cool are those ... and your ribbony flower is fantastic ... so glad you "went pink" with us at jingle belles.

  8. gooooooooood golly, miss ros!!! i know i say it every week, but i think *THIS* is my very verrrrry all-time favorite of your lovely and amazing cards! this is stunning! i can tell you were especially inspired this week and i am soooo pleased you came along to help us raise money and pay tribute to all of the amazing survivors like your auntie!!! xoxoxoxlauren

  9. What a beautiful card!!! You sure made a great pink Christmas card!

  10. Beautiful and I love the pull ribbon, your poinsettia looks

  11. So soft and pretty! Lovely paper and gorgeous flower.

  12. LOVE that ribbon! And it's a perfect flower!

  13. YOu really WOW me with this card Ros... I love it... its beautiful!!! you rocked it again my friend... hugs..xoxo

  14. Just so pretty, simply beautiful. I do like the leaf ribbon and making it into a flower too - fab. I do like the jingle bells too!

  15. This is just beautiful Ross - so much attention to details!!

  16. the sugared bells are the perfect touch!

  17. Oh, Ros, this is absolutely breathtaking! Those white leaves are beautiful, as well as your ribbon, sugared bells, and snowflake :)

  18. I love that leaf ribbon. It makes a wonderful flower. And speaking of wonderful - that says it about your card!

  19. This card is really beautiful! I agree with you about that flower looking like a poinsettia! :)


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